Chapter 57 Sacrifcium

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Y/n P.O.V

The sun started to come out. Hogwarts, the battlefield, was all in ruins. Draco and I slowly made our way to the hospital wing. As we are walking I saw the bodies on the ground. Our fallen students that died. I felt my chest tighten up. Draco didn't even dare to look down, just forward.

We walked closer to the entry and we heard crying. As we walked through, people were crying over dead bodies and were badly injured. I put my hand over my mouth, trying not to cry. I knew every single one of these people and they were gone. Draco held me close and held me. Then I saw something that I never wanted to see.

"F-Fred..?" I stuttered out. He was laying on the ground and he wasn't breathing. I started to shake and I felt tears fall down my face. I went up to them and they were all there. I started to break down. I looked at George and he wasn't any better. He came up to me and said he's gone with a shaky breath. I repeated over and over again saying what happened. He embraced me as we both cried. Then Ron came in and George went to him. I backed away slowly and Draco tried to steady me. I was shaking.

I turned around to be meant with Tonks and Lupin, both dead on the ground. I tried to quiet my gasp and crying but I couldn't. Draco tried to hush me but it wasn't working. I looked around to find Todd also on the ground with Lisa holding him. I saw tear drops on his lifeless skin, it was Lisa's. I turned to my right to find Dellyla and Leo on the ground also. Someone came and covered their bodies, it was Willow.

She had no emotion on her face. At least she was alive. Then I heard faint sobbing. I turned my head to see my brother crying over a body. I walked a little closer to see Sophia laying in his arms. He held her close to his chest. He was mumbling something to her. I couldn't quiet hear but I did hear was a faint 'I love her please, that's my baby' and I know my brother well, he really did and still does, love her. That's the love of his life right there. I was crying really hard now. Draco held me tight and I felt him tense up. I saw Harry and Hermione. Hermione tried to help with the people who were injured and Harry left.

I buried my chest into Draco. I couldn't believe my eyes. Death was everywhere and it was making me sick. I could handle it when it was people I didn't know, but I grew up with these people and this was just heart retching. I couldn't even remember the last time I talked to the people who fallen. What was the last thing I said to Fred, or even Leo and Dellyla? I took a deep breath. I stop shaking and crying, well not really the tears still came down.

I looked up to Draco and gave him a deep kiss. He was shock at first but kiss me back. I pulled back and looked into his eyes. I whispered 'I love you, and I always will. Never. Never forget that. I'm sorry but I have to do this." He looked at me confused. I kissed him one last time and walked off. I held my wand up and held my hand up as well.

Third P.O.V

Y/n moved her wrist in a circular motion and started to hum a song. Her wand started to glow a light blue along with her body. She was being raised into the air. Draco had one arm hovering over his eyes from the bright light. Peter looked up from the light and saw his little sister. His eyes widen once he knew what she was doing.

"Y/n, what are you doing?! No you can't do this, you'll die!" Screamed Peter. Y/n still kept humming and moving her hands in different directions so the light would go everywhere in the room. Her wand was now above her. The light glow was touching everybody. Peter looked in fear and relief. He looked down at Sophia and saw the light coming back into her skin. He then looked up at his sister. He screamed her name along with Draco.

Y/n gave a faint smile and yelled out a spell. The forbidden spell that no other witch or wizard could do. She raised both her hands and brought them together to carry all the last of her energy. She looked around and gently said 'Sacrifcium' her wand exploded into pieces and a blast went by and her body fell to the ground. Everyone screamed for Y/n when she fell. Luckily Draco ran up in time and caught her. He held Y/n's limp body in his arms.

"Y/n..Y/n, Y/n!" He shouted for her. He shook her a little waiting for her to open her eyes, but she never did.
"She's not breathing!" Tears started to form on Y/n's cheeks, Draco began to cry as he held Y/n in his arms.

Peter screamed for Y/n once she fell. More tears formed in his eyes. Then his attention was brought back to Sophia. He began to shake Sophia lightly.

"" He looked down at her and let his head drop. Then she jolted awake. Sophia looked around in shock and looked at Peter. "P-Peter what happened?" Peter hug Sophia close to his chest and whispered 'You're back,' and she wasn't the only one. People were waking up, they were back. Many people were coming back and those who were already alive were healed. Todd woke up along with Dellyla. But sadly not everyone came back. Leo didn't make it, he was too far gone. Along with Fred, Tonks, and Lupin.

Peter started to look around frantically. "W-Wait not everyone is back...that-that means it didn't completely work.."

"What are you talking about?" Asked Willow as she helped Dellyla.

"There are different outcomes of that spell. If not everyone is back that means..Y/n!"

"Draco check her pulse!" Yelled Molly.

Draco had his forehead against Y/n's. He looked up at them and shook his head, she was gone. He looked back down at Y/n once more and started to mumble under his breath. He had his wand and tried to heal her. He kept chanting it but it wasn't working. After a moment he gave up and sat there in silence. Then out of no where Y/n started to cough. Draco pulled back and helped Y/n. She looked at everyone and said 'So..did it work?' He looked at her and smiled widely and kiss her.

"Don't ever do that again. Don't you leave me" he said to Y/n. She only smiled and brought him close.

"What were you thinking? You could have died..and I wouldn't know what to do if..if" Draco trailed off.

"I'm sorry. But I had too, it's better to have one person die then hundreds. But I still failed didn't I.." Draco shook his head. He pointed at the people who were alive and well. He helped her up and she limp a little but was alright. She saw that Fred and Leo were still gone along with Tonks and Lupin. Peter was relieved that she was okay. He still held onto Sophia but smiled up at Y/n. Y/n was still sad though that she couldn't save everyone. She had Draco help her limp over to Dellyla were she was crying over Leo's body.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry that I could only bring you two back." Willow and Draco looked confused. Dellyla held her stomach and hug Y/n. She pulled back and said It's okay,thank you. Draco held Y/n to help steady her. After everything that just happened, the war is still not over. We all had to repair for the next battle. Draco and Peter thought Y/n should sit this one out but she said she could still fight. Even without her magic she just need two swords. That's the consequence of doing that spell you lose your magic.

Peter was worried at first but nodded his head. Peter told Draco to keep his sister close to him. Then they all saw the army coming closer to the castle. Everyone started to head outside then they saw who was in Hagrids arms..Harry. We all walked outside. Draco still holding Y/n because she was still slightly limping. The Dark Lord went on about other people joining. He looked at Y/n and Draco. Y/n refused but told Draco to go.

He looked at her confused but she kept saying go, he won't kill you if you go. Draco refused and argued for a long time, but finally went. Y/n kept saying go and he left. She saw him leave the battlefield. She had her two swords out and used them to lean on for now. Peter came up behind her but she pushed him away and said protect Sophia. She needed him more than she did. He hesitated at first but nodded and went back to her. Things were about to go down.

This is the last stand. It's now or never

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