1.12 ↣ Something's Wrong With My Heart.

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❀ Dylan ❀

"Come on! Get in!" The petite and fearless dark haired called out to catch my attention. Selena was currently swimming in the ten feet deep swimming pool.

The pool was just flowing in a huge wave cycle. It swooshed back and forth as I just looked at it. I looked at Selena who was just waving her arms. "No... I'll just stay here." I just continued to sit in the blue and white benches of the swimming pool.

Selena gave me a confusing face similar to a face that she had when she was trying to solve a problem either school or life related. She started to get out of the pool which made my eyes trace over such a tan curvy body. Every step towards me, Selena got even more beautiful.

What am I thinking? Do I like her? It can't be.

I watched her cover her body with the sky blue towel, "How come you look so terrified?"

"I'm not terrified." I snapped at her. The waves on the pool was just so tempting, but I couldn't. "It's just a stupid thing."

"Nothing's stupid when it comes to Dylan O'Brien!" Selena teased rather sarcastically. "Now tell me this not stupid thing."

I should at least tell her. "Don't laugh ok?"

"I will never laugh." She confirmed giving me a small smile.

I shifted my body to face her. "Obviously I grew up in the east coast where there wasn't really any type of swimming pools. When I moved here and near Tyler, of course your house also. I got invited in a swimming pool party. When I went there, there were these girls. Being a boy, I wanted to impress them. I went to diving board which was near the ten to twelve feet area then I went for it."

Selena gasped, "You shorts came off?"

"No. What? Where would you get that from?" I looked at her with a crazy face.

"I was just thinking! Chill, O'Brien!" Selena cried out in front of me.

"I actually drowned."

I watched Selena's reaction which was just quiet for several of seconds. "So... Can you swim?"

"I mean, I can but when I start to reach the areas with a lot if depth and no one to rescue me then I get nervous." I explained.

She sat straight up and had an facial expression of an 'I just got an idea' face. Selena took my hand as she took off her towel and took me towards the three feet depth of the pool. She let go off my hand to start to get comfortable with the water temperature. I stepped in to feel the cool water just give me shivers all over my body. I just Yolo-ed myself by getting my whole body wet.

I flapped my arms to swim to which marked the six foot depth. I swam to the side to find Selena clinging to the wall as well.

"See? You can swim!" Selena exclaimed as she started scooting to the other depths of this huge swimming pool.

"Of course I can swim. I know how to swim, I just don't want to drown." I made it clear to what I really hated about swimming or being near water. It just gives me the chills.

"We shall face that fear today or partly today!" Selena exclaimed making my gut hurt for a moment. She swam toward the part of the unknown which I call whenever there when I started to come across the deep end of the pool. I looked around to find a bunch of children just swimming towards me. I hope that it wasn't a sign to move out of the way or anything.

I clinged onto the wall just going through all the deep waters. I watched the numbers start to increase which meant that I was almost at the end where I would be so close to drowning. I looked around for the petite girl who was currently just twirling and floating around. I chuckled for a moment just so I couldn't be nervous, but it didn't really work.

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