2.25 ↣ Forever & Ever

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[an; will be focusing on happily and this during the next few weeks bc I really want to end this.]

+ d y l a n

"Dylan!" A call from behind me made me turn around. Her blonde hair swayed side by side from her ponytail.


She exhaled loudly before taking another deep breath. "Well, Shane and I have to meet up with our parents... And I was wondering if you could go fetch the rings for us. Taylor had a lot on her plate and I tried asking Posey, but he had a date with Sam. I don't want to--"

I shook Bridgit for a second trying to stop her from rambling. "As much as I hate doing these lovey tasks, I'll still do it for the bride."

"Thank you! I owe you."

I chuckled walking back with her to the main lobby. I decided that it wouldn't hurt inviting Selena with me, I didn't want to be alone anyway. I ran up the stairs to find myself gasping for air when I stood in front of the room. I slipped in the card to find Selena flipping through some channels.

"Hey." I greeted when she waved at me. "Do you want to come with me?"

"Sure, at least it's something to get me out of this room... I hope." Selena replied jumping out of the bed and slipping in her shoes.

Both of us exited the hotel room taking a quick route to the stairs avoiding the elevator traffic. I played with my car keys in my fingers when we stepped out with the ray of sunshine hitting us. We approached my audi and I couldn't hide my smile for a second since Selena would be the first girl to sit inside the car.

"Oh...? All brand new."

Ah! She read my mind. "Yes." I breathed and inhaled the new car smell. It was always a delight to have a new car.

"I feel special. So where to now Mr. O'Brien?"

"That's my dad so you can just call me Dylan." I chuckled exiting the parking spot and driving to the city.

With the help of Selena, she guided me through the streets. To our luck, it was a short ride and we got first dibs on parking just a few steps away from Pandora. I felt a weird feeling being here again. It reminded me of the time I was here buying something for Selena's birthday.


"Hello. Good afternoon, how may I help you?" A lady asked.

"What can you get a girl for her birthday?"

She led me to the colorful colors area which had bracelets, rings, necklaces and such.

"Is this for your girlfriend's birthday?" She questioned looking at the bags that I was holding.I nodded quickly. 

"Something like that!"


"Dylan, ya coming?" Selena called holding open the door for me.

I quickly brushed off my thoughts entering the store. There was a few salesperson already occupied by a customer, but to my luck there was a lady waiting at the ring section. My mouth shut when I saw that it was the same lady who I bought Selena's gift from.

just one summer | dylena [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now