2.7 | The Most Beautiful Bride

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❀ Selena ❀


I instantly opened my eyes wide awake to see the stewardess go sprinting to the front of the aisle. I slid the window lid up to see just the land of California beneath me. "Hello passengers. It is about 2:39 and we're about five minutes away from landing to LAX. Fasten your seatbelts and put your windows up to have a lovely view of the sunny day in California. Thank you for using Virgin America and have a great day." 

I watched the palm trees and houses from below. I always loved the thought of coming back to California just because I missed the beaches and palm trees. The people from NY are really different from the people in LA. It was obvious to know who was from who from the way that they move from place to place. 

I braced myself when the plane started to move rapidly. It's not that I was afraid of flying, but the thought of dying on a plane when I'm already on land gives me chills. I looked at the few people who were seated seats away from me and they were still all asleep.I couldn't believe it.

When the plane attached next to the gate, I got my bag and headed straight towards the exit. I didn't want anyone seeing me for now. I adjusted my glasses to go through baggage claim. I tapped my foot and waited by the line. My daydream was lost once I heard my phone ring. I rummaged through my big fat bag and held onto my iPhone to see Taylor calling me. I swiped to the right to answer. 

"Hey! Guess who's in LA?" I chanted with a cheery tone. 

I heard Taylor and Sammy shriek in the background. "We're so excited to see you!" 

I smiled at the thought of seeing my best friends from the longest time ever, except the time that Sammy visited me in New York. "Yes! I'm at baggage claim and I can't wait to see you guys!" The machine started to roll out a few baggages and I instantly saw my black one then waited for it to come to me. I waited for a few seconds until I grabbed the handle tightly to bring it towards me. Thank God I didn't have a heavy one like I did before going to New York. 

I was about to stroll of when I realized that I wasn't answering to Taylor and Sammy. I put the phone back in my ear to hear a silent line. "Hello? Sorry, I was getting my baggage." 

"We're almost there. We have nothing to do today so we'll plan on touring you in the west coast area." A perky Sammy answered. 

I walked to the exit to see a few people, Tracey and Cindy made sure that I didn't tweet anything about being in LA yet because of the possible people that might spot me here. We'll never know when paparazzi's come, but they always pop out of nowhere. "Oh my god wait... Is that you guys?" 

I saw Taylor and Sammy waving their hands at me just across the street to where people picked up the people who had just arrived. "Yeah, now come on." 

I smiled and crossed the street not minding the cars almost running over me. I immediately got bear hugged within the arms of Taylor and Sammy. They haven't changed at all and it was great. "Oh my god, I missed you guys!" 

"Before we all start crying over happiness that Selena is here, we need to explore the city of LA!" Taylor explained making me almost cry over happiness, but I wasn't allowed to. Sammy threw my baggage in the back of the car and closed it instantly for all of us to get in the car. I took a deep breath while Taylor and Sammy started to tune in the radio throughout the car. "So Selena, how are you? 

"I can't explain how happy I am right now to see you guys!" 

Sammy turned her body towards me. "And we are too, the rest of us can't wait to see you!" 

I got confused. "By the rest of us you mean...?"

Sammy giggled. "By like Seana, Tyler and a few people." 

I shook my head and laughed. "Alright, I'll take anything from right now." I looked at my surroundings and it was quite different. It was all about palm trees and the lovely sunset of the West Coast. I still didn't believe that I was in California right now. "Where should we go first?"

Taylor glanced at the time before staring back at the path she was driving. "Oh shoot. Wait, I forgot that I had a meeting with a client today."

Sammy gasped. "We didn't tell Selena!" 

"Tell me what?" I asked. Should I be knowing something that I should know? 

"Oh we forgot to mention, Tyler and Seana are planning on getting married because they kept their engagement a secret for about 3 months from us." Sammy explained with a simple face while my face turned into a complete utterfly shock. 

"OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! NO ONE TOLD ME!" I shouted in a sob. 

Taylor and Sammy just laughed at me. "Don't worry. We didn't know either." 

I started to actually sob considering I was away in New York and haven't got updated as much about the whole crew. "I hate being the only one in New York!" 

I sat there silently watching Taylor and Sammy just feel sorry for me. We were al joking with each other, but I was really proud of Tyler and Seana. It was time for them to actually start getting married. The city started to flash before my eyes. It was a bit of a short trip to Taylor's wedding shop and Sammy's photoshoot place cause the interestingly the traffic wasn't as bad as usual. 

Taylor parked right next to the shop and I followed them through the entrance of the whole place. It was quite adorable with all the bridal magazines and flowers all over. It was such a Taylor move. I watched as Sammy took a seat right behind the receptionist desk. "Hello ma'am, how may I help you?" Sammy asked with a country accent. 

My hands glided through the magazines just in front of Sammy and flipped through the pages. "Some day." I said to myself. 

"Awh, is Selena getting in her model feels?" Sammy cooed. 

Taylor popped her head out of the corner. "Selena, you should be our bridal model." 

Sammy stood up and nodded happily. "Yes and it needs to happen now." 

"I didn't even agree on anything." I defended myself. 

Sammy just shook her head. "Taylor will take care of you and I'll be at the other room." She guided me to where Taylor was and I was speechless with the amount of dressed that filled the whole room. It was full of bridal dresses and it was so beautiful. "Welcome to Taylor's paradise." 

Taylor handed me a dress easily and I looked at it. It was a dress without any straps and it was just wow. I felt the fabric and felt how actually smoothly made it was. I should be a bride. I changed quickly to the dress before looking at the mirror. Taylor gasped when I came out in front of her. She looked like she was about to cry. "Selena, you're the most beautiful bride ever." 

I put the shoes that Taylor gave and finally walked in front of the mirror. "Oh my god, I look beautiful." 

"Yes you do." Taylor finally put a wedding viel before I headed across the whole place to see Sammy sitting patiently in her own seat. 

Her mouth went to an O shaped when she realized how I looked. "You look like you're about to get married." 

"That's not true." I stated. Sammy took off my viel and I watched her do her thing with my hair. When she was done, she gestured me to go to the gray background and I just posed. 

"You seriously need to get married soon." Sammy said out loud while she took another photo. 

"Yeah yeah, if only." 

Sammy shrugged. "Selena, you never know... Mr. Husband For You might be just around the corner, maybe even the publicist I was talking about." 

My eyes went wide when I realized I totally forgot about that. "Sammy! When am I gonna meet him? Cindy has been asking me a lot!" 

"Sooner than you think!" Sammy exclaimed. "Now smile." 

I flashed her a smile and thought about it. Who is this guy that they were setting me up with? Hope it's not a weird guy that thinks I'm way too cool to be dating him. Hmm... Sammy sure seemed pressed foe me to meet this guy of hers. I just wonder who it is! 

{an: once again, this sucked pero like I updated and I'm proud! YAAAY! I hoped you loved it!}

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