2.18 | Who & What Is a Dylena?

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{Important: Just One Summer is placed for #792 in Fanfiction. OMG. My first time being placed ever. THANK YOU. Thank you guys so much for helping me reach it to this place, I really love all the support and writing dylena stories so much. THANK YOU THANKKKK YOU. Shoutout to Asma  and people who have given me ideas! Enjoy reading!}

| Selena |

Dylan stood over me as he kept quiet looking at the sea.

I immediately hugged his legs. It was all skinny and toned, that could explain that he's been either working out or playing baseball non-stop from high school. I felt him stare at me and move his foot for a moment. I stayed hugging his legs while I closed my eyes. I heard a chuckle come out of his mouth. “I didn’t think you missed me this much.”

I squeezed his legs tight. “It seems like you don’t know me anymore Dylan O’Brien.”

“Then I should get to know you again.” I could almost hear a grin appear on his face after he said that.

A smile started to creep on my face because Dylan was just being his old self. I stayed like that for a few more moments. “And by that I mean to actually let go off my leg, it’s sort of getting numb.”

I quickly let go because I would hate for him to get the feel of pins and needles pinching him. “Sorry.” I mumbled before quickly getting up and dusting off the sand that might have attached in my bottom. I instantly wrapped my arms on his torso. “Thank you. Thank you so much for coming here. I thought I was about to be alone for the whole weekend.”

He gave a light kiss on my head, but it rather felt like just let his chin hit my head. “Well, I wanted to surprise you and I kind of had the feeling that you must’ve felt alone with Taylor and Sammy being busy.”

I just leaned on his chest and sighed. “See you do know me.”

“We’re definitely on a good start.” He chuckled before I let go of my grip on him. “So should we do something?”

It was strange to think that Dylan and I are at the very same place as we were just a few years ago. It was just like it was yesterday. I just hope that this summer turns out to better than the last one. "How about we go roam around?"

He raised one eyebrow at me looking confused. “You wanna roam around this place?”

“Oh come on! It’s nice to visit old places where you can reminisce your most favorite memories,” My eyes met his. “Even if it wasn’t even meant to go that way.”

That statement was true when it came to remembering all the things that happened here. I would think it was a special place for me since it’s when I realized my real feelings for Dylan. I didn’t know what he had felt when he was here spending time with me. It must have been the same for him too, but I never knew after I initially broke his heart at the baseball field.

Dylan’s flashed me warm smile with dimples curving in his cheek. “But we can always make new favorite memories right?”

I nodded while he started to walk away from me. “Hey, don’t forget about me!” I caught up to him and he quickly wrapped his arm on shoulders. I took my hands out of my jacket pockets and hooked my arm onto his waist.

We walked through a crowd of people and I couldn’t lie if I said that most of them were from our graduating class. “Don’t look so nervous,” I looked at him not understanding what he was talking about. “I should be the one nervous standing next to a celebrity.”

“Oh stop, I was actually forgetting that I am living in a life full of people following me around. Can’t I just have privacy and alone time with,” you, “myself?” Of course I couldn’t tell him that.

“As your publicist--” He started, but I started to laugh.

“Since when were you my publicist again? I thought you were just my fake boyfriend.” I pointed out knowing that I was informed that I would get different opinions on my boyfriend. I mean fake boyfriend.

Dylan shook my shoulder with his hand. “Okay, you gotta promise me something while we’re here for the next few weeks.” I didn’t talk allowing him to continue to what he was gonna tell me. “You have to act like the real Selena. Nothing on… Oh it’ll give me a bad image. The true you.”

“I accept!” I smiled at him.

He gave me a kiss on my forehead while looked at all the surrounding that we were walking through. I noticed that we were getting close to the food area. It hadn’t change from the last time we came here. They just added a few more food stands, chairs and added a few buildings next to the little pent houses. It did change after all, who was I even kidding?

Dylan and I decided grab something to eat before walking a few more places. He insisted on buying a few hamburgers with extra pickles for me as he knew it already. I was seated where Dylan could spot me without looking too hard.

To take my thoughts away from people watching me be alone, I took out my phone. My finger tapped on the blue app with the white bird at an instant so the social media doesn’t worry where I was. Tracey and Cindy, the trouble twins, always told me to at least update my fans about what was going on my life. It would be a bad image to out date myself from what was going on with the world.

I swiped to the left to see my name as one of the trending topics on Twitter. Oh no! Tracey and Cindy must be getting a lot of news right now about me. I clicked on my name not knowing what I was about to get into. I then saw photos of Dylan and I from yesterday.

I looked at the comments of people.




dylena or die!

Swerve if you won’t talk to me about Dylena.

Who’s on board in this dylena ship? :)



I laughed probably looking stupid as ever. I was about to look at somewhere when until Dylan sat right in front of me. “Hey there, why looking so happy?”

I just looked at him with the biggest smile on my face. “Apparently, Dylena was real ever since high school.”

“Who and what is a Dylena?” Dylan asked with the most shocking face I’ve ever seen.

I swiped my phone and showed him the tweets about us. “Dylan plus Selena equals Dylena.” I explained to him still looking lost.

“Dylena. Hmm… Wait, Dylan and Selena together!” He exclaimed grinning like he just got a huge award.

I giggled. “Yeah. Let’s see what they’ve been talking about us.”

“No… Selena, we should eat and then stalk later.” Dylan pointed out while I slowly tucked my phone back in jacket pocket.

I started to eat my pickles from my hamburger before Dylan started chuckling. I looked at him trying to figure out the cause of his laughter. “I like that.”

“Like what?”

He smiled widely showing his dimples once again. “Dylena, it’s a cute name and I totally ship it.”

“I do too.” By this time we were both grinning at each other. Others might have looked at us as if we were two people falling in love or better… In love with each other. :)

| an: More than 8-10 votes for this chapter for me to update as soon as I can! I extremely love this series and I have so many plans for it. Vote, comment and luv me cause you guys are super awesome! :) |

just one summer | dylena [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now