1.15 ↣ I Like You...

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|| An: Thanks Christina and Karina for helping me out. :) ENJOY! ||

❀ Dylan ❀

"I think you should ask out Britt."

I looked up from my phone to give Selena a weird look of hurt with a mix of confusion. It wasn't because I liked her, but a sudden suggestion of her telling me to date Britt was random. Random because of all the things that have been going on about love, she always wanted to bring the name of Britt back. Britt is all nice, but she's no Selena.

"What makes you say that?" I asked bring my phone back in my pocket to bring all my attention just to Selena right now.

She shrugged her shoulders, "Nothing really... I just wanted you to know that Britt went to me and asked me personally tell you that she wants to be with you."

There was something about her tone that was unusual. It was had a hint of jealously and honesty. It wasn't like her normal voice where she's really happy and just normal. "How come your mentioning it now instead of earlier?"

"Remember Dylan, this is all fake. We are fake." She whispered like she didn't mean it. I know isn't meaning what she's saying.

"What if I don't like her anymore?" I blurted immediately.

She shook her head, "You have to like her back Dylan."

I furrowed my eyesbrows, "Why? Why do I need to like her back?"

"I have to stay in the rules of life... You liked Britt ever since and Britt likes you. I can't deal with not making you guys get together. It would be so much better if you could just date her." Selena kept a straight face like it didn't matter what I wanted to say. I knew I couldn't say something stupid like say I liked her cause I don't know what I feel.

"That's not true! What if Britt and I break up then there was no use of us getting together then?" I questioned making her think for a moment.

Selena took a deep breath, "Then that would be both of your loss."

I thought about what she could have been thinking. I don't even know why she would end up saying Britt's out of nowhere. Maybe she was afraid of having a boyfriend and then ding.... "Is this because of what happened between Justin and you before?"

"Don't bring that up! How dare you bring him up?" Selena's voiced cracked giving me an idea she was about for cry.

"What are you gonna do if someone actually likes you?" I watched her face turn red and swollen as if she was about to burst into rivers of tears. It wasn't right for me to create an emotional topic, but what if someone likes her? What is she gonna do?

She pressed her sleeves towards her face. "I don't know what to do. I'm just so young."

"No one's too young to love... See, look at your mom."

"And got a divorce? I call that tough love." A giggled passed through her lips. It was a real giggle instead of the obvious monotone fake ones.

I waited for a moment. "Now thats a different story." I was counting the people that passed us by. I noticed it started to decrease ever since it got to 1 am. Yes, it was unfortunately almost two.

Selena had her head down like it was earlier when we were eating dinner. Her head bopped up again, "Are you at least thinking about dating Britt?"

"DUDE! No! I thought we were literally done with this topic." I practically almost yelled at her but I just my voice in a clam tone.

"Why? Why? Why would we be done with this topic? Is it because you like boys? What is going on?" Selena rushed through all the questions that were just became so irritating.

just one summer | dylena [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now