2.12 | Date Him

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❀ Selena ❀ 

The light from the window started to blind my eyes. I covered it quickly and familiarized my eyes to the state I was currently in. I took a quick glance at the clock right next to me. 9:16am. I groaned immediately when I realized that I had a meeting today. 

Of course I did.

I got up and went towards the bathroom to get freshened up. I looked at the little notes that Sammy and Taylor left at the bathroom. I smiled at how little they didn’t change from our high school days. Taylor started to write notes in our lockers or binders while we were in school for reminders which Sammy quickly caught up to. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw how sleepy I was, ever since Dylan told me to look for a boyfriend to raise my name it’s got me thinking. 

I washed my face and brushed my teeth before I headed downstairs to the kitchen. I smelled sweet pancakes being cooked in the morning. I blinked my eyes to see Taylor clearly cooking. “Good morning.” 

I jumped surprised that she knew I was there. “How’d you know I was behind you? Also, good morning pancakes!”

Taylor giggled shortly while putting three stacks of pancakes in a plate. “Here you go,” She turned and gave me the plate. “You actually walk really loudly.” 

“Wow… Thanks, that makes me feel much better for myself.” I took a seat at the countertop table. She continued to cook with a plate of uncooked bacon to the frying pan. “Ohhhhhhh! Bacon! Are you trying to make me fat?”

Taylor shook her head. “No, I’m just trying to make you eat something… Being a model doesn’t always have to mean that you can’t eat.” 

I loved the fact that Taylor can cook. I never favored on cooking because I was really lazy. “Thanks, but why cook so much?”

“Because Dylan is coming over to talk to you.” Taylor flipped the bacon while I rolled my eyes and shoved a pancake in my mouth.

I kept quiet before saying,"Why does Dylan have to be so mean to me?”

“He’s not mean.” Taylor mentioned before taking my plate and placing some bacon on it. The doorbell ringed before I could see my bacon. “Can you please get the door for me?”

I nodded and hopped off the chair to the door. “Watch Dylan be so professional, it annoys me.” I reached for the door handle and opened the door to Dylan.

“Good morning.” Dylan greeted before my eyes examined him up and down. He wasn’t at all professional, he looked quite nerdy. He wore glasses and his hair was quiffed up. I panicked and closed the door on his face.

I ran back to the kitchen where Taylor was just cooking. “Taylor, Dylan is outside.”

“And?” Taylor asked. “Go open the door.”

I frowned. “But he looks so different.”

She turned to me. “What do you mean?”

I pointed to the door while Taylor went up and opened the door to Dylan who was waiting there patiently. “Hi, good morning!” He repeated and Taylor just looked at me confused.

Dylan went inside the place and roamed around inside the kitchen leaving Taylor and I to talk. “It’s Dylan.”

I nodded. “He’s wearing glasses and just regular clothes.”

Taylor gave me an obvious look. “Dylan has been wearing that for the longest. Is that a big change for you?”

I nodded once again. “Yes! This is a big change!”

just one summer | dylena [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now