Chapter 55 Die for a Friend

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~Weeks Later~

Y/n P.O.V

Its been weeks since that day. I killed three people and I saw the terrified look I left on my brothers face. Draco didn't even talk to me in a while. He finally came around and we were fine again. I miss having Draco around. The thought having Draco with me left a warm filling in my heart. Then I look down at my mark and that sick feeling was back in my stomach. But I knew what I was doing. This is for the greater good.

Then a man walked in my room. He said I was needed downstairs to verified three people. Once I walked down and saw the small group I froze for a brief moment. I immediately recognized them. It was the golden trio, Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I walk closer to them so they can see me more clearly. Harry's face was really disformed, I knew what they were doing. The only reason why I knew who they were because I was in my Mimic form. I could sense their auras.

As I walk closer to them, Hermione whispered Y/n and I looked straight at her. Ron did a double take but still stood still. He looked down not looking into my eyes. Harry was confused, like really confused. The hurt in his eyes made my stomach jump. I took a moment to reframe myself. I then began to smirk.

"Well look what we got here, darlings." I said smoothly. I walked right in front of Harry. "What's wrong with this one?" I laugh a little. "You know if laughter is the best medicine, your face must be curing the world!"

"Miss L/n let's get back to the main reason why I asked you here. Do you know these people, Draco knows the other two but not this one, do you?" Said one of the guys. I stop laughing and looked back at then. I walked to each one and smirked.

"No, I'm afraid not. I would have remembered this face if so." Bellatrix then arrived and she went mental like always. She now has the sword of Gryffindor, which I wouldn't mind having my hands on. She then ordered us to separate the group. Wormtail sent the two boys down while Bellatrix and I talked to Hermione. I stood there watching Bellatrix torture Hermione. She screamed out and it echoed through out the hallway. She looked at me and I just smiled. I even shouted out a spell and then I walked away. Heading to the dungeon where the boys are.

As I walk down I heard them run up and bang on the bars. "Stop this madness, Y/n. Please!" Screeched Ron.  I had the whip and I smacked it towards there direction.

"Enough. I don't need to hear you both whining while the mudblood up here screaming her head off. It gets really annoying you know." I say calmly.

"You Blood traitor! How could you betray us Y/n! You are our friend." screamed Ron.

"You became one of them. How could you Y/n, don't you remember our promise. Remember!" Shouted Harry. I walked closer to them where I was at the bar.

"Keep your voices down." My tone in my voice completely changed.

"Y/n?" They both whispered.

"Yeah. You really think I would actually join them? You Idjits, I would never. I am under cover and trust me it hasn't been easy."

"But the stuff we have heard about you, you-" I cut Ron off

"I know. I have done really, really bad things. I will never forgive myself for it, but it had to happen. In order to save everyone else. For the greater good." They nodded their heads.

"Its true its not her fault. I figured you were still good Y/n." Said a gentle voice.

"Luna? Why-No one told me you were here, oh my." I didn't know she was here. I knew we had the old guy and the goblin but not her.

"Its okay Y/n. Now what can we do?"

"Now stay here I'll-"

"Harry Potter?"

"Dobby?" Said Harry.

"Who? Wait what?" We all stayed there for a moment to get the plan straight. At one point Wormtail came and walk in on us. Dobby took care of it though. I explained the plan once more and then we were ready. I took a moment to prepare myself. I finally walked back up to see Hermione on the ground. Bellatrix was messing with her. I could see clearly on her arm that the word Mudblood was craved into her arm. I stood by Draco and told him to go to the other room. But he didn't listen. He kept shaking his head. 

I wanted to get him out of here before it was too late. It was already too late. Harry and Ron ran in to stop Bellatrix. Ron immediately ran to Hermione. Bellatrix was about to shout a spell at Harry, but I tackled her to the ground. The spell bounded off and hit one of the death eaters. Harry and Ron began to fight the Malfoys. Everything happened all so fast.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Screamed Bellatrix.

"Helping my friends!" I shouted back. I punched her and disarmed her. She managed to grab one of my swords and cut me across the stomach. I screamed and fell back. I was bleeding but not too bad. She then shouted for more death eaters. I got up and turned into Harry. When they came out they couldn't tell which one was which. One tackled me saying he got Harry. I laugh and flip him over. I took on the other death eaters. I shouted spells left and right then everything got quiet. I transformed back into myself. I felt pain rush up me and I fell to the ground. Once I looked back up, Bellatrix had Hermione, wand against her throat.

Then Draco came up behind me and held me against him. "Shhh don't do anything else that you will regret." He said whispering into my ear. For once I obeyed. I stood there watching Hermione about to loose her life. I was about to do something but I heard a squeaking noise. We all looked up to see..Dobby? The chandelier then came crashing down making Bellatrix push Hermione. Draco dragged me away and covering me. Once everything cleared up the golden trio was standing by Dobby along with the goblin. They were about to disappear but Bellatrix through something at them. I ran up and tried to redirect it but it was too late, it went through.

We all stood there and she smacked me across the face. I fell on the floor again. I tried to get up but she shout curses at me. I squirmed on the floor. She opened my cut even more and I was laying in my own blood. Draco shouted my name but his mother held him back. She then spat at me. "How dare you betray the Dark Lord. You will pay and anyone who helped you." I just started to laugh but then began to choke on my own blood. I looked up at her and spit my blood at her.

"Go ahead. I did my job. I would gladly die for a friend. He will never win, they will." I breathed heavily. She shouted another curse. She then brought Draco over. "Well let's have your Romeo end you. With a flick of his wand." My eyes widened. "Then after he kills you, I will torture the shit out of him tell he stops squirming. That is his punishment for falling in love with someone like you, blood traitor. I don't care that he is my nephew. The Dark Lord comes first. Oh Draco~"

Draco shuffled over to me. He looked down at me with hurt in his eyes. I could tell that he couldn't do this. If he doesn't we both will be killed. I looked up at him and smiled. Then I drop it and I spat at him.

"You all can go to hell. I think its cute that he ever did fall in love with me. I certainly don't love him. How could I love someone so dark and cruel. I rather die then be with him. I hate you Malfoy, you piece of shit!" He looked hurt and this really hurt me too. I felt more pain in my heart then in my stomach. I kept repeating I hate you and just do it kill me! He couldn't do it. Tears came down his face along with mine. Bellatrix couldn't take it anymore. She raised her wand and shouted the curses at me. She didn't end it with that one spell she planned to kill me tell I stop squirming. I moved in pain. I screamed tell my voice was completely gone. Then everything became very still. The pain was gone from my body and the last thing I saw before everything turned white was Draco with bewildered eyes. I mouthed the words I love you and that was that. My body was then very cold and I felt numb. All I could hear was shuffling and a faint voice saying Y/n?

In this story I choose to be the villain to protect those that I loved because only I was strong enough.

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