1.20 ↣ Our First Date

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a/n: hey guys! I changed my name to @omgitslorraine from @ohmydylena since I wanted to expand my horizon and write about other ship as well.

❀ Dylan ❀

"Come on, Dylan. Let's go on our first date." Selena whined bouncing on my bed.

Tyler talked to me last night about how he wanted our senior year to be planned out perfectly. I somehow agreed to it since Tyler didn't like surprises when it came to school. He told me how Seana and him would match neatly in their prom outfit even though it was next May.

"Where are we going today?" I mumbled through my pillow.

Selena gave a big sigh. "You're the guy. You have to figure out what I like and then I'll like you even more. That's how relationships work."

"Who are you to talk to me about my relationship?" I joked before turning around to face her.

"Your girlfriend." Selena simply shrugging her shoulders.

"Come here." I said pulling her down next to me. "My girlfriend?"

She covered her face since we were inches from each other's face. "Yes! Your girlfriend."

I smiled. "I like the sound of that." I kissed her head before I got up. "Where you wanna go today?"

"It's our first date! Where should we go? Hmm..." Selena half asked herself and me at the same time.

"I didn't know that you talk to yourself. My girlfriend seems a little koo koo." I started to go near her to give her the warmest hug, but she pushed me away.

She frowned. "Ever since I finally answered you, you've been really mean to me lately. You weren't always mean before we made 'us' official."

I pulled her up and kissed her nose. "You're beautiful and I'm just glad you're mine." I hugged her tight. I needed to take her somewhere special tonight, I just had no idea where.

"Emm glaff yvbour myine tu." I heard Selena mumble through my chest.

I chuckled. "What did you say?"

She backed her head away from where it was. "I said I'm glad you're mine too, you just held me too close. Now go since it's almost two. Tyler and you must've had the longest talk ever."

"Yeah we did about some stuff." I mean I didn't want to mention something so surreal with Selena. I didn't like to get reminded how much time we have left until senior year is over then college comes, we all seperate. "Now let's get on going with this date."

"Off to an adventure!" Selena exclaimed before I stopped her.

I shook my head in disapproval. "Don't-- don't ever do that." She frowned, but I hugged her immediately. "You're so mean."

That was true. I was really mean when I was in this special type of relationship with a girl, but I had a feeling that me being mean to Selena was gonna be fun.

Selena handed me the car keys that Sammy gladly didn't need explaination for. Taylor suggested we go to the ice skating rink since Selena hasn't been there in a while. That was kind of true since I worked at the skating rink last summer, Selena was nowhere to be found.

We drove out of the community of pent houses and started our one hour long drive for just one huge ice rink. "This is gonna be longgggg."

"Chill, Chubs. I think your rather getting spicy there." I teased before she just rolled her eyes.

"You know... If I only knew that you had the meanest attitude when it comes to dating then I would've just made you wait."

I pulled her head close to mine and pecked a light kiss on her forehead. "I'm really glad we're finally together." She have me a smile before I just focused on the road for the rest of the drive. It wasn't as traffic as I thought it would be.

Once we parked the car nearest to the entrance, we finally got a view of a huge ice rink. It was bigger than where I worked at. I paid for our tickets then we both tied our bands on each other's wrist. Selena and I immediately fell in line to get our skates.

"I'll probably fall. I haven't been skating ever since last year." Selena said while looking at the small amount of people who were just roaming around the skating rink. We marched along to the feel the cool breeze in our faces. "You never told me it was going to be this cold."

I opened my mouth wide to show the shock I was going through. "I told you about--- Oh my god, I totally told you were going here!"

"No you didn't!" Selena exclaimed before she started to take a step inside the ice rink.

I didn't know whether to be scared of her falling down or scared for myself falling on top of her and accidentally cutting her with my blade. It is extremely scary in here, I should have never figured to skate! Our first date is officially the worst date ever! "Wait, Selena! What if you fall?"

She giggled. "I'm not gonna fall O'Brien. I got this!" I watched her twirl around in a circle like the a true skater.

I don't even know how to twirl. "How'd you learn that?" I swoshed near her.

We continued to skate to make sure we weren't causing traffic with the people around us. "You know, I kind of knew your schedule when you worked at the ice rink near us. I made sure to not go when you worked."

"Why's that?" I quickly asked Selena.

"Well, I really hated you back then for no reason. There was something about your face!" She giggled once again before leaving me speechless.

I wondered about that. Selena really hated me ever since she met me, I didn't mind. I hated her at first too, but it's all about the present and future now. I just knew I couldn't totally talk about love near Selena, that would seem really awkward and I'd just drive her away.

I caught up to her when she decided to slowly skate from the miles she just passed, "You finally reached me."

"I've been thinking! You must have liked me one time when we had biology in ninth grade... I was the funniest in there!" I pointed out.

She crossed her arms while we skated past the other couple who were cheery and holding hands. "You were only funny because of Tyler. You guys together are the funniest!"

"Oh come on! You've been laughing at everything I do ever since your mom assigned us as partners." She laughed while I looked at her intently to make her realize that she just laughed at some I said.

"Not really. Fine, I mean... You're really funny, but your sarcasm is not attractive."

I scoffed. "Chubs, my sarcasm is my only defense."

"Now that's cute." She gave a smile. "Sarcasm is the only way you defend yourself."

"I don't get it."

"That's the wonderful mystery in life. We won't know the little things, but we might know in the future." Selena replied. That was actually the deepest thing I have ever heard come out of mouth. I kept quiet for a moment. "Wow... That's kind of amazing I've left you speechless for the very first time."

I chuckled seeing the a small curly haired boy almost fall. "You're really an interesting case."

Selena and I skated for a few more laps then finally decided that we were getting hungry. We exchanged our skates with our shoes and headed out the whole arena. I opened the door for Selena to get a tiny peck.

"Where should we go?" I asked him.

"Maybe pizza!" Selena suggested while I nodded. I started to drive out of the parking lot to head back to the boardwalk and pent houses. "You know... Thanks for the skating date!"

I smiled. "Thanks for saying yes!"

a/n: omg hey. this is short. lol.

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