Chapter 44 Secrets

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Y/n P.O.V

"Ron I have told you a million times what a Mimic is. Merlins Beard it's in the name!" I shouted at Ron. He's still confused what's the difference between a Mimic, a Metamorphmagus, and an Animagus.

"Well what the bloody hell is the difference they still seem the same!" He shouted back as we walked down the stairs.

"For the last time Ron. A Animagus is a person who can train themselves to turn into an animal. Like their soul animal or patronus."

"Okay and...?"

"A Metamorphmagus is someone who is born with this ability to turn into a different human. It's like they are taking polyjuice potion without the actual potion. They can turn into anyone they want. It's rare but is possible. Tonks is a Metamorphmagus."

"Can they turn into an animal? I seen Tonks do it?"

"Well yes, they can only do certain parts though. Like have cat eyes or a dogs snout. They can't go full form."

"What about the hair change color thing?"

"It depends on the mood they are in I guess."

"Alright what about a Mimic then."

"*sighs* It's literally in the name Ron."

"Just explain."

"Ugh a Mimic is someone who can turn into any animal or human. All they have to do is either look, touch, or hear and can MIMIC the thing or person. Hell they might even can do objects I've never tried it though but it could happen. It's very rare, you have to be born with it. You can't develop this ability. It runs through blood lines. Mostly the L/n family is known for it."

"Wait so Mimics and Metamorphmagus are rare?"

"Yeah mostly, the only Mimics out there that I know of is Peter and I. We are like the last ones. Metamorphmagus can come at random or it might be a blood line thing. I really don't know."

"Alright...still a little confused though.."

"UGH!! You know I'm going to go train now." I said taking my swords outside.

"What, are you bloody mad, it's dark out. You should be inside!"

"Ron it's always dark for me, plus I go to bed when I'm tired and I'm not tired. You know I have a different sleeping schedule then the rest of you."

"All alright, just be careful. Hermione and I will be upstairs." And with that we went our separate ways.

I walked outside, feeling the cold air hit my face. I bring out my two swords and start to swing them. Peter said I should practice more on my self defense. I like to use weapons so I use two swords. I practice for a while till I heard something crash from the distance. I felt Emrys tighten on my arm. He told me that it's nobody bad, not harmful. I felt Yami run right pass me.

Once she walked back she brought someone with her. I was in my Mimic form on alert, then I recognized the aura.

"Harry is that you?" I questioned.

"Uh yeah it's me, what are you doing out here?" He asked me.

"What am I doing out here? What are you doing here?! Come on let's go inside." I say hugging him.
"Oh what the hell, your soak. What did you splash around in the pond?"

"More like Dumbledore kicked into the pond."


"Long story I'll tell you later." We laughed as we headed inside. Harry got to spend the night with us till school starts up again. Which is actually not that long. Tomorrow we are going to Diagon Alley. I say goodnight to the trio and grab Yami and went off to bed.

~Next Day at Diagon Alley~

We were walking around getting our supplies like usual. Then we stop by at Fred and George's shop. I got a few stuff there. They gave it to me for free because they love me more. I stayed in the shop for a little bit while the golden trio went off somewhere else. I help the twins with some boxes and mostly just looked around.

After a couple of hours of being with the twins, I left to find Ginny. Once I step out, I heard footsteps running up to me. It was the trio, they come running up to me. They looked like they ran marathon. They all started to talk all at once I couldn't understand them.

"Hey hey, calm down. What's the matter..did you see Krum!" I asked excitedly.

"What? No, Y/n when was the last time you talked to Malfoy?" Asked Harry, breathlessly.

"Uh why, is he okay?" I started to get worried.

"He's fine, well sort of. Y/n he's-" Hermione got cut off.

"He's a death eater, you all saw it."

"Keep your voice down Harry we don't really know that" said Ron.

"What are you guys talking about, your speaking nonsense." I say to them.

"You guys saw it, he's one of them. That bastard is a death eater!" I didn't say anything. I just left, I walked out. I didn't want to hear anymore of that. He wouldn't be one or them..would he?

~Later that day~

I sat in my room. I laid down just thinking about Draco. I know Draco, I know his father is a death eater, but he wouldn't be one. He wouldn't go that far, hell he told me once he wouldn't be one of them. Although his father is abusive and pushes him towards what he wants instead of Draco's desires. Dear Merlin, he is one. No he can't be, I don't believe it. I sat up and held onto my necklace. I then went downstairs to get the Weasleys owl. I walked back up the stairs with it and got a quill and paper. I wrote to Draco telling him to talk to me later in the night.

~later in the night~

I waited for him to talk to me. I held on to my necklace till the snake moved and I heard Draco whisper to me.

"Hey Love, what's wrong?" Asked Draco. I chuckled a little.

"What makes you think that something is wrong?" Whispered playfully.

"Nothing it's just you kind of worried me. You said we needed to talk and usually that sentence doesn't work out."

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. I was actually worried about you. How have you been doing lately?" He stayed silent for a moment then spoke up.

"Good, better now that I'm talking to you."

"Draco please tell me the truth." He was stayed quiet again. I started to get worried. "Draco?" Still no answer.
" it because of us? Are-Do you not want to do this? I-I understand if you-"

"No! Of course not, never Y/n, never. I love you and you know that. It's just been tough at home that's all."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm positive. My father has been pushing me into something that the family has to do and..I just don't want too." I know what's he talking about. He is one of them.

"Draco I want you to know that, no matter what happens. I will always love you." I felt him smile on the other side.

"I love you too, Love." I cleared my throat.

"Well you should get some rest. Goodnight Dray."

"Goodnight Love." Then my snake went back to its place. I laid on my bed and right on time Ginny walk it. She laid in her bed to and said goodnight. I laid there still holding my necklace.

No matter what happens, I don't care if he's one of them. I still love him and I will help him, till the end

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