Y/n P.O.V
Well I'm back! It's good to be going back to Hogwarts. I miss all of my friends. I haven't heard from Harry at ALL this summer. He's so going to get it when we go back.
I keep sending him letters, but he never replies. At least I have the other two and Draco. I haven't heard from Willow either, but she never told me her address so I can. Oh well I'll find out soon.
Right now I'm in Diagon Alley getting my school supplies for my second year at Hogwarts. I'm excited for this year.
I've been shopping for a while and I'm starting to get tired. All I want right now is a corn dog and some lemonade, but noooo, those are Muggle snacks, but they are so good.
I'm sitting on bench just taking a break till I see some guys walked past me looking at me. They kept staring at me and I started to feel uncomfortable.
"Hey beautiful, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" He gave me a toothy grin.
"No. But it stung like a bitch when I crawled out from hell though." I smiled at him.
The other guy chuckled. They started to walk closer to me. I got a little scared, but didn't show it. I stood my ground. Then the guy with brown hair put his hand on my shoulder.
"You know, if I could re-arrange the alphabet, I'd put "U" and "I" together."
"But it's already the way I like it "N" and "O"."
"Playing hard to get and a little feisty. I like you, say, how much do you like me?"
"Look at the stars and count them. That's how much I like you." I clutched my teeth together.
"But sweetheart, it's morning?"
"Exactly now get out of my face." I tried to get up but he just pushed me back down. I felt him put his weight on me, but then it was lifted. I looked up to see Draco pinning the guy to the wall who was harassing me.
"I'm pretty sure she said to leave her alone and I'm pretty sure you should, or else." Draco warned.
Draco drop the guy and he ran away along with his friend. He then turned back to me and looked at me with concern.
"Hey love, you alright? He didn't do anything funny now did he?" He asked while kneeling down and having a hand on my cheek.
"Y-Yeah I'm okay. Thanks for being there Draco" I got on my knees and hug him. He hugged me, seeing how shaken up I was. He started to rub little circles in my back.
I never, NEVER, act this way. Yeah sure I'm quiet and shy, but at times like this I fight back. But this time, this time, I don't know what happened. I just froze and didn't do anything about it.
I'm stronger with my friends, but when I'm by myself...I'm weak and vulnerable. Being with Draco or anyone else, I can be who I really can be. Be the real me inside. I just...I can't find my voice.
"Y/n you alright?" Asked Draco.
"Yeah I'm fine, thanks Draco" I gave him a small smile.
"Y/n tell me the truth please. I know you. I can tell which is your fake smile and your real smile. One makes me want to smile with you while the other makes me worried. Now please...tell me."
I lost my smile and looked at him, with tears in the corner of my eyes. "S-Sorry I'm just a little scared now. I know it sounds stupid 'cause it is, but that just freaked me out a little."
"It's okay Kitten, I'm here now. You don't need to be afraid alright." He brought me into a small yet comforting hug. I just felt so safe when I'm around him. I really can be me.
I broke from the hug and looked at him, just blushing a little. Then I punched his arm gently. "Don't ever tell anyone about this okay."
"I won't I promise. Now come on, I'll do my rest of my shopping with you." He said to me. He grabbed my hand and we both went into a book store.
I don't know what's gotten into him. He's been so nice lately. I bet he wants something from me or lost a bet and needs to be nice for a week.
Well either way he's always been this sweet to me. I've also notice that he has changed a lot this summer. I haven't really seen him in person lately because he's been busy on family trips and stuff like that.
The only way we talk is by our snakes (Draco's ring & Y/n necklace). We charmed them so they can be like walkie-talkies. I have only heard his voice and that's it. His voice did get deeper, but damn he's gotten tall.
He's about three inches taller now and he's gotten more handsome...wait what am I thinking. Snap out of it Y/n!
Once we gotten inside we went upstairs because it was so crowed down below. There was a big book signing for Gilderoy Lockhart.
Draco and I just rolled out eyes. We were not big fans of his. We think that he's just a guy who loves being popular. I honestly think he made up those stories in his books. There's just no way that a witch or wizard like him can do that.
Draco and I just started chatting and getting our supplies. Then the door opened and I noticed it to be Hermione and Harry.
"Harry!" I exclaimed.
"Y/n!" Harry and Hermione shouted.
Draco growled but I gave him the look saying 'I'll be right back'.
I ran down the stairs and gave Harry a big hug. Once I pulled back I hit him in the arm.
"What the bloody hell, why haven't you send me a letter?" I nearly shouted.
"Ow sorry, that's a long story that I will have to tell all of you guys later." He said.
I pouted at him. It better be a good reason. Then Hermione dragged us towards curly fry. Then he noticed Harry and brought him in.
He looked half scared to death. Here he is getting a picture with Lockhart and I'm laughing to death seeing his face when he took the picture.
Then after the picture and everything I started to walk back towards Draco, but he totally changed. He was lashing out at Harry, Hermione, and the Weasley's. I was shock to see him like this. I didn't like this side of Draco.
He even called Hermione a Mudblood. His father came by and talked to Mr.Weasley and lets just say things didn't end well. I was going to go with Draco but Mr.Weasley insisted I stay with them.
I could tell Draco was piss and everyone wasn't in the hippie dippy mood. I said my goodbyes and my apologies to them and went on my own way. This is going to be a very interesting year.

Proud to be a Slytherin (Draco x reader)
FanfictionY/n L/n is a new student at Hogwarts of witchcraft and wizardry. She is housed in the same house as her brother and her deceased mother. She begins the year with her close friend Draco Malfoy, but once good friends becomes a little something more be...