natasha romanoff ≫ who are you?

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Today was your first day at S.H.I.E.L.D. You had been training as an agent for the past year and now you were fully qualified. Your parents had been agents and you wanted to follow in their footsteps. They had both died on a mission when you were five years old. They were told it was only a rescue mission and that it wouldn't be dangerous but things took a turn for the worse and they both were shot. Your mother died at the scene and your father later died in hospital. It hadn't really affected you because you were only young but it still upset you.

The S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters was filled with people walking around in suits with briefcases, security was all over the place. You had been told last week that you were to meet Phil Coulson and Maria Hill, two of your many trainers, they had also become two of your closest friends. They were to take you to meet Nick Fury who would decide your level as an agent based on how well you did in training. You were hoping to at least make it as a level 6 agent to start off with, Phil said you were capable of it. Your parents were both level 8, they were some of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s best agents. After their death, you were sent to a foster home where you were fostered many times but always sent back because you were too much to handle. When you turned 16 you lived on the streets, learning to fend for yourself. You taught yourself self defence, you became smart, very smart. You joined S.H.I.E.L.D knowing that it would benefit you. You trained and trained for months until now.

You headed to where you were supposed to be meeting Coulson and Hill. You waited for at least ten minutes, you had arrived earlier than necessary, before they finally showed up.

"Agent (Y/L/N), nice to see you again." Phil said, shaking your hand.

"Oh come on Phil, you can still call me by first name when no one is around." you grinned, pulling him into a quick embrace. You heard him chuckle in your ear. You pulled away after a few seconds, turning to Maria.

"Are you ready to finally meet Director Fury, (Y/N)? I put in a good word for you." she spoke, a smirk playing on her lips.

"As did I." Phil added.

"Come on, follow us, it's time for you to see Nick." You followed the both of them, down long endless hallways. You passed lots of agents which made you excited that that will be you soon.

Eventually, you got to Director Fury's office, it was unexplainable how nervous you were. Maria and Phil would also be sitting in on the meeting, considering they were level 10 and also some of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s most reliable agents.

"He's ready for you." Maria indicated. She held up her hand, gesturing for you to go in through the door first. You pushed the door open to see a man with an black eye patch over his left eye sitting behind a desk, Director Fury. He wore what looked to be a black leather coat, and a black turtle neck.

"Agent (Y/N), nice to finally meet you," He said, sitting up in his tall office chair, placing his hands together in front of him to rest on the desk. "I've heard a lot about you." His eyes flickered behind you to Maria and Phil, a small smirk on his face.

"All good things I hope." You tried to make your voice sound as strong and as confident as possible. You stood tall, your head held high.

"Indeed." he held his hand out, motioning to the seat in front of him. "Please, take a seat so we can get started." You quickly placed yourself in the office chair, setting your bag down at your feet.

The room fell into silence as Fury flicked through your files. You turned to look at Phil who gave you an encouraging smile while Maria gave you a thumbs up.

"Your parent's, (Y/M/N) and (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)"?" Fury asked, his eyes flicking up from the files to meet with your own.

"Yes, I don't remember much of them, they died when I was five." You commented, twiddling your thumbs in your lap.

"Ah I see. They were some of my best agents, everyone at S.H.I.E.L.D. was affected by their deaths." He uttered, his eyes flicking back down to read the papers.

The silence returned and settled over the room for a good five minutes. Your eyes flicked around the room, it was a big room, very little furniture apart from the desk, bookshelf and a filing cabinet.

"Well (Y/N)," Fury spoke, breaking the silence. "After reviewing your file and hearing nothing but good about you from Agent Coulson and Hill, I have made a decision. You will start off as a level 6 agent and if you keep up a good working attitude and do well on missions you are assigned to then you can be promoted further. I do hope you enjoy your time here as an agent." He smiled, shaking your hand.

A grin appeared on your face, relief washing over your body.

"Thank you, Director Fury, thank you so much!" You spoke, turning to leave with Phil and Maria.

When you got into the hallway, you started jumping up and down, clapping your hands together.

"Phil, I'm a level 6 agent, and he said I can be promoted if I work well, I can't believe it!" Phil and Maria stood laughing at your happy state.

"Agent Coulson, Agent Hill." A female voice spoke from behind you. You turned around to find a red haired woman standing in front of you. She wore a black catsuit which projected her amazing curve's. Her eyes flicked over at you, her eyebrow raised.

"Agent Romanoff, good to see you. How've you been?" Phil asked. Her eyes stayed on you, scanning every inch of your body. You blushed under her stare.

"I've been good. Who are you?" She asked, her eyes meeting yours. She walked right up to you, her face inches from yours.

"I'm Agent (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." You uttered. Her hot breath blew over your face. The soft smell of perfume radiated from her. From the corner of your eyes you could see Phil and Maria walking off to talk to someone farther down the hallway.

"I've never seen you before, are you new?" She spoke, her voice was soft. Her eyes flicked down to your lips, but only for the shortest time.

"I just became an agent, act-actually." You stuttered, becoming very nervous. Her hand moved up to push the hair out of your face -and behind your ear.

"Well (Y/N)," she leaned to whisper in your ear, her soft breath on your neck causing you to shiver. "I hope that this won't be the only time I see you."

She pulled away from you, and started walking away. Her hips shook as she walked. You watched as she retreated down the long hallway, until she was no longer in sight.

The woman, Romanoff, never left your mind for the whole night. You really hoped you would see her again soon.

Hello. This one is longer than the others, I'll try and make some more longer one's but they may take a little longer. I will be doing ones for the female avengers characters as well because both boys and girls may read these imagines and some girls may want female ones, who knows, I just think doing both male and female imagines is a good idea.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this one, I'll try update again soon!

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