bucky barnes ≫ mutant

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You gripped one hand to the side of the bridge, the other one gripping even tighter to the large bottle of vodka that was almost empty. Your head was spinning, your thoughts all jumbled up. Tears blurred your vision, your lips trembled. Strangled cries fell from your lips.

You knew this would be the end. You couldn't go on any longer. There was nothing to live for. Your family abandoned you when they found out about you, the same with your so-called "friends".

You didn't really recall how it happened. You just remembered not being able to control it. Your anger, it got the better of you and before you knew it, you were literally throwing objects across the room without even touching them. Some abnormal power just came from your hands. It was strange. Your family chucked you out, your own mother and father abounded their own child. Word spread, obviously your mother had been gossiping and before you knew it, everyone had turned against you.

You had tried to cope but you just couldn't. You tried to hold it together, to try and find a good side of the situation, but there wasn't one. You were alone, with nobody to talk to.

You looked down at the water below you. It was so calm, almost serene. It looked so inviting. The way the moonlight shone off of it made it look so beautiful.

You closed your eyes, fingers trembling. The bottle of alcohol fell from your hands and into the depths of water below. Now, it was your turn.

You slowly began to loosen your grip on the bridge, leaning forward. This was it.

You let go. You prepared for some sort of impact. You prepared for the water to engulf you. You prepared to die. But something stopped you.

You opened your eyes, looking down to find a pair of arms holding onto you, the grip tight. You let out the breath you were holding.

The mysterious person pulled you back, over the railing and onto the empty, concrete road.

"Are you okay?" You looked up at the person who stopped you. It was a man. His  shoulder length hair fell over his face, it was slightly greasy. His eyes were filled with concern as the searched your face for  some sort of emotion.

"I-I'm fine." You slurred, alcohol still slightly holding control over your speech. You pushed the man away. You attempted to pull yourself to your feet, but it only resulted in you falling right back onto your backside.

"With all due respect ma'am, you were just hanging off the side of a bridge. I wouldn't exactly classify that as being fine." The man answered. He was definitely straight to the point. "I know this isn't really my place, but if you don't mind my asking, why exactly were you about to throw yourself to certain death?"

You looked at him, furrowing your brows. "You're right, it isn't your place." You answered dryly. You pulled yourself up from the ground, dusting yourself off casually. "Now if you'd excuse me, I have to leave."

You turned to walk away, but the man was adamant on you staying. He grabbed your upper arm, slightly too hard. You quickly reacted, whipping around. You lifted your hand up and with your 'power', you flung the man across the road.

For a moment, you felt exhilarated, but the next second you stared at your hands in shock, then at the man. "Oh my god, I-I'm a m-monster." You cried.

"You're one of them?" The man asked, looking at you. He pushed himself up off the ground, and headed towards you.

You backed away. "Don't come any closer. I'll end up hurting you and I don't want to do that." You warned him.

The man began pulling off the jacket he was wearing. You looked at him confused. "I said don't come any closer, I didn't ask for a strip tease."

The man then proceeded to pull off his t-shirt. At first you were scared he was going to do something to you. But he wasn't. Your eyes fell to his arm, it was completely metal. The moonlight reflected off of it.

You gasped. The whole way up his arm was metal, it stopped at his shoulder, where there were scars connecting from the skin to the metal.

"You're one of them too?" You asked, slightly relieved almost.

The man shook his head, "No. But I know how you feel. You feel like you don't belong, you feel out of place. I can fix that."

"How exactly can you do that?" You asked, your interest peaked.

"I can take you to a place where there are people just like you. People who aren't normal. People who are superhuman." He answered.

"Where exactly is that?" You questioned.

"The Avengers tower." Your eyes widened at his answer. "There's people that will put your mutation to shame." He chuckled, trying to make light of the situation.

"My name is Bucky." He held out his hand with you. "Please come with me, I can help you. I promise."


So this was short and probably makes no sense cause I didn't proof read it. I literally wrote this in under ten minutes so it won't be the best. The idea sprung to mind and I wrote it before the motivation was gone. I hope you enjoy it. Also did anyone notice the slight reference to Titanic??

Also, not sure if anyone heard the news about Kesha? I seriously cannot believe that someone has the right to decide whether a woman has been raped or not? To ignore her pleads for help because there was "not enough evidence" is disgusting. The fact that Dr Luke is almost getting away with this makes me sick to my stomach. It's horrible. My thoughts are with Kesha. #FreeKesha

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