1.11 ↣ Taste of Sweet Tea on July 4th.

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❀ Dylan ❀

"Bro, what are you doing today?" Tyler woke me up from my deep sleep.

I slowly opened my eyes trying to block the sun light almost blinding myself, "The light!!" I complained making Tyler realize to slightly close the blinds for now, "I'm going on a date."

"Is this date with the one and only Selena Gomez?" Tyler asked in a giggly tone.

"No, why would you even say that? I'm actually going with Britt." I corrected Tyler who was all dressed up for breakfast.

"Hm... What a change? Come on! We need to hurry for the breakfast buffet!"

I started to get freshened up before just putting on a hoodie to wear for the windy morning. I followed Tyler as we roamed through the boys pent house leading to the main hallway to the buffet. The fresh whiff of cinamon waffles really made my stomach churn. We quickened our pace to get the food that we wanted as loads of people started to crowd around.

"So, I'm thinking of asking Seana to come with me to watch the fireworks today." Tyler informed me of his plans tonight. "Happy Independence Day!"

"Happy Independence Day!" I greeted him. "That's a great idea. Should I do that with Britt too?"

He just nodded simply chewing his waffles in front of me.

This is going to be a busy day.

As the day progressed on, I saw a ton of people wearing red, white and blue clothes. It was so expected to happen. I looked at the time on my iPhone to flash 7:34 pm. It's not usual to just sit around for me cause I am always on tip top shape, but today I just didn't want to move. I gasped, "Oh shit! I forgot!" I started to hurry my way to the closet to find a new set of clothes for the date I was supposed to be in four minutes ago. I slipped in my black jeans and a simple hoodie; I was guessing that we wouldn't go to anywhere formal tonight. I grabbed onto my phone while I skipped downstairs and outside to find Britt sitting down just talking to someone on her phone.

"Oh hey, he's here. I'll see you guys later!" Britt then hung up her phone to pay close attention to my presence. I watched her look at me, it was a little weird since no one had that look on their face while they examined my appereance. Her look was a nasty yet beautiful face that I was really confused about. "That'll do!"

She started walking towards the beach to be heading to a tent area where the popular kids from school stood at. It was filled with a ton of people, really crowded. There was a table filled with finger food and drinks... Probably the drinks that would make people have headaches in the next day or known as alcohol for the matter of fact.

"Hey, I'll go to my friends. Make yourself comfortable." Britt shouted in my ear from all the music that was blasting.

I nodded in a reply and watched her disappear in the huge amount of people who were just dancing crazy. I held my hands up to make sure I didn't touch anyone anywhere that they didn't want to be touched. I made my way to the food section and just admired it. The mini burgers were just calling out to me. Talking about the drinks, I would never touch that. I grabbed a few fries and mini burgers to fatten myself up.

My phone started to vibrate making me know that someone has just sent me a text. My lips started to curve up in a smile when I saw Selena texted me. I swiped the screen to finally view the whole message.

From: Chubby Chub Chubs - Hey Yummy... Where you be at? Let me guess? With the wonderful Britt from the land of Heaven? Oh, what kind of humor do I have? None.

I laughed and put down the plate that was placed in my other hand.

To: Chubby Chub Chubs - I have no friends in this place. HELP ME!

just one summer | dylena [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now