2.16 | Kiss Me

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{an: this is honestly the cutest chapter that I think I've written out of all the chapters that I have written in life. I might need to limit the votes to update my chapters... I don't know, but I hope you enjoy! I luv u and comments if I should upate or no?}

| Selena | 

We strolled along the streets of Los Angeles. My head always snapped when I heard a tick, a familiar tick of a camera.

I couldn’t really wrap my head around that there are more paparazzi’s wanting to take photos of me here in California rather than the ones in New York.

Dylan was standing just a few inches from me in case we needed to hold each others hands for a moment. I realized that ever since we agreed on being a fake couple, I needed to know what the past few years have held for both Dylan and I. I looked from the corner of my eye to see him tapping his phone endlessly. 

I took a deep breath. “Dylan... “ He instantly turned his head to me. 

“Yes Selena?” 

I grabbed his hand and slightly moved both of us towards the side just so we couldn’t get in the way of the crowd. “I really hate the awkwardness between us, so I got to know everything about you.”

He took a second and started to chuckle. “What are you talking about Selena? You’ve known me since we were basically in middle school." 

“Look Dylan.” I pointed my finger on him as if I was his mother because I really wanted to try to make everything between us the same again. “I’m serious!” 

“Selena, I’m serious too. Are you telling me that you’ve forgotten everything about me after you headed to New York?” He crossed his arms in front of him.

I shook my head. “No! I haven’t!” 

“Then why are you asking me this when you already know everything about me?” He questioned me with a dumb face. 

“Because I know that I really hurt you-- I mean you guys when I left for New York. I remember that we all made a pact to go to UCLA and I got accepted to NYU.” I defended myself in the matter of a school based explanation.

Dylan still looked at me like I was stupid and had a real explanation of why we were awkward together. I know it was wrong of me to leave him because I was stupid. I wish I could just tell him that I was forced to not love him because certain people were about to make him lose the scholarships that he deserved. We had an awkwardness between us because of how stupid I was when I was in highschool, I shouldn’t have broken up with him… But I did.

He stayed quiet for a moment and rubbed his forehead. “Selena, I don’t get what you want from me.”

My eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. “I WANT YOU TO FORGIVE ME!” Dylan almost looked like he lost his balanced when I yelled at him and he stayed quiet once again. “I’m sorry I said that.”

“You’re right, Selena. They only reason why we have the awkward feeling that you feel is because I hate how we turned out to be.” He finally lifted his head and had the courage for me to see his eyes.

I frowned instantly, but I had to make a straight face just so I could know what was bothering him for the longest. “What do you mean how we turned out to be?”

“Selena… You broke my heart. Honestly right now acting as your fake boyfriend when in reality I’m your ex doesn’t make it any better that I’m trying to figure out what we really are. In our situation right now, I don’t know how to act. I don’t know if we can really be what I intended us to be. I didn’t even get an explanation as to why I got stood up when I said something so important to you.” Dylan’s eyes looked of pain and sadness. It’s like he finally said what he has wanted to say for the last years that we haven’t seen each other 

My eyes were on the verge of bursting into tears. “Dylan… I---” 

“You don’t have to explain it to me. That’s what you always do right?” He asked me coldly.

I looked at him in disbelief. “No… Dylan it’s not only you who got heartbroken. I did too.”

“What are you talking about?” Dylan asked me blankly.

I didn’t want to make a scene in such a public place, but I really didn’t care right now. “I had reasons. I had reasons why I couldn’t be with you.” This time my tears started to pour out of my eyes. “Damn it, Dylan. I loved you.” 

He took a step forward and cupped my face with both his hands. Dylan wiped my tears with his fingers. I don’t know what was going on, but I wasn’t complaining… I loved the feeling of Dylan comforting me when I was in such a vulnerable state. That’s what he’s always best at.

"Kiss me." Dylan said all of a sudden. 

I furrowed my eyebrows and shook my head. "No." 

"What do you mean no?"

"As if I wanted to."

He mumbled something beforehand and suddenly pulled my face onto his. It took a second then it finally happened, Dylan’s lips were on mine. It was a passionate kiss. It definitely meant something important. We were both expressing how much we needed each other from the couple of years that we were apart. Butterflies started to flutter in the pits of my stomach and it was that familiar feeling again that made me fall in love Dylan.

When he let go, my eyes were still closed and I leaned my forehead on his. “Is it still there?” He asked me simply as if I knew what the answer could be. 

I nodded slowly still hypnotized by the feeling of him just being near me. “How about you?" 

He had the same reaction that I had. “Still like that summer we spent together.” 

I looked up into his eyes as he looked into mine. “Was this for the paparazzi’s that were across the street?”

Dylan detangled his arms off my body and entangled our fingers to start walking our way to wherever it was we were going to. “There’s a saying, actions speaks louder than words.” He placed a kiss on my fingers. “But, my action sort of were 99 percent for you and not for the paparazzi’s.”

“99 percent only?” I giggled surprised at what he told me.

He nodded and we both walked hand in hand, not because we were forced to in the matters of media… But in the matters of finding love again, just maybe.

just one summer | dylena [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now