2.26 ↣ The Truth

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[an: OH. I just came to say hello & I really want to finish this series soon. I hope you like it!]

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"Dylan, I have to tell you something." I sat down on the edge of my bed.

He faced me sitting on his own bed. "Yes?"

"I have to tell you about a few summers ago, why I broke up with you." What was I doing? I just knew that this couldn't go on forever. He waited for my answer. This was his chance to know what actually happened between us. "Dylan, I broke up with you because Britt."

"What do you mean?"

"Britt told me the day before you told me you loved me that I had to break up with you so I wouldn't ruin your baseball scholarship."

Dylan sat still. "You broke up with me because of a stupid scholarship? How could you?"

I walked towards his bed and sat right next to him. "The night before I agreed to be your girlfriend... You talked so much about how you important the scholarship was to you, you were supposed to work with the Mets. You had dreams."

He was still quiet and I took a cue to continue. "I didn't want to ruin that. I would've had dragged you along with me."

"And what? You thought I'd pick you over a stupid scholarship?" He asked me. "A scholarship? Really? Selena, those are dreams, but you were my reality. I would've picked you over a scholarship in a heartbeat."


"Holy crap, you were my everything... I'd liked you ever since we were in middle school. I loved you as much as I hated you. I waited for you until that summer and I couldn't believe that we broke up over a scholarship that wouldn't even benefit me because I stopped playing baseball in college." Dylan explained while I was took this in for the first time.

I would've thought Dylan would come to some senses and actually go through this dreams like any normal person would. "You didn't?"

Dylan shook his head. "No, after you broke my heart in the baseball field. I never dared to go back to a baseball field. Of course I'd play, but if it was just the sight of it with no life then I'd run as far as I could."

I was the result of this? All this pain? I felt drops of tears on the palm of my fingers. I didn't even notice.

"Wow, I thought we broke up because you couldn't love anyone else, but it was actually because of a scholarship that my ex-crush threatened you with. The worst thing of all was the fact that you never told me this until now... You were my everything and now I don't know how to look at you now." My hold on his fingers were out of his reach. "I'm going out."

I wiped my tears away. How stupid was I? I didn't realize that Dylan wanted to sacrifice his dreams just for us. If I didn't give into Britt, then I would've been the one walking down the aisle this week.

When I settled down, I decided it was me who had to take the bait and leave the room. I packed my stuff while I fixed around my area. I wouldn't leave the room, I'd just go to someone I trusted for right now.

I knocked on Bridgit's door which opened right away. "How could I be so dumb?" Bridgit hugged me right away.

"Aw, honey." We both entered her room, since Taylor strictly wanted the soon-to-be married couple out of each other's reach.

"I messed up. I totally ruined everything with Dylan." I flopped right into the bed. I felt her pat my back once at times when I started to rant. "Gosh, I can't show my face anymore. I need to leave."

just one summer | dylena [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now