clint barton ≫ see you around

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You couldn't believe what was happening. New York City was under attack from some sort of alien type creatures. They were killing people, destroying buildings, things were on fire, it was total mayhem.

You tried to get away, find a shop or somewhere that you could hide but it was no use. You found a car turned on it's side, it wasn't much but it would do until the national guard or someone came to rescue the civilians.

You kept your breathing at a steady pace, as to not attract any unwanted visitors. You prayed, you prayed so goddamn hard that you would make it out alive; that you would be okay.

You peeked up over the car, you hadn't heard any gunshots or screaming nearby for a while. When you looked around, you saw a man with a bow and arrow, aiming at the alien's flying above.

"Help!" You shouted, frantically waving your arms in the air. He looked like he was on the right side so it was worth the shot. "Please, help me!"

His eyes wandered, trying to find you and once he did, he waisted no time in heading over to you. He put his bow to the side and placed the arrows behind his back.

"Miss, are you okay?" He shouted over the loud noise of a building being destroyed.

"I'm not hurt but I just want to get out of here. Is there anyone here to rescue us?" You asked the man.

"Well me and my team are in just now trying to defend the city. There should be a rescue team coming in about now." He said, pulling you up and walking with you.

"Your team? Who are you?" You asked, confused at who the man actually was.

"I'm Clint Barton, or Hawkeye, whichever you prefer. I'm apart of the Avengers."

"Oh right. I see."

You and Clint walked for around ten minutes, trying to find that rescue team he was talking about. Every so often he would shoot down one of those aliens that got a little too close for comfort. He would also mumble things into an earpiece that made no sense to you.

You finally found the rescue team, they were helping assist lots of injured people who had been caught up in all of this like you.

"Well, I've got to go save the world now." Clint smirked.

"Huh, have fun I guess?" You shrugged.

"Oh wait, I never got your name?" He asked, jogging back over to you.

"It's (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." You smiled, shaking his hand.

"Well, I'll see you around (Y/N)!" With that he ran off back into the city of destruction.

"Yeah, you too Hawkeye." You shouted after him, watching as he disappeared from your sight.

Sorry this is so short and bad. If you have any requests please send them in, I'd be happy to write them!

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