2.14 | Just a Yogurt Date

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| Selena | 

“We need to look for the most attention out of people.” Dylan suggested with a concentrated face at his phone. His fingers were grazing over the screen and stopped immediately. “I found it. We need to go here.” He showed me his screen to see the location.

Both of us headed to the parking and got inside to head to our special location. I sat there quietly looking at the site of Los Angeles. I literally had nothing to do, but just stare outside. I didn't want to have an eye contact with Dylan right now. It seems that destiny is letting us meet and match again which I really don't want to repeat the past on. I've learned my fair share on that. 

"So... Did Tracey or Cindy mention anything to you?" I asked all innocently. 

"Nothing really... They just told me to take care of you because I'm the only one who can really protect you from all the paparazzi's that are swarming in California." Dylan said all blankly at me like it's a routine to say that to his clients. 

"I'm your boss you know." I mentioned with a straight face just looking out. 

He chuckled. "Not really... Tracey and Cindy fired me from you so now I'm working for them about you. Basically we're kind of partners now." 

"Ha, as if." I scoffed with a annoyed face. 

"Just like the old school days, right Selena?" Dylan questioned me. It's like he wanted me to tell him that he was all awesome as he seems. 

"Yes, Dylan. Just like the old days." I turned to him and plastered a fake smile on my face. 

We separated our stares from each other and just looked else where. I don't know how to act around him. I could act as if I've moved on, but really I haven't! 

The ride to the yogurt shop wasn't all that long and the process of getting there didn't seem as terrible as I thought it would be. Luckily, no one was there when we went inside. I had on a different type of outfit from my usual ones so I don't expect anyone to notice me that fast. 

"Oh my gosh, you're Selena." My head went up when I heard my name being called out in the cashier. It was a young brunette teenager with a bun. She looked lively as ever. Dylan and I got our orders with stacks of yogurt and little treats. It was kind of colorful for the both of us. We quickly paid and headed out for the need of attention. 

We walked to the open places. "So what are we doing now?" 

"It's called raising your PR. This is when paparazzi's try to catch something new from you." Dylan pointed to the several cameras being pointed towards us hiding behind chairs, bushes and doors. "As for you, the new thing you have is me." 

"So... They'll assume that you're my boyfriend and it'll raise my PR up? That easy?" I asked him with a confused face. 

Dylan took his yogurt and held it with just one hand while the other snaked around my waist. "Well, now it's easy. We should get back."

The paparazzi's decided to come out in the clear and show themselves. Both of us kept on walking and finally slowed down when the papz reached us. 

"Selena is that your boyfriend?" 

"What are you guys doing?" 

"Are you in a relationship with him?" 

"What's his name?" 

"Selena! Look here!" 

"Just a yogurt date." I mentioned to them with an innocent smile. 

I heard Dylan chuckle from my side before we found the car. He opened the car for me as the paparazzi's took their last photos of us. He entered the car with a sneaky smile on his face. "See, easy right?" 

It was easy. 

{an: short, but I know what to do with this series now!} 

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