2.17 | I'm Not Alone, I'm With You.

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| Selena |

A buzz interrupted my sleep. I squinted my eyes to search for my phone. I woke up to see basically thirty messages from Dylan. He’s killing me-- I couldn’t even get sleep last night after our “date” yesterday. I wouldn’t even try thanking him for keeping me up past my beauty sleep.

I decided to call him just so I didn’t have to spend my morning typing hundreds of emojis in my phone.

“Hello Mr. O’Brien.” I greeted him in a groggy morning voice.

I heard a chuckle from the other line. “You sound really ugly right now.”

I put him on speaker just so I could do a morning stretch. “It wasn’t my fault to stroll the whole city.”

“Well, I wanted you to experience a night in California.” He explained with a childish voice feeling sorry for what he did.

I hopped out of the bed and stood up to stretch. “Dylan, you do know what I grew up here right?”

“Oh… Right. I forgot.”

“Are you going to the resort today?” I mentioned when I actually knew what the answer was.

I could just see his face right now thinking I had amnesia or something. “Uh, no. I can’t be there since they need me at work."

“Busy busy boy.” I chirped before I saw my door open wide. “Hey, I gotta go cause we’ll be out the door in a few.” I said before hanging up.

It made me upset that Dylan wasn’t gonna come with us. I saw Sammy with her yoga pants and a hoodie on. It wasn’t even that cold in here. “Good morning Miss I’m Falling For My Fake Boyfriend.”

My eyes went wide eyed when Sammy greeted me by that statement. “What do you mean by that?”

“Okay Selena. Let me teach you something.” She sat down on the edge of my bed pulling me down to sit next to her. “First of all, I knew this was gonna happen. I wanted you and Dylan to get back together because it was a stupid reason as to why you guys actually broke up. Also,” Sammy took out her phone to flash me pictures of yesterday’s events. “Were you crying?”

I read the headline. Selena Gomez New Handsome Boyfriend Cheating On Her Already!? - Pictures of them together having an argument, but sharing a kiss seconds after. The couple was seen at night walking through with smiles on their faces. Did he actually cheat on her?

“Oh my god. Why?” I laughed. Wow, the pictures did look as if we were having a steamy argument.

Sammy cleared her throat catching my attention. “Is this true? Did he cheat on you? What was this argument about?”

“What are you talking about? Clearly we were talking about our feeling---”

“I knew it!” She interrupted me. “You guys do like each other.”

I shook my head. “Wait, Sammy! Don’t jump to conclusions!”

She got up from my bed and stood tall. “HA! I can’t wait to plan your wedding and all.”

I laughed at how ridiculous she sounded. “Okay first of all, there is no wedding and we live separate lives… I’m always busy and he’s busy with work right now.” I started to walk out of my room and follow the scent of food. I saw Taylor cooking a few things while Sammy was muttering things behind me.

I looked back at her when I got seated in the high stool chair. Sammy sighed, “Way to kill my mood.”

Before I could say anything, Taylor served us with yummy filled plates. She knew that once we started to argue in front of her, we’ll have to get a lecture and we wouldn’t want that. “Eat up cause we got a two hour long drive!” Taylor clapped her hands together before getting herself a plate full of food.

The time quickly went by causing the three of us to rush outside. We got our suitcases and headed out to the parking lot packing all the things we might have needed in the adventure. Sammy and Taylor sat in the front while I got comfy in the backseat. No one was complaining right? Everything was actually going smoothly today.

When we started to hit the highway, Taylor and Sammy started to talk about the wedding arrangements that were supposed to be set up. I didn’t exactly know whose wedding we were going to so that made me a bit nervous considering the fact that I would be the only stranger. I mean everyone of our friends were invited, but I’ve been far away from them.

To preoccupy myself, I decided to at least look at my schedule and clarify what was going on around me. For two weeks, we would all be staying at the resort because of the whole wedding fiasco. The week after that it would be filled for at least three photoshoots and interviews. I bit my lip not knowing what I would say in the interviews, but I would need to meet up with my PR crew. OH WAIT, my fake boyfriend is actually my PR team. How terrific is that?

I really needed help right now and I couldn’t even ask my friends. I tapped my thumb on the screen of my phone, but all of a sudden it buzzed.

From: Dylan - Hey Chubby Chub Chubs! How’s it going? :)

I laughed at that nickname. I just remembered it.

To: Dylan - Yummy Yum Yums! I can’t believe you actually remembered that! I’m actually caught up in a dilemma.

I didn’t have to wait until I got back a reply from him.

From: Dylan - Yums to the rescue! What’s going on?

To: Dylan - I’ll be alone for two days until you get here.

From: Dylan - Don’t you have Taylor and Sammy?

To: Dylan - They’re really busy people so I don’t want to distract them.

“We’re here!” Sammy exclaimed making me look up at the very familiar place.

Just like how it was when we went here that one summer before our senior year. Sammy parked the car in front of the beach while I shoved my phone in my pocket. We got out of the car quickly and took a moment to realize that we haven’t gone here in forever.

“Selena, Sammy and I are gonna check in. Do you wanna come with us?” Taylor asked getting a few papers out of her purse.

I smiled and shook my head. “Uh, I think I’ll be okay heading to the beach. Thanks though.” I headed separate ways from them before I started to go towards the sandy beach. I took a deep breath reminiscing through old times in this place.

I scooted towards the edge of where the water just met the sand slightly. I sat down and looked at my surroundings. “Just like it was years ago.”  I closed my eyes tightly hearing the waves just crash into each other.

I wouldn’t get affected if Sammy and Taylor were busy with work, as long as I was here alone taking the moment to myself. I really missed Dylan’s company though since he always sat next to me when I decided to be alone by myself like the summer years ago.

My pocket felt a tingle catching my attention. It was a message from him. I never got a reply back from him making me frown. I opened his message to see a photo.

It was in the beach with just a girl sitting down--- oh wait this was me. I looked at the message below it.

From: Dylan - The view is just perfect.

I glanced back hoping he was actually here and I was right… There he stood with his lazy clothes as well walking right up to me. “Hi.” He greeted once he was standing close enough to me.

I smiled with a wide grin. “Hi.” Maybe I wasn’t gonna be alone as I expected to be… :)

{an: hi everyone! thanks for reading this chapter! I hope you guys liked it. I hate to do this, but at least 7 votes for this chapter and comments for me to update the next chapter. I LUV U GUYS! Thanks for all the votes cause you guys are amazing!}

just one summer | dylena [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now