2.11 | How to Hire a Boyfriend

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warning: it's crappy and short lol. thanks. 

❀ Selena ❀ 

"I can't do this! I really can't!" I basically screamed to Sammy and Taylor who were organizing some books. I flopped down the couch and closed my eyes. "How am I gonna find a boyfriend in the matter of a week or so?" 

I heard a laugh from behind me, probably Taylor. "Who can even do that?" 

"There is a lot of guys in LA who are free to date." I looked up at the person, Sammy. 

I shook my head in a disagreement. "Ha, absoutely not. I would prefer to date someone I know which can't happen because I don't know anybody in the west coast area." 

"We could look through some of the guys from high school?" Taylor suggested. 

"The only people I knew in high school were you guys, Tyler, Seana, and well-- avoided Dylan." I summarized the events that went on in my high school life. I had told only Sammy and Taylor about the whole Britt thing when I moved to NYC. They hated me back then because they thought I was in a whole rebellion phase where I hated Dylan for no reason at all. 

Sammy's eyes popped out when she clapped her hands both together. "We should hunt for boys." 

"Or you know what we could do..." Taylor added to what Sammy told. "We could either go around California and look for thousands of boys OR we could online research." 

My eyebrows became furrowed. "What kind of online research?" 

"Dating website research!" Taylor finally said before she started jumping up and down which Sammy tagged along to. 

I looked at them with shock. "No, I refuse. We could just hire a boyfriend." 

"Or you could date Dylan again?" Taylor asked. 

"I am not risking this whole Dylan thing again." 

Sammy through a paper ball at me from the books she was organizing. "No, you might as well date Dylan." 

"I can't do that!" I exclaimed crossing my arms at both of them. 

Both of them copied my actions. "And why not?" 

"Because he can't date someone who he's working for." 

I watched Taylor and Sammy's faces frown. "That is so sad." 

I know it was sad and it became a tough deal when I still have slight feelings for Dylan. Come on, who wouldn't? I never told Taylor or Sammy cause they'll just tease me and make sure that we''ll end up together. I kept on avoiding looking at Dylan because that'll just make me fall into a trap called love and no one would want that right now. 

Dylan and I were all about business right now. Love was not an option. Maybe I could look for other guys that could replace Dylan? Maybe I needed to move on. 

"Selena, I think I have a guy for you." Sammy stated looking at her contacts. "And he is coming right now." I literally could not handle how much surprises Taylor and Sammy were revealing to me in a couple of hours. "Oh wait, he must be here." 

I looked at Sammy who walked outside of the store and off to the parking lot. I looked at the busy street just in the front and wondered who it was? It could be someone from our high school, but I doubt anything would happen. 

Sammy suddenly walzted inside with a tough looking guy who looked like he could play a prince on a type of movie. He could be my type, but I wouldn't really like it. "Selena, meet Gregg. Gregg meet Selena." 

Gregg just stood there awkwardly. "Hello." Oh he has an accent. That was actually the trend now a days. 

"Okay, I'll leave you both to talking and I'll just be at the back." Sammy left him and I to stay there alone. 

I watched Gregg's eyes follow Sammy's presence and he gave a slight frown. "So Sammy said you needed a boyfriend?" 

"Yeah for just a short while." I nodded. 

"You can hire me as your boyfriend then if you can agree to my deal." Gregg stated with a happy smile. 

I waited for a moment to realize if I should get into this whole deal. Maybe I could. Should I risk it? Will Dylan even approve of this whole thing? 

I took a deep breath for answering. "Deal." 

{an: ohmygod, I don't even know what I just wrote.... But everyone's gotta deal with it. You guys are awesomeeeeeeeeeee and I just hated this chapter idk why. BUT WAT IS GREGG'S DEAL THO?}

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