2.2 ↣ One Minute Dance Craze

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[an: oh my god hi. I slightly made changes on their last name. I'll use their real last names instead of Russo or Stilinski, just because! I really want to write as much before school starts and sorry for chapters being so short, but I'll try my best to make it long again. LOVE YOU GUYS FOR ALL THE READS AND VOTES AND COMMENTS!]

❀ Dylan ❀

I scrunched my face in an irritated way. I looked up at Taylor who clearly gave me an irritated look as well.

"Relax!" Taylor whispered yelled right across the room from me.

The assistant at the desk glanced at both of us, but we just kept our mouths closed.

Relax, Dylan. I just needed to brush myself off.

I remembered just a few weeks before when Taylor gave me this sweet oppurtunity.

"Guys! I need some help here! It's been a few months since we graduated college and no one has given me an internship!" I groaned putting my head down in the table where Sammy, Tyler, Seana and Taylor sat.

Tyler patted my back. "Dude, that's fine. It'll come."

"Dylan, seriously... It's hard to look for jobs now a days considering it's all about competition. Wait at it cause it's almost time for hiring season." Sammy informed with a funny face.

"How come I was never informed about this?" Taylor asked. "What do you need an internship for?"

I gave a chuckle. "It's for public relations and no one wants to hire me."

"I could give my dad a call." Taylor simply said sipping on her water.

I looked at her with a confused face. "What do you mean?"

She brushed her hair out of her face. "Well, my dad happens to be in the pr business and I'll do you a favor and give him a call. Problem solved!"

"Mr. O'Brien." Someone called out. Shit. I had no time to chill out.

Taylor moved her hands frantically signalling me to stand up and I did. I straightened myself quickly before following the woman who called my name.

"Mr. Swift will be right with you." The woman mentioned before I sat down in the seat just a few spaces away from the huge desk. I was finally left in an empty room just before my future was set. I was being too nervous so I just went ahead and looked at the few photo frames Mr. Swift placed on his desk. It was rather intimidating to know I was about to be interviewed with one of my good friends father.

I saw a family photo of Mr. and Mrs. Swift between Austin and Taylor. They looked like a happy family and it kind of reminded me of how my family was.

The click of the door immediately sent anxiety to strike again when I watched Mr. Swift give me a Mr. All American smile. "Good afternoon, Dylan." I held out my hand and he shook it firmly. "So, are you here today for the internship?"

"Yes. I wanted to apply for this internship to gain more experiences in the public relations field." I answered with a straight serious face. I seriously didn't know how to act in interviews.

"Well, Dylan... Lucky for you, I know your father and he says a lot of good things about you. You've got the internship, but we still need to examine you on how you take it seriously for a serious job in the public relations field." Mr. Swift informed, still with his Mr. All American smile. "Since your dad and I work with most of the VIP and celebrities... You'll work your way up to them."

"I'll work professional through all my clients that are given to me." I stood my ground knowing that I had an advantage through this interview.

"Good and I need that spirit for a few clients that will be given to you through this internship." He stood up from his seat and I stood up as well. "Well, Mr. O'Brien... I want to congratulate on you for getting this internship and we'll inform you next week when your first day will be." Mr. Swift said before shaking my hand.

I was seriously doing a crazy minute dance craze in my head. I got it! No freaking way! I walked out the door to see Taylor patiently waiting for me and I went towards her with a frown.

She frowned too. "Didn't get it?"

I waited for a moment and suddenly broke out in a dance craze. "Guess who got the freaking internship? Um, I did!" We then danced together all crazy as a way of celebrating. "Thanks for helping me out, Taylor!"

"Don't worry... Friends will always be there!" Taylor cheered before we walked out to the main lobby. "So did Dad tell you when you were starting?"

I shook my head knowing that he didn't exactly tell me an exact date. "Well, he wasn't really specific about it, but he told me that it was happening sometime next week."

We walked to the exit of the building, but I took one last look. "This is when my future starts."

just one summer | dylena [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now