1.13 ↣ Night Adventures.

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[ Hey readers! Please support my newest series Must Be Love based on Selena in Teen Wolf. It's brand new. :) thanks and enjoy ]

❀ Dylan ❀

"What's wrong with your heart, Dylan? Am I not aware of a condition that you have? Why was I late to be informed?" Selena asked angrily.

My heart didn't go faster nor slower, it stopped. It stopped since Selena scared the hell out of me.

"No-- What? Why would you think that?" I questioned her thoughts quickly as to why she thinks that there is something wrong with me.

"Thank God! I didn't want to cry all summer because of someone getting sick. I wouldn't even want you getting sick anyway." She gave a slight frown in front of my face.

"I wouldn't want you getting sick either." I commented.

Selena just looked from a far making me wonder what she was thinking about. Tyler wasn't always right about love. For all we could know, the heart stopping for a second would mean falling in love or even getting scared. I didn't know what love was.

Taylor, Sammy and Tyler were coming their way towards us to finally eat some good food. It was comforting to be around these people I've gotten to know this summer, especially Selena. Enough about love, our focus needed to be on the pizza and the pizza only.

As we chewed on the most delicious pizza, I couldn't help but think about what this whole summer is gonna take us. Seana and Tyler are getting pretty serious. I don't really know who to pick, Selena or Britt. I've had a crush on Britt ever since middle school, but Selena is Selena. She's amazing, but I don't think she's ready for love yet.

Eating the late dinner was rushed since Taylor and Sammy planned on going to the movies while Tyler finally had the courage to talk to Seana again. That left Selena and I alone together... I didn't complain, but I wanted to actually take a chance to see if she's the one. The one who makes my heart skip a beat...?

"Hey... Do you want to do something?" I asked Selena. It was just the two of us walking along the boardwalk. All of our friends seperated in groups who went on night adventures. I wonder where time will take Selena and I.

"I don't really know... I'm really tired from the swimming. I have low energy after I did something really sporty." Selena giggled. Music to my ears!

"I have the perfect spot!" I exclaimed taking her fingers and interwining it with mine. We headed to the parking lot which was filled with some cars. I looked around for Sammy's car which I was shocked that it was still here. "Come on." I hopped on the hood of the car while Selena followed the same.

It was a clear night which made me love just watching the stars, even with Selena.

"Did you finish your summer packets yet?" Selena said out of no where.

I laughed because that was the most random question ever. "No I haven't. Why are you asking?"

"Well, I heard that you and I had the same classes next year. I was just asking!"

There was something wrong about Selena. It seemed as if she was the one who had a problem with her heart. As the minutes passed by of night watching, we just looked up and connected the dots in the sky.

❀ Selena ❀

"Hey, we should get heading back." I mentioned to Dylan. I watched him follow my others like a true friend and headed back into the pent areas.

Dylan stood in front of me close to the girls' pent door. "Goodnight." He pecked my lips quickly. My cheeks crept a slight blush which sent butterflies in my stomach.

"Good night." We both said at the same time.

I went inside to find no one at all. It was really unusual, but I'm guessing they're all sleeping peacefully. I walked quietly upstairs before anyone could see how late I got to my room. I closed the door shut while I examined the room to find no one. Oh true, they're watching a movie!

I started to take off my cardigan, but I heard a really hard knock. I wonder who it was! I went straight towards the door and opened it widely to find the most unexpected person to ever speak to me.

What did I do?

|| This was really short and I am sorry for that. The next chapter I am really planning on making like four pages of it. I'm sorry! Thanks for reading this though :) ||

just one summer | dylena [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now