1.2 ↣ Beach Houses & Assigned Partners.

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❀ Selena ❀

I woke up to Taylor jamming to Bruno Mars' song, Just The Way You Are. "Cause you're amazing just the way you are." She sung aloud next to me. "Girl, wake up."

I saw the alarm which flash 8:30. I groaned and covered my eyes with my blanket. "I don't want to wake up."

"Listen, we need to eat then get dressed up." Taylor instructed before I heard my stomach grumble.

I took my covers off my body and stood up to see Taylor all dressed up in pants and a regular tee. I tied my hair in a huge bun and strolled along the stairs to find pancakes and food everywhere.

"Yummy." I said making my mom and dad smile.

Taylor and I started to eat before we could even sit down. When it hit ten we started to head upstairs for me to get dressed. I wore shorts and a regular teal tee which complimented my skin color. That was rare. I wore black sandals to just add a dark blend with the outfit I was wearing. After several moments we headed downstairs dragging our huge suite cases down. I hugged and waved to my parents one last time to go to the car which was already parked outside.

Sammy was driving while Tyler had already been in the front seat.

"Hey, guys!" Tyler waved while he helped us get our cases to the back seat.

I opened the side door making a quick check to see no one in the middle row, but in the back row was Dylan already sleeping. Taylor tapped my arm making me whip my head at her, "Can you sit next to Dylan for me? Please Selena, I need to stretch my legs."

"Fine, cause you're the best." I said before pulling the seat to the front for me to actually get seated in the back.

"You guys ready?" Sammie looked the the rearview mirror while we all nodded.

I played with my hair to let time pass, but I got even bored. I didn't wanna drain my batteries so I glanced over at Dylan who was looking at the window. He just looked at the houses that we passed to go to the highway.

I didn't wanna interrupt his staring session so I took a quick glance at what was ahead of me. Taylor was half asleep already while Sammy and Tyler were singing on songs on the radio. I rolled my eyes at their off tune voices and giggled a bit.

After two hours of Sammy and Tyler singing terribly, we finally reached the summer houses. It was all white like even the sand that had the really light blue water. It was beautiful. We all quickly headed out the car and saw my parents at the lobby already.

I gasped and hid behind Sammie and the sleepy Taylor, "Why are my parents here?"

"I dunno, maybe because they're our guardians." Dylan said stating the obvious.

"Who said you were in this conversation?" I furiously asked his sarcastic face.

"Geez, I thought you knew." Dylan started to take our cases out the back of the car.

"Jerk face." I whispered making Tyler chuckle.

"Oh no, please don't tell him I said that." I pleaded at Tyler.

He nodded, "Promise."

"Ty, help with these... Please?" Dylan asked for help because he struggled.

We took our possesions with us and headed inside where Mom and Dad had been standing for what looked like a while.

"Here are your keys." Dad said handing us keys with a ring around the top.

"All the boys are in one pent house and the girls are as well, but there are three to two beds in each room. We expect you guys tonight at dinner around 8pm." Mom said while I just stared at the ground because I would get some endless teasing this summer.

We headed in opposite ways as the boys who were just planning on going to the beach. When we entered the huge, but subtle pent house it looked amazing. There was a wonderful view of the beach and the a huge TV that filled the whole wall. I didn't regret at all coming here. We rushed upstairs to the doors that placed numbers on the front that said, "13" which happens to be Taylor's favorite number. There placed three large beds and had the most wonderful view of the huge carnival outside near the beach.

"Guys! Is this a dream or something?" Taylor mumbled through the sheets that she claimed the bed nearest to the fridge. Sammie claimed the bed nearest to the windows leaving me with the bed that was in between both of theirs.

"This will be a breeze guys, then we'll be seniors." I commented while looking at the ceiling which was a pale light brown.

"Selena, let's just go all over the place." Taylor insisted as I nodded and looked at Sammie who was already just on her phone getting ready for a nap.

"Leave me, it was tiring just to drive you guys here." Sammy half yelled and whispered as Taylor and I headed out downstairs to find some of the girls who had gone to this trip. I looked at them clearly to finally see some cheerleaders that really annoyed me in school sometimes since they always made sure to steal any guy who had a girlfriend.

"Come on!" Taylor grabbed my arm as usual and went out towards the beach. We both ran to the splashing clear waves and laughed since we looked very stupid. I saw some teenagers from my school which I didn't mind cause I have never even talked to them. Taylor and I started to sit down after that spontaneous run in the waves.

"We need a summer love." I heard someone say behind us. I looked over to see Tyler and Dylan walking past us to step their feet into the ocean. Taylor stood up to dust off the sand on her butt. I looked at the people around me and noticed that I was incredibly shorter than them. Ugh.

"Did you hear that? Their looking for summer love." Taylor screeched making me cringed with how high her screech was. That instantly made everyone realize that Taylor might have been endangered, I looked over to all of them and hid my face inside my shirt. "Oh no worries guys! I'm fine."

Tyler and Dylan lightly scooted near us when everyone at the beach just went with their own flow.

We heard a whistle, "Teens! Come here please." I saw my mom hollering at us. I walked between Tyler and Taylor because Dylan wasn't really at my vibe, at all.

"Look... Today you guys can enjoy anywhere you would like, but we will all have partners." Mom explained.

"Tyler is with Seana. Taylor is with Sammy... And let's see." Mom squinted her eyes and I was looking at the possible partners. I looked around to see Justin -.-

"OH MY GOD!" I mouthed at Taylor and Sammy who was giggling.

I looked at where Dylan was who was just gazing at the sky. I scooted near Dylan who was clearly already trying to run away from me.

Would I want to be partners with my ex or my friend enemy? I hate this.

I crossed my fingers, "Dylan and Selena. Justin is with Jasmine. That's all."


I looked at Dylan who was rolling his eyes, "I promise! I am the best ever partner you will ever have." I said making him rub his eyes.

"Don't ever talk to me." Dylan looked me straight in the eyes.

How rude :(

just one summer | dylena [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now