Chapter 29 Fourth Champion

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Y/n P.O.V

After the insist with Pansy, Draco and I have been really distant. The only time he talks to me is when I'm with Harry. So he can take me away from him. The only people I can hang out with is Leo, Dellyla, and Willow. He doesn't even want me around the golden trio. I don't know what his problem is. I really don't, but something is wrong.

I don't know if it's because his father said something to him or what. I try going to him but he will just push me off to the side and say not now. He would give me a kiss once in a while, but it's nothing. It's not special like it use to be. I can't even be around him without him yell or not speak to me.

Yeah he would either yell at me saying I need to do this or this. Or he won't even talk to me at all. He won't even look at me most of the time! It's been a rough couple of weeks. Well that doesn't really matter now. I walk out of class with Hermione.

"Y/n you have to do something about this. He's treating you badly and you shouldn't put up with it" said Hermione.

"Hermione I can't. I just, we'll figure it out alright" I insured her.

"Y/n you have to-"

"What's going on?" Harry and Ron interrupted us. "What's wrong, is everything okay?"

"Yes everything is-"

"Y/n is being treated horrible by Draco."

"Jeez thanks Hermione."

"Well it's the truth."

"Wait what?" When I turned around to see Harry and Ron. Holy shit did they look piss.

"What is he doing to you? Is he abusing you?"

"Did he do anything to you? Did he-"

"Harry, Ron calm down. It''s just completive. We are just going through a rough patch right now."

"Y/n if he's hurting you I will kill him" said Ron.

"Thanks Ron, but to be honest. You wouldn't even hurt a fly."

"I'll do it for you. He shouldn't make you feel this way Y/n. He's suppose to make you feel happy and safe. He's doing the complete opposite."

"I'm going to teach him a lesson. I'll be back" said Harry. I ran to Harry and grab his arm.

"No Harry stop, I shouldn't even be talking to you right now or he will be upset. I'll figure it out alright."

"Wait why can't you not talk to Harry now?" The twins came up to us. Along with my brother.

"Y/n is-" I covered Harry's mouth. With a flick of my wand I snap Ron and Hermione's mouths shut. So they wouldn't say anything. If my brother or the twins found out, they would be seriously sent to Azkaban after what they do to Draco. Knowing them, I know what the punishment is.

"Or I will lose the bet" I said. They all gave me a curious look. My brother raised his eye brow at me.

"What bet?" The twins asked.

"Willow and I made a bet that I wouldn't go to Harry for answers. Because apparently I go to him every single time for an answer on our homework assignment. So I shouldn't be talking to him right now." I said with a chuckle, so it wouldn't be so obvious.

"Well I suggest you run then. 'Cause here comes Willow right now" said my brother as he nodded up ahead.

"Oh well I got to go then. Don't say anything, any of you that I was here." I smiled and left. I gave the golden trio a flick of my wand so they could speak and left. My brother watched me as I left. I made a corner and got out of there. That was way to close. I started to walking away till I heard a big boom sound. I wonder what that was?

Peters P.O.V

"Alright you three, tell me what's really going on" I looked at them.

"Hmm?" They all said, even the twins.

"Are you going deaf Pan, she just said she was about to lose a bet" said the twins.

"Well that's when you guys are wrong. You don't know my sister like I do. She was lying to us."

"What? How do you know?" They asked.

"My sister is a very good liar and quick thinker. But she can't trick me. She can't ever lie to me. She can trick many people, even machines because she keeps calm. But, she can't out lie me. She has this thing, when she lies it shows."

"What do you mean?" Asked Harry.

"If you look closely, every time she lies. She rubs her thumbnail on her index finger when she lies. It's a sign that she's lying everyone has that perk. Like with Ron, he scrunches his nose when he lies."

"I do not!" As he scrunches his nose.

"If only your nose would grow, now that would be hilarious." Said Fred.

"Now.." The golden trio looked up to me. "What is really going on, Potter?"

~after Harry told Peter~

"Alright, see now was that easy? Fred, George lets go" I said with my bangs covering my eyes. Fred and George followed behind.

"Hey Peter you alright?" They said.


I hit the wall making a hole in the wall. I pull my hand out.

"If he hurts my little sister, that's what I'm going to do to him. He better make the right choice or else" I said with no emotion on my face.

~later that night~

Y/n P.O.V

I sat at the Gryffindor table. I sat with the twins. They wanted me to sit with them today. I don't know why, but I didn't question it. I sat in between them. They made me eat my vegetables like I was a child. I hate mushrooms, I can't believe I ate that.

Then Dumbledore got our attention. It was the Goblet of Fire. It was now choosing names. We didn't pay much attention because we were talking about how we should be in it. Then it said for our school. The person who is representing us is...Cedric Diggery.

"A Hufflepuff...we are doomed" I said laughing. They started laughing too. Dumbledore was about to say something, but the goblet wasn't finish. Another name out of the was Harry's? Everything went dead silent. Dumbledore called Harry's name again. Oh no, not Harry.

He finally went up there and walked where the others went. We were all shock and confused. All the staff members all started to argue and yell. We were dismissed back to our dorms. I got up and looked over to my table to see...Draco and Pansy making out. It wasn't just a kiss this was a full make out. I felt my heart start to hurt.
But it's not true. It's just a consequence right?


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