1.22 ↣ What's Past is Past [Part 2]

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{an: hii beautiful people. I am here today to share another lovely chapter of just one summer. It took me a while because of so many projects and exams. Thank God it's almost the end of the school year which means I can catch up with so many FF and wonderful stories!}

❀ Selena ❀

"Is it about a boy?" Dad asked suspicously.

I smiled a bit. "Eh..."

He laughed. "Eh...? You gotta give me something more than an 'eh...'"

"I mean-- I have this thing about love."

"Ahhh... Are we gonna discuss 'the talk'? All I know is you guys have to use extra protectio--"

I choked and coughed before he could finish his statement. "DAD! Hold up. I'm not even planning on doing that. It's just I'm scared to fall in love."

He looked at me with sadness in his eyes. "Why are you scared of falling in love?"

"I've seen so much people getting hurt by feelings of love and it looks so painful." I explained. "I don't want to go through that."

"Sel, there are more emotions of love that aren't always about sadness. There is always happiness. You get to be with who makes you happy." His face became sincere and curved to a small smile.

I needed more questions to be answered, but it couldn't be formed.

"How do I know if I either want to marry or break up with the person I'm with? What if it ends badly?" I asked him.

Dad chuckled in mono tone way, "That's the reality and meaning of life. We can't answer our own questions unless we actually try it. Live in the moment, Selena."

"What happened to you and momma?"

"All love stories are different and I'm not telling you since it impacts the way you'll see love." Dad reached across the table and squeezed my hand. "All I can tell you is that you should think outside of your own thought bubble, whatever happens... There can always another chance. It's not always one."

I gave a slight nod giving him a sign that I understood the words that he was talking about, which I did. "We need more moments like these, Dad." I mentioned since I haven't seen him for a few months.

"I was really surprised when you called, I was mostly glad." He said before walking over and sitting next to me. "You'll always be my little sunshine." I felt him kiss my head.

We both heard someone cough lightly from behind us. Dad and I turned our heads to see Dylan and Taylor. "Sorry to bother the father daughter bonding, but Miss Teefey is asking for all of us to have a quick snack just to fight all of our grumbles."

Dad hovered over to me to whisper in my ear. "Is he the guy you were talking about?"

My eyes carefully glanced towards over to Dylan's which was just the normal happy bright eyes. I looked back at Dad and nodded.

"Then I should totally have a talk with him." Dad quickly said before standing up and shuffled towards Taylor and Dylan. I should have never called him.

I stood up next to Dylan, just a few inches from him.

Dad faked a cough to clear up the awkward silence that was creeping up on all four of us. "We should be heading then."

Taylor started walking next to me while Dad walked with Dylan. Dad was trying to make a conversation with him since I could see Dylan's body stiffen each second when Dad looked at him.

I giggled at the sight cause who wouldn't like watching a guy getting nervous talking to the father of someone he wants to date.

"Whatttt a failllllll!" I whispered yelled at Taylor before earning a glare from Dylan. I motioned him to turn back to Dad since Dad was asking him a question.

I turned my head to see Taylor smiling at me. "I like you two together."

My cheeks hinted a tint of pink, but the sudden wind that came hid my face with my hair. "Thanks!"

"Did you ask your Dad about him and you?" Taylor asked making me wonder how she knew what was going on. "If you want to know how I know, it's because I'm your best friend." Still kind of creeped out, is she reading my mind? "Oh and I'm not a mind reader okay... I just know you a lot!"

I let out a giggle and nodded to her question, "I mean-- Yeah, I just needed answers from Dad."


I took a deep breath, "About love and what to expect..."

"And he said...?" She nudged me to get the answer out of me.

"To sum it all up, he told me that I should live in the moment and what's past is past."

She wrapped her long arm on my shoulder and gave it a tap. "You won't know unless you try, right?" Taylor gave me one last side hug before she practically pushed me down in the seat between her and Dylan.

I looked around the table and saw the people I wanted to be with in that moment, but my eyes trailed off to meet Justin's eyes. He turned once again to talk to the girl before Dylan's face covered my view of him.

"You okay?" Dylan questioned at my weird gazes and stares.

I nodded and smiled feeling his hand slightly wrapped around my waist. "Yeah, I'm great."

That's when I finally realized is... What's Past is Past.

an: that kind of sucked, but yay I finished another chapter of just one summmmmer!


just one summer | dylena [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now