Y/n P.O.V
"Come on hon, its this way."
"Coming mother. Are you sure it's this way?" asked Scorpius. I turned toward my son.
"One hundred percent, you should trust your mother more, after all I know everything!" He just laugh as he rolled his eyes. He had his cart and his luggage. We walked through platforms 9 3/4. We got here early so he would he get a good spot on the train. I help him load his stuff on the train when someone ran up to me and scared me half to death. I screamed slightly and turned around to see who it was.
"Leonardo Samuel Clambridge! You scared the living peas out of me!" I say to the pain in the ass, Leo.
"Living peas, really?" Leo said laughing. I started hitting him playfully.
"I can't cuss, my son is right here! Merlin's beard you're just like your father. Leo always tried to scare me and teased me. Where is your mother? Where is Dellyla, Dellyla!" She came around the corner laughing a bit.
"Dellyla control your son. He scared me half to death."
"Ha Ha, sorry Y/n." I stood with Dellyla and Leo. Leo is Leo's son. After the war Dellyla took Leo's last name and named their son after him. They are so much alike. As I talk with Dellyla, Leo was talking to Scorpius. I told Leo to watch him. Its his first year and its Leo's last year after all. Then I heard someone coming our way. It was Crystal and Ally. After the war I personally took care of them. They understood what I did back then but it was rough at first. Hell I still never forgive myself for that.
When their parents walk in the door. They already knew what was happening. Back then I already sensed them a mile away when I was in my Mimic form. I told them what was going on. I had to make it seem real. We were being watch after all. Death eaters watch us 24/7. They agreed along with their brother, Max. As long as I agreed to watch over them and protect them with my life. Which I have for nineteen years now.
I signed them up for Hogwarts years ago and now Crystal is a member of the board of the Ministry of Magic. While Ally works at Georges joke shop. They came by to wish Scorpius luck to Hogwarts and gave him advice. Now since Draco and I used to be death eaters and the mark stays with us forever. We wrap it up in a bandage. Scorpius knows but not the whole story. We will tell him when he is older.
As I looked at the clock I saw we still had about twenty minutes until he leaves. I thought in my head 'where the bloody hell is Draco?' Ever since I married him I have notice that I'm not the only one always late. Draco worked at the Ministry but he should be here soon to see his son leave for Hogwarts. I had a couple of days off. I became a Dragonoligist. Even though I didn't have magic I had my way of training them. I still could control them at my command and all. Charlie helped me become one after the war.
As I looked around I saw the one and only golden trio come in with there kids. I walked over to Harry and gave him a hug along with Hermione. It was good to see him again, along with Ginny and the kids. I saw Albus sitting alone and Harry went over to him. He then brought him back and Albus talked to me about the Slytherin house. So I told him the truth. I said that the Slytherin house is awesome and way better than Gryffindor. He laugh at that but told him not to worry about it.
I looked up at the family who was coming through the platform and it was a huge family. It reminded me of the old Weasley family big. And you wouldn't believe who it was.
"Peter, Sophia, its good to see ya! Scorpius come say hi to your cousins!" Peter ended up marring Sophia about two years after the war and they had six kids and two more on the way. She's pregnant again and this time with twins. Four boys and two girls. The eldest son is name Ethan. The eldest daughter is Abigail. The second son is Mason. The third son is Michael. The second daughter is Scarlett. The youngest son is Jacob. Peter always wanted a big family and he got one. I wanted more kids but I can't because of my condition. I can't reproduce really, I was lucky to even have Scorpius. He was born early and was light but he was perfect.
I hug my brother and said hello to my nieces and nephews. I helped Sophia get through all of this chaos. Ethan, Abigail, and Mason are going to Hogwarts. Ethan is a fourth year, Abigail is a second year, and this is Masons first year like Scorpius. Ethan is a Mimic just like his father. Peter trained him and taught him some tricks. Peter became a professor like he wanted and Sophia is a employee at the Ministry. I look around and the whole gang is here. I smile at my family, my whole family.
I then felt a hand on my shoulder. I spun around to finally see Draco. He said sorry, apparently the meeting went on for too long. He said goodbye to Scorpius and wished him luck. The train started to board people. I gave my son one last hug and kissed his head. He pulled away and said not the hair. I laugh a little and kissed all over his face. He pushed me away says stop not in front of people. That I am embarrassing him.
But it's my job. I'm his mother its what we do. Draco and I watched him get on the train and sit by the window looking at us. We waved to him and he waved back. He sat with two twins on the train and I knew who they were. They were Edmund and Amalia. The son and daughter of my good old friend Todd. Its their second year at Hogwarts. He was also sitting next to Emma, Willows daughter. Its her first year. I held onto Draco's arm as we watched the train leave. I smiled at our son. He looked just like his father.
Its a new generation starting at Hogwarts. A new era had begun. As the train went farther and farther away I remembered all the adventures I went on. Starting from first year to the last year. Through the pain and sorrow. To the happiest moments in my life. Now the train was just a speck in the distance. Most of the family's have left but Draco and I, along with Peter, and the golden trio.
We are done with our story, it's your turn to tell yours.

Proud to be a Slytherin (Draco x reader)
FanfictionY/n L/n is a new student at Hogwarts of witchcraft and wizardry. She is housed in the same house as her brother and her deceased mother. She begins the year with her close friend Draco Malfoy, but once good friends becomes a little something more be...