Y/n P.O.V
"Alright Y/n now are you sure you have everything you need?" Asked my father.
"Yes dad I do" I said to him as I got out of the car.
"Alright you be safe and-"
"Tell Harry don't try anything funny or I'll-"
"Peter!" I cut him off. Jeez he's such a idjit. I said goodbye to my father and brother and go up to the door and knock on it. Once I did Harry comes to the door and greets me.
"Hey Y/n, how's it going? Please come in, and don't mind my uncle and my cousin" he said to me as I walk in.
"Cool. Oh hey, I got a lot of things to tell you. I-" I was cut off by Dudley.
"What's she doing here? Is that one of your special friends, is she a witch?!" Yelled Dudley. I glared at him and nodded.
"I have a name you know. It's Y/n, Y/n L/n. Ugh Muggles." I said to him.
"Hey watch your mouth young lady" said a voice coming up from behind Dudley. It was Harry's uncle, Vernon. I bowed in my apologies. I then introduced myself. He just waved me off and told me their rules in the house.
Apparently his sister, which is Harry's other aunt. Aunt Marge, and her name itself doesn't sound pleasant. She's coming to visit. He said I should just keep quiet and no talking about magic or doing so around them. I looked at Harry and he gave me a 'yeah' look.
I shook it off and headed up to Harry's room. They have a spare room but Marge is going to be staying in there. So I have to bonk with Harry. I blushed a bit, but we are only friends, right? He was blushing too. Once we got to his room I asked him what the Muggle customs are like here.
He laughs lightly and sits down on his bed. He told me how things work around here. He asks me if I cook. I nodded my head. Apparently we have to help with the cooking. Then the cleaning and, and, and. Jeez Harry does everything around here.
We hang out up stairs for a bit. We talk about Hogwarts, what we both did this summer, and how old Dumbledore really is. We both were laughing and have a great time, then we heard a doorbell. Harry sighed and started to head downstairs. She was here.
We headed down and we saw her. She sneered at us once she laid her squinty eyes at us. She glared at us till she walked into the living room and hug Dudley to death. I started to laugh because he looked like he was miserable.
Harry bumped my shoulder and was laughing too. Marge looked up at us. Asking why we were laughing. We both at the same time said nothing. Which made us laugh even more.
"Hey are you two...a couple?" She questioned us. Harry and I went red to the face. We quickly split from each other and said no. She raised her eyebrow. Then Harry's aunt Petunia, said go to the kitchen to help get dinner ready.
~after dinner~
I finally sat down. Harry and I haven't eaten yet because we were serving the others. Aunt Bitch kept saying bring me more of this and this. Now give some to my dog. Damn she was annoying. She was stuffing her face with the food in front of her.
I sat at the counter about to take a bite of my food. Then she calls me over to clean up the plate on the floor. I drop my spoon and put a smile on my face to go get the plate. I walked over and got the plate and walked back.
"Is she one of those rotten mutes too? She does look like a little off also, she seems like it" she whispered to Petunia.
I slam the plate on the table and looked straight into her eyes. I was about to fricken flip on her but Harry held me back. She gave me a smirk kind of look and went back to her conversation.
"Harry if she doesn't shut up I will be sent to Azkaban, I will killing her! Can I kill her?" I loudly whispered to him. He stared at me and shook his head.
"No Y/n, just calm down alright" he whispers to me. He grabs another plate to set out there. As he grabs it and walks pass me he whispers to me again.
"Plus not in public or I would let you." He said. I started to laugh a little. I went back down to my seat. Then things started to get worst. Marge started to bad mouth about Harry's parents. I never seen him so mad in my life.
"A drunk too, no doubt" She said.
"That's a lie!" Shouted Harry. I looked a him, shock that he raised his voice.
"What did you say?"
"My dad wasn't a drunk!" Then the glass that she was holding, shattered. My eyes widen and I quickly looked at Harry. He smirked, but then she said for him to come over there and clean it up. I looked at him again and I said to calm down. He shook his head and went to clean up the mess.
"Actually, it has nothing to do with the father. It has to do something with the mother. We say it all the time with dogs. If there is something with the bitch, there is something with the pup."
"Shut up!! Shut up!!!" Shouted Harry. I looked at Harry, startled by his actions. The lights started to flickering and a gush of wind went by. I kept yelling at Harry to calm down. I even went up to him and shook him, but it was too late.
I looked at the dinner table and see, oh my Merlin. Is it me or did Marge get even more bloated? Then she got bigger and bigger. Godammit Harry, he blew up his Aunt. She was big like a balloon. She even started to float away.
I'll admit, it was pretty damn funny. Aw sweet revenge. That should teach her to talk to us like that. Then I realized something, Harry used magic. Shit, I looked at Harry panicking. He quickly grab my arm and ran upstairs.
"Harry what are we going to do? They are going to kill us!" I panicked. He just ignored me and started to pack his things.
"Harry what are you doing?" I asked. He just handed me my bags and his, and we headed back downstairs. I kept calling out his name but he just kept quiet. We were on the stairs when Vernon stop us.
Harry pointed out his wand at his uncle. I took a step back, Harry was being serious and he wasn't messing around. I was honestly scared for a moment. He nudges me and we left the house.
We were walking down a street. I had no idea where we were going and I don't think, neither did Harry. I kept running up to him, he was walking so fast. He was really piss. I kept calling out his name again.
"Harry, Harry, HARRY! Stop please and listen to me!" I stopped right in front of him. I put my hand on his chest. He wasn't angry, he was more like...upset. He looked up to me, once I saw his face I felt so bad.
I automatically dropped my bags and brought him into a hug. He hug me back, holding me tight. I tried to calm him down. I pulled back and looked at him. "Hey, it's going to be okay. We will-" I was cut off.
"Y/n, what's wrong?" He asked me worriedly. I pointed right behind him. I swear I saw something. We then heard something behind us. The swing set started to move, the wind picked up and the lights were flashing again.
"Harry!" I shook Harry and turned him towards the bushes. He turns around and sees the thing too. It was a black dog. No it was a wolf. Harry and I couldn't keep our eyes off of it. We got closer till there was a loud horn and bright light.
Oh shit, I think we died

Proud to be a Slytherin (Draco x reader)
FanfictionY/n L/n is a new student at Hogwarts of witchcraft and wizardry. She is housed in the same house as her brother and her deceased mother. She begins the year with her close friend Draco Malfoy, but once good friends becomes a little something more be...