2.3 ↣ Welcome To My Life

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❀ Selena ❀

I woke up just early in the morning to get everything started. It was the usual day... Another photoshoot and then meeting. I loved doing this whole thing, but sometimes it's hard to keep a smile.

"Good morning, Miss American Top Model." A sleepy Sammy greeted taking a seat on chair across from me. I watched her take the some eggs and bacon from the center of the table. She was the usual big eater just like back at home. "You cook really well, be my chef and come back to California."

I laughed at the comment she just gave me. "Can you please stop convincing me to come to California? I already told you that I was coming."

"Look," I looked up at Sammy who was just giving me a half glare and half frown. "I have to go back home for another photoshoot that I have to do and you're schedule is hella busy right now so I have to keep on reminding you."

I put my cup of hot chocolate down and pulled my feet up to the seat. "I don't know if I'm ready."

Sammy flashed me a soft smile. "Look, Sel... Life is too short to live with burden and regrets. Everyone misses you and it's been a while since the whole incident happened."

"But I was at fault." I raised my voice just a little to show that I was getting quite annoyed at the fact that Sammy would talk about what happened.

She held up her hands giving up on the argument. "I'm sorry! I thought it would make you think some type of way."

I needed to change the topic quickly. "Sammy! Come with me to my photoshoot today!"

Sammy gave a quick nod before shoving in some more eggs in her mouth. "Okay, I'd love to see how New Yorker photographers differ from the Californian ones."

I laughed. "I won't even try to compare any of photographers to others. That's not nice."

"And comparing models to models is nice?" Sammy questioned with an I'm-always-right face.

I just rolled my eyes and uttered a laugh. "Well... If you put it that way it's not nice."

Sammy and I finished eating the plates of delicious breakfast before dressing up for a sunny windy day in New York. I dressed in a light demin shirt and black skinny jeans lastly fitting in black heels. My manager always reminded me that being a New Yorker meant to go around in style considering the fact that I was a rising model. I appeared in a lot of fashion shows and I just shot a few photoshoots for Teen Vogue.

It started last year when I got my big start on the H&M, Spring Edition then it just started to branch off. I really thought it was awesome until I realized that being a model, appearing in commercials, and going in fashion shows was really a huge commitment to my time.

We reached the cafe to see my manager and my agent suprisingly hanging out in the corner just typing their fingers away on their laptop. The instant we walked in, their eyes immediately wide. "Oh my god! Selena is that you?" Cindy, my manager, ran up and gave me a tight squeeze. I haven't seen them in a while since they spend most of their time dealing with more of her clients in Los Angeles.

"Hi hun." Tracey, my agent, gave the same type of squeeze. They were twins so it was a package deal and I was lucky enough to meet them. I sort of knew what they would talk about... "Selena, have you found a publicist yet?"

And there you go...

I sat down in the table where Sammy sat next to me. I just looked innocent towards Tracey and Cindy. "I haven't yet?"

Cindy gave me an easy laugh. "Since you're getting bigger and people are asking quite a few things about you... You should really look for one."

"I could try to look for one when I go to California." I mentioned and then they both stared at me. Sammy was cheesing in her seat trying not to freak out that I mentioned that to Tracey and Cindy.

"For what?" Tracey crossed her arms with a smile.

They knew that I hated going to California. Everytime they got me an offer for a photoshoot in LA, I would always turn down and tell them I was sick.

I shrugged innocently. "I wanted to know explore Los Angeles and it's people?" I laughed at myself before they laughed along with me. I was making a fool of myself. "I'm just kidding. I wanted to take a month or two just to take a quick vacation."

Tracey worked her magic fingers in the keyboard to her the clicking sounds and it was fast until she looked up with an evil smile. "Miss Gomez, you are free for a month or two to go to your Californian vacation."

Sammy and I gasped out loud once she finished talking. I literally jumped off my seat and hugged Tracey. She was the coolest.

"But you still need to find a publicist!" Cindy exclaimed making me nod my head really fast.

"You have a photoshoot in less than 30 minutes... Get going so we could talk more about this." Tracey informed me.

I gave them a nod and a hug goodbye. When Sammy and I reached just out the view of cafe, we looked at each other then jumped up and down. "Oh my god!"

"LA, here Selena comes!" Sammy yelled at the top of her lungs making a lot of people look at her weird.

I just laughed and dragged her along the street with me to the familiar building. "Come on so we could get this whole photoshoot over with."

The entrance to the building to the photoshoot area was rather quicker than I usually felt like it. I opened the door to see a bunch of the crew walking around and transferring clothes from side to side. The crew bought me to the make up station and I saw my reflection of happiness, probably because I found out that I get to go to California. I watched Sammy's face in the mirror, she just had an O face.

I just giggled and pressed her mouth together. "Flies are about to go inside your mouth."

"This is amazing." Sammy kept on roaming around. "I should be a model."

"Welcome to my life." I added. I hummed a happy tone before the make up crew came to me and started to fix my face with all that good foundation.

"Selena, I needed to mention to you." Sammy whispered behind me. "I may know publicist."

"Really? Who?" I never knew Sammy had known people who worked in the PR business considering we kept each other updated on who we knew.

She left out a huge smile on her face, a creepy smile. "Well, he's an intern at Taylor's dads company."

"Do I know him?" I asked suspiciously.

Sammy laughed evily. "You might know him... A lot!"

Hmm... I wonder who he is.

{an: DUN DUN DUN! Hahaha, I wonder who Selena's publicist will be? I hope you liked it cause it isn't my best. THANKS FOR THE READS AND VOTES AND COMMENTS AND I LUV YOU GUYS :)}

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