Chapter 12 Train ride

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Y/n P.O.V

"Come on Peter we are going to miss the train!" I yelled from ahead.

"Alright hold on I'm running as fast as I can!" He yelled.

We are always late for things. We both ran through platforms 9 3/4. Once we got throw I ran to the train and put my  luggage away, along with Peter's.

Yami sat in my lap while Peter and I slumped onto the train floor. We sat there catching our breathes. Our dad had an appointment early today, so we had to get here ourselves.

"Dang that's the most running I have ever done this summer" said Peter.

"Well that shows you need to work out more then" I said giving a small laugh.

"Ha ha very funny Ace. Come on, let's go find a cart."

I nodded and followed my brother. I held Yami in my arms, she was purring till she saw other people and started to growl.

Yeah it's a normal thing. She's actually very protective. She only growls at strangers or people she doesn't trust. She trusts my family and Draco.

Once Peter and I found a cart some of his friends came in and joined us. I got to meet some new people. Then I met my brothers girlfriend. Yippee for me...they were snogging.

They did that for like forever! Every time they pulled apart there was a string of saliva. Gross, and they would stay like that for a minute. They have to breath at some point!

Dear Merlin I couldn't take it anymore. This was just too gross. Her tongue was in his mouth, gross. I don't need this, so I spoke up.

"Hey! There's signal people in this world too, you know! That's disgusting!" I shouted.

They quickly pulled back from each other and people started to laugh a little. I grabbed Yami and went to find another cart to sit at.

I was walking trying to find a empty cart or any of my friends. I couldn't find Harry or Ron anywhere. Where could they-Dear Merlin is that?!

I ran to the window and saw a flying car! Then I saw someone about to fall out of the car. It kind of looked like-Harry! It was Harry and Ron flying in a car.

'What the bloody hell are they doing?' I thought to myself. Then I turned around to see if anyone else saw this too, but when I looked back, it was gone.

'Am I loosing it? No I know what I saw' I kept thinking. Ugh I just need to sit down. I finally found a empty cart and sat down with Yami. I was looking out of the window and started to hum.

Yami was sitting in my lap purring away till she got off my lap and went to the door. I looked towards her and she was doing a cute little 'meow' at the door. She was happy about something.

I looked up to see who was at the door and saw Draco standing there. My face lit up when I saw him. He smiled at me and grabbed Yami.

"Well Yami is in a good mood" said Draco as he sat down right next to me.

"Yeah she is, I guest it's because she saw you" I said. We both smiled at each other.

"So Y/n, why are you sitting all by yourself in here? Are you okay?" He asked in a serious tone.

I looked up at him, shock. "Yeah I'm fine Dray. My brother was pretty much sucking his girlfriends lips off. So I just got up and left."

"Oh okay, I was just making sure."

"It's okay Dray, I'm fine. So why are you in here? Shouldn't you be with your friends?"

"You're more important Kitten. I saw you by yourself and was just worried because I thought somebody was hurting you."

He looked at me with concerned eyes and I gave him a hug. He gave me a light kiss on the head. He's always cared about me. Once we pulled back, Yami laid on both of us so we couldn't move.

Now this cat might not look that smart, but trust me, she is. I was glad because I didn't want Draco to move. It was nice to have him this close to me. I always liked him in my presents. He made me feel safe.

Draco wrapped his arm around me and I started to blush and lean into Draco's chest till someone walked in.

"Oy Malfoy, back away from my sis now will you!" Peter barged in.

Draco sighed and unhooked his arm. Yami got up from Draco's side and went to me. Peter grabs my hand and take me with him. Leaving a confused Draco behind.

Before I left the cart I mouthed the words 'sorry' and left. We walked till we got to where I was before. I tried to get out of my brothers grasp, but I couldn't.

Then we finally we got into the cart and he let me go. "What the bloody hell was that for Peter?" I nearly yelled. Peter and I were alone in the cart.

"Y/n you know I don't trust him. Especially when you two are alone."

"Why? You're always like this Peter."

"I have my reasons Y/n now just leave it alone. I don't want to talk about it."

"No tell me I want to know, you always do this?"

"Y/n I said leave it alone!" He snapped at me.

I stared wide eyed at him. He never yells at me like that, ever. I stayed quiet after that. I sat down with Yami in my lap. Peter looked down at me, his eyes soften.

"Y/n...I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap like that" He walked towards me till Yami hissed at him and he stopped in his tracks.

After that we both stayed in complete silence and away from each other. 'What is it he's not tell me. Does he know something that I don't?' Either way I will find out one way or the other.

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