Chapter 58 It's Over

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Y/n P.O.V

I was in the hallway fighting off a death eater. When they shouted spells at me I would block it with my swords. They would reflect back at them and hit them. Or I could redirect them. I fought and fought. I was with my brother and Sophia. A death eater was running up to me and I held up my stance but I didn't know how long I could keep doing this.

I was still in pain but I kept fighting. Harry was fighting off the dark lord. The guy got closer and I was about to charge at him but someone blasted him back. I turned around to see Draco. He ran up to me and hug me.

"Dray, what are you doing here. You're suppose to-"

"I'm not leaving you. I made this promise a long time ago and I'm sticking with it. I'm going to protect you Y/n if its the last thing I do" he said to me. I smiled up at him then my eyes widened. I pushed him to the side and had my sword in hand. Fighting off the spell that reflected back to the sender. That sent him flying into the air. I looked back at Draco and grab him by the collar and kiss him.

"You should be more careful, Dray" he just smiled at me and we fought back to back. Since I didn't have my magic anymore Draco became very protective. He took on other death eaters so they don't get me. We fought till everything got quiet. I looked out the window and I saw black ashes in the sky. All the death eaters ran off and it was just us. I looked at Draco and smiled.

"Its over" I breathed out.

"Its over" he said with a faint smile. We won, we actually won after all these damn years. I drop my swords and ran into his arms. I was tired, my arms felt heavy. Draco held me and we slowly walked to the great hall. Once we walk in, everyone sat with their loved ones. Peter was holding Sophia closely. He saw me and slowly got up. I walked towards him and he held me close. He rub his arm up and down my back.

"Father would be proud of you, Ace." He whispered into my ear. I felt a tear go down my face. We pulled back and I wipe it away. He smiled at me and looked at Draco. In all my years I thought I would never see Peter ever care for Draco. But to my surprise, Peter smile at him and nod his head. I think he just now  approved of Draco being with me. I looked at Sophia and hug her. We walked to see everybody else. Draco left to go sit while I saw everyone.

I went to sit by George and mourned with him. He was glad to see me and I was glad to see him. He wrapped his arm around me and we didn't say a word. We didn't need to, we were saying them now. I broke the silence and said sorry. I felt tears,he was crying too. He was shaking saying it wasn't my fault. To be honest I blame myself for not being able to bring him back.

I saw Ginny and she ran over to me and hug me. J could tell that she was still shock and sad. She was about to say something but I hushed her. I knew what she was going to say, she didn't have to say it, I already knew. I held her and said 'Its okay.'

I got up and saw Harry and he smiled at me. I whispered to him 'you did it, about bloody time' He laugh at that. I saw Draco sitting along side a pillar. Once I got over to where he was sitting I laid in his lap. He rested his hand on my shoulder. While the other is holding my hand. I looked up at him, looking into his eyes. His eyes said everything. All the pain, longing, and suffering we went through. But also the happiness, joy, and love we have had.

I then remember all the stuff we went through together since first year at Hogwarts. The laughter and sadness. But we fought through it. He snapped me out of my daze when he started to rub my cheek with his thumb.

"What is it, love?" He asked.

"Nothing. I'm just thinking how long I have been with you."

"Yeah. That's been a long time. I can't even remember a day that you weren't in my life and I wouldn't want that to change."

"I love you Draco."

"I love you too, Y/n."

"That reminds me kitten. I have something for you. Yeah great timing uh? I met to give it to you back at the manor but everything just happened...I thought I would never give this to you. I always kept it, since I broke the last one for your safety I got you a new one." He then reached into his back pocket and handed me a necklace. I looked at the charm and it was a dragon (Picture above). I smiled at the charm.

"Now it's not like the last one where it can communicate or move. Its just a normal charm."

"I don't care its beautiful. Thank you Dray, I love it."  He then took it from my arms and put it on me. I lifted my head so he can clip it on. I laid my head back down on his lap.

I fell asleep in his lap after that. With all the crazy things happening I wonder what the world had in stored for us next. But all I know is that with him by my side, I will be just fine. It will get rough, buy we will get through it, together.

End of the war

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