bucky barnes ≫ call me bucky

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Today was the day that Bucky Barnes, better known as The Winter Soldier, would be coming into S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury was in the middle of giving everyone a briefing on how the day would go.

"Everyone, I repeat everyone, is to be on their best behaviour. I don't want anyone putting a foot out of line. You keep yourselves to yourselves and go on with your work as if it was any other day. If you are to speak then for the love of god, do not bring up anything that could trigger any sort of panic attack. We all know how bad his PTSD is so we can't be having any of that." Fury looked back down at the paper in his hand, his eyes scanning over it to make sure he had missed nothing out. "That should be everything. Thanks for your time. You're all dismissed."

All of the agents that had gathered in the large conference room began to disperse and returned to what they had previously been doing. You followed suit, ready to go to an interrogation that you were supposed to be leading.

"Agent (Y/L/N)." Fury's voice boomed, halting your movement. You turned to face the fearsome man. His one eye glaring at you as if you had committed a terrible crime. His large figure towered over your own, you yourself were quite tall and well built but you were nothing on Fury. Any other person would be scared by his expression but this was just Fury's normal face so it was nothing out of the ordinary.

"Yes, Director?" You questioned, unsure on why he had kept you behind and for what reason.

"I know this is short notice but I need you to be with Barnes at all times. I can't risk leaving him on his own in such a large and busy place, it's too dangerous." His voice didn't show any sign of care, it was more like he couldn't be bothered doing it himself - which was probably true.

"I'm sorry sir, I would have loved to have done that for you but unfortunately I have an interrogation to handle and I have to be there within the next -" you paused to glance down at the small leather watch around your wrist. "5 minutes." You finished.

"Ah, do not fret about that, (Y/L/N). I took the liberty in finding someone else to do that for you. I know you're the best person for the job. Don't let me down."

Before you could even say another word, Fury had left the room. You stood there for a minute before the realisation that you would have to babysit a brainwashed assassin began to wash over you. Great.


You stood at the reception area of the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters waiting on the man who you had learned was called James. You had freshened up and changed into your catsuit, it was easier to fight in if in the unlikely event that something was to go wrong. There was double the security around the building, probably incase people like HYDRA came to try claim Barnes as their own.

"(Y/N)!" A cheery voice called from the opposite direction to where you were looking. Your eyes scanned the crowd until they stopped on Steve Rogers, one of your closest friends, and another man pushing through the bustling crowds of agents and other important people.

You could only assume that the man Steve was with was James Barnes. You were completely taken aback, you had expected someone completely different to what he looked like. This man was absolutely beautiful. His facial structure was indescribable, like something you see in movies. His body was broad and strongly built, you could only imagine what it was like under that tight t-shirt he was wearing. His almost shoulder length hair was just the cherry on top of the cake, it made him look 10 times more attractive than he already was.

You had so completely lost yourself in this man's beauty that you had forgot to concentrate and ended up banging straight into Steve.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked, his voice laced with concern, his eyes scanned you to make sure you weren't hurt. God he was so dramatic but that's what made him such a good person.

"Yeah I'm fine. Wasn't looking where I was going. Such a clumsy person I am, always tripping and falling. Now I'm rambling sorry." You nervously chuckled realising you had just embarrassed yourself in front of possibly the most beautiful man on this planet.

"Okay well I'm going to go find Nat and Fury so I'll leave you's two together. Be back in an hour tops." With that, Steve had left the both of you standing there in silence. You didn't really know what to say to the man who could be triggered by anything.

"Hi." You squeaked, daring to take a glance up at him. He just sort of looked at you for a second, as if he was shocked you had spoken to him.

"Uh, hi." He replied, his voice deep but also extremely quiet. His eyes kept scanning the room, obviously looking to see if there was anything suspicious.

"You don't have to worry you now. This is one of the most heavily guarded buildings in the world, no one will find you here." You assured him, your hand coming up to give a reassuring pat on the arm. But before your hand even came in contact with his body, he had flinched away and took a few steps back.

"Hey it's okay James, don't be scared of me. You can trust me. I will not hurt you, I'll keep you safe, I promise." You soothed. His body began to become looser, ridding itself of the previous tension. You hesitantly raised your hand again, he stepped into your touch, instantly relaxing.

"Thank you." He spoke, his voice slightly louder this time. You looked up to meet his soft gaze. "And by the way, you can call me Bucky."

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