Chapter 17 Paralyzed

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Y/n P.O.V

I was in the library with Hermione, learning more about the creature in the Chamber of Secrets. Hermione would give me glances and that's it. "Hermione, if we are going to figure this out together you have to talk to me" I say to her.

She rolled her eyes and told me what she found. "I have a feeling what it might be. I think it's a Basilisk" she said to me.

"A Basilisk, like a giant snake. That makes perfect sense. The heir of Slytherin, of course it's snake. But how is it getting around the castle?"

She handed me the book and told me everything. How the snake has been going threw the pipes and that just by looking at it, it can kill you.

I ripped out the page. "What are you doing? That's a library book!" She yelled. I covered her mouth to shut her up.

"Shhh! You don't want anyone to hear you. We need only this page, plus we need to keep this a secret. We have to tell the boys. Here, it says that it will only paralyze you if you see it's reflection. Take my mirror."

I handed her my mirror, it was my grandmothers, it can actually show you wants up ahead and stuff. We got up and started looking for the boys. It was empty in the halls.

Then I started to hear the voices again. I grabbed my head in pain. "Y/n, what's wrong?" Asked Hermione.

"Hermione, i-it's here. Run, don't turn back, don't stop, don't talk to anyone, just keep running. It's after you, now go!" I told her.

"I'm not leaving you!"

"It's fine, it doesn't want me, now go. And don't look at-" I was cut off.

"Hermione, it's here. It's above us. Don't look!"

She looked at the mirror and didn't move. I tried carefully to look around for something to defend ourselves. On the wall I saw two swords. I closed my eyes and told Hermione to run.

I heard her running and I grabbed a sword. I opened my eyes, I looked at the swords reflection, to look around. I then saw something coming after Hermione. I ran after her and swigged my sword.

I heard it hiss in pain. I went charging at me. I hit me and I flew to the wall. I heard Hermione yell my name. I got back up to be face to face with the creature. It's big yellow eyes looked into mine. I was done for.

But, I felt something flow inside me. I felt something change in me and I have no clue what's going on. The Basilisk was even in shock. It started to back down but kept fighting. Then I felt my body go numb.

I tried to move but everything was moving so slow. I went limp and collapsed to the floor. Hermione kept yelling my name. Then everything went dark.

~couple of hours later~

Where am I? Oh Merlin, am I dead? Shit I'm dead. It's dark, I can't move. Then I saw a light. Everything became really bright.

I woke up in a bed. I tried to look around but I couldn't move. I couldn't even move my eyes. I could just barely but not really. I was in the hospital wing. To my right was Hermione.

Oh no, she was paralyzed. Wait am I paralyzed too? I tried to move but I couldn't. But I wasn't so stiff. W-Wait a that my body?! I'm literally looking at my body! What the bloody hell is going on?!

Then someone rushed was Peter. "What happened? What happened to my sister?!" Screamed Peter.

Wow I never seen him like this, ever. "Mr. L/n, please calm down, you'll disturb the other patients" said Professor McGonagall.

Harry and Ron also walked in to see Hermione and I. Peter came and sat next to me. He held my hand. "What happened professor?" He said without taking his eyes off of me.

"This was another attack, Mr. L/n. Now do you guys have any clue what this means? We found it with Miss Granger." She showed them my mirror.

Harry and Ron shook their heads no, but Peter recognized my mirror. They had no clue why we had it, damn I wish I could talk to them!

The professor then said to Peter that I a coma. They don't know why I was or what really happened to me. The strange thing is that, I'm not paralyzed. But Peter had a look on his face like he knew what happened. He truly is hiding something from me.

They were talking for a bit till the professor left. Peter kept looking at me.  I could see that he was really worried. The boys were looking at Hermione. They left a couple minutes after the professor. They better figure this out soon.

Peter never left my side. He began to mumble to himself. I had no idea what he was saying. He was being so quiet. "Y/n, I should have told you soon. I'm so sorry, I should have told you a long time ago. I promise once you are out of here and you are okay, I'll tell you everything, okay?" said Peter.

'What does he mean by that? I'll tell you everything, tell me what?' I thought to myself. He kissed my forehead and left. I went walking around the castle in this weird form. As I was walking, I found Peter...crying? My brother never, NEVER, cries.

He was with Sophia, he was crying in her arms. He was crying about me. He's afraid that I will not wake up. Oh Merlin, now I feel really bad now. The last thing i said to my brother was that I hate him. Sophia was holding my brother, trying to comfort him. Then I heard someone echoing my name.

I looked to my right to find Draco at my bed side holding my hand. I was just by my brother, but now I'm back in the hospital wing with Draco. He was holding my hand and saying how sorry he was. 'Sorry for what?' I thought. He then started to say that he should have been there, saying that he should have saved me.

"I'm so sorry Kitten, but everything is going to be okay. I made a promise to protect, and I failed. This is my fault. I'm sorry, I should have been with you. I don't care what your brother says, he can't stop me. I couldn't keep your promise, but I will promise you that, you will wake up. Just hang in there Kitten" he said sweetly to me.

I started to laugh a little, isn't that a poster quote, hang in there kitten? Either way, I know that I will wake up, I have faith that Harry and Ron will find the creature and kill it. I'll wake up and see you guys again. If not, I am screwed.

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