2.10 | Get To Know Me... Again

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❀ Selena ❀

I drove to address that was scribbly written down by Dylan. It was a familiar address since Taylor and I used to visit her Dad over the summer at work.

"Free parking, yas." I cheered and took the ticket. I parked my car at the closest door.

When I walked in, it changed a lot. The new chairs were placed outside for people to wait patiently. There was at least three receptionist at the front desk. I headed back to the elevators and waited. The ding made me easily go inside and press on the 16th floor.

I looked at the reflection from the elevator walls. I messed up my hair a bit to add a little more volume to my curls today. I didn't go straight cause that was quite normal for me, I needed to change for the better.

The light lit up to the 16th number and I exited the elevator. I saw another receptionist just outside talking to a familiar looking man.

I gasped. "Mr. Swift!" I yelled catching his attention.

He jumped and looked pretty surprised. "Selena!" He walked towards me and gave me a quick hug. "What are you doing here?"

I smiled. "I, Mr. Swift am in need for a publicist!"

"I see! Dylan just presented me your client information and who he's working with. I was so surprised when I found out it was you. I'm so proud of you." Mr. Swift said with his American Dad smile.

"Thanks, but may I ask where Dylan is at?" I asked with a hushed tone.

He gestured me to the big glass door showing all the cubicles and desk. "Follow me."

I followed him and greeted with a lot of people looking astonished at me. I'm not that famous am I? Literally everyone's jaws just dropped. I placed a smirk on my face and continued to walk.

My eyes went instantly towards Dylan. He was rolling around on his chair and looked up at the ceiling. Probably bored because of how late I was, I was doing my hair okay and it was not because of the fact that I was seeing Dylan. Mr. Swift opened the door for me while I waltzed in. Dylan still didn't realize we were waiting for him to stop spinning.

I fake coughed to get his attention. Still no attention. I fake coughed again loudly. "Mr. O'Brien!"

Dylan suddenly stopped and stood up. He looked at me and touched his temples. "Stood up too fast." He sat back down again to balance himself.

"I'll catch up with you two later." Mr. Swift mentioned before leaving both of us alone.

I stood awkwardly not wanting to take a step until he told me if I could come in. I wasn't at all ready to open up to Dylan for now. He looked up and I just pursed my lips together.

"Hi." I greeted.

He gave a small smile. "Hi, sorry that was really bad. You can sit down if you want to." He gestured for me to sit down at the seats before the desk. I waddled and sat down slowly in front of him. "So today is just the basics, how I can contact you and any social media."

"So basically you'll be in charge of what I put out in the world?" I asked with a mental note cause having my ex boyfriend as a person who checks up on me all the time is different.

Dylan nodded. "Yeah and I need to contact your agent or manager for more details, but for now we're gonna do a little interview."

I squinted my eyes and gave a slight frown. "I hate interviews."

He chuckled. "Well, now you gotta do a lot of interviews since LA has been in real demand with you."

"Really?" I asked. "I never knew that."

He took out his laptop and set his fingers on the keyboard. "Okay... First question, to what extent can an interview go to?"

"What do you mean?" I looked at him with a puzzled face. 

He folded his arms in front of me. "Like questions about your family, interest, hobbies, crushes..." He paused for a moment and just looked at me. "And most of all relationships." 


He gave me a straight face. "Yes, relationships." 

I laughed nervously because I didn't want to talk about relationships, not even in front of Dylan. "I don't like talking about relationships." 

"So no relationship questions then?' He typed a few words into his laptop. 

I shook my head. "Nope." 

I didn't even think about love right now because I was in the moment of my life where I'm obsessed with my career. I made sure that my heart doesn't break nor I break anyone's heart. It was sad enough that I had to break Dylan's heart, but that was because of Britt which doesn't even matter anymore since she's getting married to another guy. It still hurts thinking about what could've happened if I didn't stop dating Dylan.... We would be happy, but he would have been living under a rock. 

There were finger snaps in front of me trying to get my attention. "Selena... Are you there?" 

I blinked rapidly realizing that I wasn't listen to whatever Dylan was saying. "Yeah, what was that again?"

He turned his laptop and showed me the Seventeen magazine website. "Seventeen magazine wants to have an exclusive interview with you in a few weeks. I need to have all of your schedules before that because Seventeen magazine wants to go all out on you. We need to get you all prepped up." 

I cleared my throat. "Excuse me, I'm always prepped up." 

"No, I mean... All prepped up with a lot of eyes on you." He stated. 

I looked at him. "What does that mean?" 

"That means that I need you to get it known that you're here in LA living the life." He spread his arms like a rainbow wave. "That might mean that you need to date someone." 

"Me?" I pointed to myself shockingly. "Dating someone?" 

He nodded. "Yes, you dating someone." 

"Me? Dating someone?" I asked him again. 

He nodded. "That's not hard is it?" 

I shook my head standing up straight in front of him causing him to jump back. "I got this, Dylan. I totally have this going on and because of that I'm going to find him right now." 

Dylan just gave me a big smile with a thumbs up. "Yeah, just call me when you get him." 

I went out of his sight and ran immedaitely to the elevator.  I waited until the elevator to close. I screamed. "WHERE AM I GONNA FIND A BOYFRIEND!?" 

{an: omgggg who is gonna be her boyfriend? hiiii and sorry for the late updates. school has got me going crazy and i hope you liked this!} 

just one summer | dylena [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now