2.5 | The New Me

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❀ Selena ❀

I watched my twitter feed... Most were about how beautiful I was and some were causing a lot of drama. I didn't mind at all, but I did feel a little worried everytime cause I never knew how to respond to them. "Sammy, how do I reply to hate?" I looked up to see Sammy doing the same thing, casually checking her emails and notifications.

She just laughed throwing her head up. "Sel, I never get hate and thats because I'm not even as famous as you."

I cut her off. "But I'm not famous."

"Selena, you have at least millions of followers on twitter..." Sammy commented showing me the proof of how much I had. "And with the hate, that's why you have publicist! To help you through it!"

"Isn't that also relationships as well?" I asked full aware of the fact that people around me can support me.

She laughed again throwing her head up. She was really trying to get me annoyed. "Sel, trust me. When you go to California and meet the publicist I know, you'll feel a lot better!"

I sighed and it wasn't good. Sammy has been talking about this publicist for days since she's been here in New York and I can't shake the feeling that she's trying to set me up to trouble. "That also means that me going to California is trouble because people know me there. There are a bunch of papz in corners and I'll never even know."

"If you didn't want that to happen, then why'd you have to be so damn pretty and become a model?" Sammy questioned with her fingers rapidly tapping the screen of her phone. She was probably emailing her clients.

I smiled. "Let's think of a new disguise, want to go to my make up artist today and fix up my hair?"

Sammy practically threw her phone across the couch we were sitting on and leaped up. "Of course I do because we need to get you ready for some Californian love and hubbies."

I shook my head and took my purse to head out. "I'm not looking for love right now, Sammy!"

"Selena, just hear me out okay?" Sammy made me look at her. I tried hard not to laugh so I just kept a straight face. "You have to at least think about dating at some point in your life cause you're one of my best friends and I want you to be happy."

I nodded and we walked through the lobby to the exit of the whole condo. I walked out to see no type of media anywhere around me. Thank God. We walked down the street to where the salon may be, Cindy always referred me to places of high class salons in New York.

Sammy and I went inside the salon to see quite a lot of mirrors and chairs. It looked like a copy of how it was backstage during fashion shows.

We went towards the receptionist and she led us to our seats. I didn't want to chop of all my hair, but I wanted to cut some of my hair and just maybe change the color. I wasn't all that afraid of changing my hair color, but it needed to be perfect.

"I'm chopping off my hair." Sammy blurted out before the hairstylist came walking towards both of us.

I gave her a thumbs up. "I don't know about my hair."

"You should totally ombré it. It's a nice touch, something different!" She suggested while the hairstylist finally took a glance at us.

The brunette hairstylist with a bob gasped at me. "You're Selena Gomez!" I nodded and she took the black cape then wrapped it around me. "I'm Diana. Do you have anything you had in mind for your hair?"

I pursed my lips and thought thoroughly about it. I didn't want to ruin my hair, but at the same time there are some other ways to ombré hair. "I want to ombré it with brownish orangish color, is that possible?"

Diana gave a sure smile. "Of course I can." She got some of her supplies and started on my hair. "And for you, miss Samantha?"

"Oh don't be too polite, you can call me Sammy and I wanted to cut my hair shoulders length and it's like a bit with layers, but at as much." Sammy explained and visually showed where she wanted it to be cut.

Diana nodded and gestured a quite stylish gentleman. He had blonde hair and just a shade of pink at the ends. "This is Ken, he'll take care of you." She explained the details and Sammy just sat back to let Ken take care of her.

Diana and Ken were probably the most professional people in the world cause as soon as they started cutting, they couldn't stop. I didn't feel a slight touch from Diana since she had an all out plan of coloring my hair. Ken was halfway done with Sammy when I was still in the foiling process of the hair.

Sammy opened her eyes and looked discreetly in the mirror with a straight face, but it suddenly broke out to a huge grin. "I really love it! Thank you so much!" 

I examined Sammy's new hair. It was better than it was before, I think I'll favor this Sammy more.

Sammy looked at me. "I can't wait to see you at the end, Selena." 

"Yeah, I'm probably going for the California look right now." I looked at my phone and took some selfies while we waited for more time to pass. 

Diana walked over to me. "Okay Selena, we're about to wash your hair since we already added the dye then we'll dry it and you'll be done." She assisted me all the way to the back where the head washers were. 

Honestly, I couldn't wait to what my hair would look like cause I never experimented with it before. I waited for Diana to wash my hair fully out and we went back to our seat where Sammy was just giving me a huge smile. I didn't dare glance in the mirror again cause I wanted to surprise myself. With a quick hair drying techniques and brushing it straight, I finally opened my eyes. 

"I hope you didn't mind, but I thought a bit of color at the top would mix in with the bottom." Diana said before I just looked at myself. I looked all fresh and new. 

"I like the new Selena." Sammy commented brushing my hair. 

I nodded. "Yeah, I feel like I'll like the new me." 

"It's about time too." Sammy added and Diana brushed me off. Sammy and I walked towards the cashier to pay for all the wonderful hair that we've changed. We headed outside to finally get sun kissed, I looked at the few people just looking at us. They were smiling at me, probably noticing my hair.

Sammy was walking beside me. "I think Sel Go is ready to hit the streets of LA." 

"Yes I am, but before that I need to pack a few clothes." I stated. "Come on, let's take a selfie for Taylor." I took out my phone and quickly swiped the camera icon to take a selfie to send to the certain blonde. I remembered to always keep on updating certain people who appreciated me on Instagram and Twitter captioning; The New Me. 

{an: this totally was really from out of nowhere cause I needed to update this. I really want to write Dylan and Selena meeting finally... But that's probably in 2-3 more chapters. I'm off to write more chapters and I hope you liked the new Selena.}

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