Chapter 60 Epilogue

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Y/n P.O.V

It's been two months since we dropped Scorpius off at the train station. Winter was coming and I was cleaning the house. Draco was at the ministry and I stayed home, I had the day off. I was going through a box and it was filled with some old pictures. I sat on the couch as I looked through them. I saw ones with my father and I. My old home out on the farm. Even one of Draco and I as kids. Man, have I known him for years. Then I pictures of my baby. My only baby, considering my condition. It was the day he was born.

~In 2006~

"Ahhh Draco!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Shhh it's okay love, you're doing great just keep pushing okay" Draco hushed me. He was in the room with me.

"I..I can't, Draco I can' hurts, it hurts too much.." I breathed out. I felt weak, I couldn't do this anymore. Draco held my hand tightly which got my attention.

"I know baby I know, but you have to keep pushing." I took a deep breath and started to push. I screamed and I felt tears go down my face but then I heard it. I heard a faint cry and something began to cry. My eyes widen and I looked at Draco. He was looking into the corner where they took the baby to clean it up. He smiled widely and turned back to me.

"You did it love, you did it. He's here, it's a boy. He's here love, he's here." He kiss my forehead as he held my hand.

"Mr. Malfoy would you like to cut the cord?" I saw Draco blush and nodded. He got up and cut the cord and held the baby. I saw him smile as he looked down at our newborn son. He walked over to me to show our son. I reached out my arms to hold him. He was so beautiful, but very light. He looked just like Draco. He cried for while till he got into Draco arms. He was calm by the time he was in my arms. Draco got up and went outside to tell the others the good news. My brother and Sophia were here. Along with George, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Harry. Even Mr. And Mrs. Weasley. Crystal and Ally watched the little ones at home. Dellyla, Willow, and Todd stayed to watch the kids as well.

I heard the door open and I saw a bunch of heads all look through. Only three people could come in. I had my brother, George, and Hermione. But that didn't last long because everyone else came in once the doctor and the nurses left. They all saw our new born son. George was the godfather and Sophia was the godmother. They asked for the name of the newborn. I looked at Draco and smiled. I turned back to them and we said..

"His name is Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy."

~Back to the present~

I smiled at the memory. I was glad to have my little man. We named him after the tradition on Draco's side of the family. Draco's mother got to see him too. She would come by once in a while but never his father. I flip through more of the pages to see my younger days and then I see ones of our wedding. It was the day Draco and I got married. It was during the winter now that I think about it. About two years before we had Scorpius.

~Day of the wedding~

I was walking back and forth. I was nerves for today. Today was the big day. Today was our wedding day. I was wearing my dress and messing with the promise and engagement ring on my finger. Draco and everybody else was waiting on the other side of this door. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I heard about something that the guy to marry us isn't here he had to bail. Also I couldn't find my brother anywhere. He's suppose to walk me down the aisle. As my breathing began to hitch I heard someone come down the hall.

"Hey Kiddo what's the matter? Don't get yourself all work up. You'll ruin your make up. You look beautiful, darling" said the famous red head, George.

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