Chapter 28 First Fight

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Y/n P.O.V

Well how should I put this, Draco and I are having our first fight. Lately I've been hanging out with Harry a lot and not with Draco because he has a high temper and he always ignores me. It's gotten so bad that he yells at me all the time and he stop wearing his ring I gave him years ago. Even Yami hisses at him now. She never did that to him. She trusts him, or so I thought. Hell even Almond pecks at him when I get mail.

I still wear my necklace, but it's not the same. Well here what's happy so far going back to school. Actually one more bad thing. There is no Quidditch this year. I was so piss because I was going to crush the Gryffindor team this year. Either way, Willow is back! It was so good to see her again. At Hogwarts they are putting on the Triwizard Tournament this year.

The two other schools came to Hogwarts this year. The Beauxbatons and the Durmstrang. Since Willow goes to the the Beauxbatons school now I don't get to see her that often. But now she's back for this year. Plus Victor Krum, the Victor Krum is at our school. He's actually at our school, in our hallways, in the bathrooms!

Alright my bad, I'm a Victor Krum fan. I'm just so excited that he's here. He bumped into be earlier and he said sorry. He talked to me! The Victor Krum talked to me. Okay, okay I'm done. Enough with the fan girling.

But I got to hang out with Willow and her new friends. They seem pretty cool. Really girly and fancy, but really nice. It was fun being with Willow again. She changed a lot since I saw her last. She was this really shy girl and now she's her own person and really out going now. The girl who wouldn't talk or even speak to others. Now I can't shut her up.

She's really loud now. I mean like she speaks out now. When people bump into her she would just cringe and walk away. Now, jeez that poor first year. She exploded on him. She now has a temper but will apologizes for it because you have to be a lady at that school. Jeez I wouldn't last a day there.

Well either way at our school, you won't believe it, but we have a new Defends against the dark arts teacher again. We have some guy called Mad-Eye Moody, now either he had his eye problem when he was born or that was just a cruel name to call someone. I like this teacher. He actually gets to the point. Plus he's fun, he had a bug and made it jump to place to place.

Then things got intense. He did the unforgivable curse on the creature, everyone was effected by it. He tried to make Hermione do the killing curse, but she didn't. He killed the bug on the spot. I honestly didn't think that it was bad but everyone started to complain. Yeah, things got real in that class.

Afterwards I headed over to Harry. We were talking about the Triwizard Tournament. We wanted to know who will be in it this year. He thinks it's going to be a Gryffindor and I said it's going to be a Slytherin. We went back and forth on it, laughing and talking.

"You know Y/n, I know this was a while ago but never got to tell you this. You really gave us a scare at the Quidditch World Cup. I thought you were dying" said Harry, serious all of a sudden.

"Harry how many times do I need to tell you that I'm okay. That's it's okay, I'm still alive and that was like three week ago" I said assuring him. I placed his hand on my heart.

"See I'm still alive, it's still beating." He smiled and started to blush. Then I heard Draco call my name.

"Hey Potter get away from my girl!" Shouted Draco. With his gang following behind him.

"What do you want Malfoy?" Yelled Harry.

"Shut up, Potter I don't want you hanging out with my girlfriend do you understand me." Draco said to Harry, getting into his face.

"It's not up to you Malfoy, if Y/n wants to hang out with me she can." Harry then pushed him away and Draco came back.

"Enough you two, Draco lets go" I got in the middle of them and we left. Draco wrapped his arm around me and smirked at Harry. I mouthed the words 'sorry' to him and he nodded. I then left with Draco.

"Draco what the hell was that about? You can't just do that you know" I said to him.

"I don't care, your my girl and you do what I say. So as my girl, I don't want you to be around Potter anymore. I got to go, later" he then kissed me on the cheek and left.

What the hell did he just say to me. He can't just do that to me. What has happened to us? He use to really care about me, now he can care less about me. His gang took me to the great hall. I sat there alone. Draco wasn't there to be here with me. I wasn't really hungry anyways. I managed to get away from Crabbe and Goyle.

I walked to the Gryffindor table and sat with the golden trio and the twins. They always know what to do when I was down. After a while, I started to head back to the common room. I walked out in the hallway down to my right and turned a corner to see...Parkinson kissing Draco.

He looked shock at first and pulled away. Pansy was all over him. I quickly turned back around so they wouldn't see me. I sneak another peek and he was pushing her away a little. I guess he is still loyal to me. It was all just an accident, she made the first move, he still wants me....right?

Draco and I will figure this out...I hope we do...

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