peter parker ≫ protective

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word count: 779
warnings: none just fluffy and cute

You focused intently, your fingers firmly gripping the gun as you aimed it towards the target. You slowed your breathing, becoming one with the situation.

Just as you were about to pull the trigger, a hand tapped your shoulder. Your reflexes kicked in instantly. You whipped around, dropping the gun. You gripped the person by the neck, pushing them to the ground

"Oh, sorry, Pete!" You blushed, realising that it was just Peter, not someone attacking you.

He looked shocked, probably no expecting you to tackle him to the ground. You jumped off of him, offering him a hand to get up.

"Thanks." He smiled, brushing himself off. "Little bit tense?" He joked.

"Sorry, I was just so focused on training that I didn't hear you coming. I'm such an idiot." You giggled. You nervously swung your arms around, feeling like a giddy child.

"You're not an idiot." He smiled, causing you to blush.

There was an awkward silence between you both, before someone broke it.

"What's going on here?" You both turned to see Clint and Steve. "(Y/N), I thought you were training?" Clint asked.

"I-uh, I was. Peter and I were just talking." You stammered. They were so protective.

"Whatever you say." Steve smirked, heading towards the punch bags.

"I should probably get back to this." You gestured to the gun, picking it up from the spot where you had dropped it.

"Yeah, sure, of course. Do you mind if I watch? I'm still learning about all this." He gestured to multiple different training apparatuses and firing ranges.

"Yeah, sure, whatever." You smiled, nervous to have Peter watching you.

You set up the simulator, setting it at the level and difficulty you wanted. You clicked start.

The robotic female voice sounded through the speaker. "Simulation beginning in 3, 2, 1."

You began aiming and firing at the fake dummies, hitting every spot on target. Once you had ran out of bullets, you chucked the gun away and grabbed your throwing knives from your belt.

You flung the knives at the dummies heads, your aim was perfect as you didn't miss a single target.

"Simulation over." The robotic voice announced.

You breathed heavily, sweat dripping down your face.

"Wow." Peter clapped, making you jump. You had forgotten he was there, you were so caught up in the moment. "That was amazing."

"Thanks." You blushed, instantly switching from your badass persona. "It was really nothing." You tried to brush off his compliment.

"No, like seriously, (Y/N). That was literally amazing. I could never do that. You're so badass. It's hot." Your head shot up to look at Peter as he spoke the last words.

"I'm wha-what?" You stuttered, thinking you hadn't heard him correctly."

"I-I said that it was hot. Just ignore me." He chuckled nervously. He awkwardly twiddled his thumbs.

"I c-"

"Watch what you're saying there, Pete." Clint warned, raising the heavy weights above his head like it was nothing.

You blushed as you realise Clint and Steve had heard, meaning they would tell the others, meaning Peter was going to get a hard time from them all.

"Yes, Sir." Peter squeaked, shrinking away. "Bye, (Y/N)." He spoke before running out the room.

"God, you're all so overprotective, it's embarrassing!" You groaned, chucking your sweaty towel at Clint, causing him to drop the weights.

"Hey, Pete, wait up!" You called, running from the room to catch up with him.

He turned around, sighing with relief to see that it was just you.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go out and grab a bite to eat?" You asked, a small surge of confidence running through you.

"Yeah! Of course!" Peter grinned.

"Great! Let me just go get changed and grab my things?" You asked. He nodded, the grin still spread across his face.

Peter watched as you ran to grab your things. As soon as you were out of sight he jumped up, fist pumping the air.

"Who's the man? You the man!" He grinned. He continued to celebrate as he turned around, although he quickly stopped at the sight before him.

Steve, Thor, Bucky and Clint were towering over him, arms crossed.

"Uh, h-hi..." He stuttered.

"You better treat her right. She deserves the best." Steve threatened.

"Yes, Sir." Peter nodded.

"Don't break her heart." Clint ordered.

"Yes, Sir." He nodded once again.

"And if I find out that you did-" Bucky began.

"I'll crush you, with my bare hands." Thor finished.

"Uh-huh." Peter gulped, slowly backing away.

"Peter, you coming?" You reappeared.

"Uh-huh." He replied, running toward you.

"Have fun, you guys." Steve smiled.


im back! and with THREE imagines! who would have thought lol

I hope you guys enjoy them!

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