pietro maximoff ≫ jealousy

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It was no secret to anyone that Pietro Maximoff was an extremely jealous man. He would always intervene in any situation that would involve someone flirting with you. Although a lot of people would see this as being possessive and unhealthy, you didn't. You knew Pietro had his insecurities, you knew his biggest fear was you leaving him for someone better - even though that was something you would never in a million years do.

Although, his jealousy did get a little annoying on the odd occasion. Sometimes you couldn't even talk to a person without feeling Pietro burning holes in your back watching you both. Take now for an example.

You were sparring with Bucky, like normal, only this time Pietro was also there. He claimed to be using the treadmill but everyone else in the room knew he was just checking up on you and Bucky.

"You know one of these days I'm gonna beat you, Barnes!" You taunted as Bucky pinned you down onto the ground for what must have been the billionth time.

"I'd like to see you try." He laughed, letting go of you, offering you a hand to get up. You accepted it, thought you weren't expecting him to pull you up so quickly. You stumbled into him, mumbling sorry repeatedly.

"God, (Y/N), I knew it wouldn't be long before you were trying to get your hands all over me." He joked, winking at you.

"Oh, haha, very funny!" You shoved his shoulder.

Little did you know a certain Sokovian was watching the whole thing happen. To you and Bucky, it was just some harmless banter between good friends but to Pietro it was so much more than that.

"Do you want to come get lunch? I'm starving and Steve's away on a mission so I've got nothing to do." Bucky offered, guzzling down his bottle of water.

"Yeah, su-" before you could answer Bucky, you were grabbed by someone, there was a gigantic swoosh and before you knew it you were in Pietro and your's shared bedroom.

"Pietro? What the hell?" You shouted, stumbling a little, trying to regain you balance. Travelling at speeds like that in such a short amount of time didn't really agree with you.

"I couldn't take it anymore." He whined, throwing his arms up in the air, acting like a child.

"Take what? Me talking to Bucky? Me being around him? Me breathing the same air as him? You know what Pietro I have had enough of this. At first I could deal with it but it's gone too far. I can't even talk to a man without you freaking out and thinking I'm going to leave you. I get your insecurities, you know I get jealous too sometimes but I don't act like a crazy person over it." You shouted. Pietro was silent, but you went on. "I can't take this anymore, if you can't deal with the fact that I have friends who are male then this is over, we're done." You crossed your arms.

"I-" Pietro began but he couldn't get the words out. "I'm sorry, Princess."

You just raised your eyebrow at his futile attempt at an apology. He needed to do a lot more than that.

"I really am, it's just, you're beautiful and one of the most amazing, funny, intelligent women I've ever come across. I love you so much, so much that the thought of not being with you is unbearable. Every time I see you with another man I get all these thoughts, all I can think is that that he's better than me and you will leave me for him. I know it's stupid but I'm just so scared of losing you." He finished. Although he would deny it, you could see the tears in his eyes.

"Oh, Pietro." You sighed, instantly feeling bad. You walked over to him, wrapping your arms around his large frame. "You never have to worry about me leaving you for another man. You're my one and only. I can't imagine life with anyone other than you. Although I stick by my word, you need to really work on this jealousy thing, but I'll help you. I love you." You smiled, holding him closer to you.

"I love you too, (Y/N), so much."


Requested by aethesticavenge
I hope you liked it!

I'm trying to write the requests just now so please bare with me, there are quite a few!

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