2.27 ↣ The Aftertaste [the end]

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[an: this is going to have three pov changes just because...

P.S. This is gonna be the final chapter because I really wanted to finish Just One Summer this year. I am so happy for the amount of reads, votes and lovely support you guys have poured into this. I am happy you guys have enjoyed it as much as I did. 

More dylena fanfics to come soon. Thank you! :) & Happy Early 2016! 

+ s e l e n a

"Can't you tell me what really happened in the golden state of mind?" David, my neighbor, snooped for some details. "Aren't you going to show me any pictures?"

I squinted my eyes when I looked at him. "NO! You're annoying, did you know that?"

He laughed and crossed his arms. "Yeah, I may have known that... That's probably why you'll never give me your sweet yes."

I've lived here for two years and he never let go of his crush at me. I always reminded him of how I wasn't ready to actually start of a new relationship. Or was it probably because I wasn't that interested in him? I always had one person on my mind, but that person and I are on the line for destiny to play a part.

"Look, I'd love to have at least one date with you, but you have to get on your own date. Marie is waiting for you and I have to roam around New York. I've been gone for too long." I mentioned while I pushed him out the door with me behind locking it shut.

David didn't let me go until I hugged him tight then went our opposite ways. I really prayed for the angels to make sure that David finds his soulmate, I've hated dragging him along.

I reached the bottom level and watched closely to see if anyone was watched me come out of my apartment. Some 'fans', but more of paparazzi's always followed me around. To my luck, there was none.

My cellphone rang when I stood outside of the nearby Starbucks. "Hello?" I entered blowing out a hot breath on my cold fingers.

"SEL! You can't believe it! I might open a new branch of the wedding shop there in New York!" Taylor shouted through the phone.

I gasped and fell the sixth person in line. "Oh my god, Tay! That's great, when are you planning on coming? My home is always open for you to crawl into."

"I will keep in touch more so than I have ever been before! Wait, I have to call you back, the wedding singer is bugging me with messages and phone calls." I could here her almost smiling right now.

"He has a name, you know." I stepped forward seeing the line actually moving.

Taylor snickered. "Yeah, but I kept his nickname. Anyways, I'll catch up with you later. Love you, bye."

"Love you too!" I hung up the phone and tucked it inside my pocket.

When I finally reached the cashier, I ordered a grande hot chocolate. I needed it to be outside in this cold weather. Once I got it, I exited the Starbucks and attempted to be warm with my hot chocolate.

It was rarely like this, left alone with myself with no work. I was walking through the streets without any interruptions... It was weird and I finally felt normal.

"Oh my god! Aren't you Selena?" A fairly jet black haired girl approached me.

Ah... This day wasn't that empty. I nodded and smiled widely. "Yes."

"You're freaking beautiful. I want to tell you how perfect you are! Your boyfriend and you are literally ship goals." She commented bouncing up and down.

"Thank you, but boyfriend? Who? Did I miss something?" I asked her with a confused face.

She flashed me the same expression as well. "Yeah, Dylan?"

just one summer | dylena [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now