1.16 ↣ Never Say I Love You

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❀ Dylan ❀

I was walking through the pent house when I saw Taylor and Sammy crazily waving their arms to catch my attention. Obviously they caught my attention because who wouldn't notice two crazy girls?

"You look horrible today." Sammy commented at the lazy day outfit I had. I just wore sweats and a hoodie, so what? You couldn't really blame my fashion sense.

I saw Selena who was wearing sweats and a tank top. "Look, Selena is literally wearing the same thing as I am." I pointed at my outfit and back to Selena. She looked busy today and from last night she might not even talk to me as much since all her plans of getting me with a girl has been over.

Sammy waved her hand in front of me. "Awh you guys are soul mates. Yay! She wouldn't tell us about what happened last night."

"I told you... We just had a disagreement and then slept together--"

"You slept with Selena? You've got to be joking. Did you guys use protection?" Taylor interrupted me in a enormous voice making half of the people around us give us a look.

I just smiled at them to indicate that Taylor was just joking around. I looked at Taylor who was breathing in and out rapidly. "We didn't sleepy together yet, we just sat down together."

"You said yet. That means your planning on doing it with our Selena?" Taylor asked suspiciously.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know. The 'yet' was just something I am used to saying." It was true and I wouldn't think Selena would even say yes to me if I even told her about this whole chaos.

"Ok, I'll accept that answer for right now but this will come again." Taylor surrendered as we all decided to head to the food area next to the boardwalk. Birds were flying everywhere but it was a windy day. That's why I wore my sweats!

The three of us sat near the Five Guys section where Bridgit was working in right now. I laughed since she wore a funny hat that didn't really suit her well. Taylor and Sammy sat in front of me so they could just stare at me evilly.

"Selena is Selena." Sammy worded out slowly for me.

"Well obviously... It's not like she's Britt." I laughed while Taylor and Sammy just had a straight face.

"Selena likes roses, teddy bears, hoodies and just wonderful moments. Let me just include her love for pickles." Sammy informed me. I did notice how much she begged for pickles on her hamburger or just literally anything.

I nodded. "Is that all?"

They shook their head. "Selena doesn't believe in love after what happened with Justin."

Then there it was. The sentence that I knew would end me all, but I knew that Selena informed me about this whole story. "What about all the feelings she does towards me? She has no single clue?"

"Let me be clear, If you tell Selena you love her... She will run away." Sammy tapped the table with one finger with each word that came out of her mouth.

I didn't love Selena yet. It was just a like, it takes me years to fall in love with someone or even tell someone I love them. Tyler even calls me grumpy pants cause people have been pissed off that I don't tell them that I love them. "So let me get it clear... When the time comes when I tell Selena that I might love her... Then she'll go away?"

Taylor nodded. "It will take her some time, but most likely she will run away."

"And she always makes sure that when that moment comes, she'll run away from everyone." Sammy added. That means that if I told her I loved her, it would mean that she would run away. "And if you're thinking that Selena's mom will not do anything about it for someone just saying 'I love you' then you're wrong because her parents know the feelings that she has to go through."

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