steve rogers ≫ sokovia accords

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word count: 501
requested by: avengerdiaries 
pairing: steve x reader
warnings: nothing lol

"We can't keep going on like this." Tony finally shouted, the room falling silent at his outburst. "Yeah, I get it, we are fighting to protect the world from Alien's and HYDRA but in the midst of all of this there are innocent people dying because of it. Look at New York! Yeah, we saved the world but we also ended up letting lots of people die in the process. Look at Sokovia, again we saved the world, but at what cost? This has to stop."

"Tony if it hadn't been for us that day in New York who would have saved the people? If it hadn't have been for you diverting that bomb there would have been no New York!" Steve exclaimed, fighting back in protest.

"I know that, Steve! But it's gone too far, if we sign the Sokovia Accords we can prevent so many deaths! Think about it!" Tony begged.

The rest of the room was silent as the two men bickered back and forth. It was obvious to see the split in the room, you knew who had already made up their minds on whether they would sign or not.

"Steve, Tony is right." Steve looked at you in horror, his own girlfriend had gone against him.

"What? (Y/N), are you serious?" Steve asked, pain in his voice.

"Steve we can't keep letting innocent people die. What's the point in us saving the world if we're gonna lose thousands of innocent civilians in the process! It's not fair. Steve, I'm sorry, but I'm doing what's right." You whispered the last part.

With your head low you headed over beside Tony and Rhodey. Tony smiled warmly at you, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.

"I can't believe you're doing this, (Y/N)." Steve spoke, disappointment evident in his tone of voice.

"Steve, you can't dictate what your girlfriend does, buddy. That's not how it works." Tony fired at him.

You raised your hand in front of Tony, motioning for him to stop. "Steve, I'm not doing this because I think you're wrong. I understand what you're trying to fight for, I understand what you believe in but I just don't agree with the way you're going about this. We can fix everything if you just signed the accords!" You begged him, hoping he would agree.

A few moments later, Steve's phone beeped as a notification came through. He looked down into it, his face automatically dropping. "I have to go."

"Steve, wa-" you began to speak but he cut you off.

"Just leave it." He muttered, storming out the room, slamming the door behind him.

You felt the tears form in your eye, your hand came up to wipe away the tears that had managed to escape.

"It's okay, (Y/N). He's just in a bad place right now." Natasha spoke, pulling you into a hug. The team watched on as she tried to console your crying form. They knew Steve would not change his mind.


eh, hi lol

sorry I haven't updated in over a month, I'm not really sure why I haven't I just haven't really been motivated to write. I really also apologise for how shitty this imagine was...

ive also not been very up for writing after the recent tragedies in the world. im sure everyone knows about the recent killings of alton sterling and philando castile. im honestly just so upset about their deaths. alton was shot dead for selling cd's outside a shop, he did not resist arrest yet he was still shot and killed. this has to end, it is disgusting.

i see a lot of people hashtagging "all lives matter" , and it really pisses me off. so you're going to say all lives matter but then when black people are killed daily by the police you're gonna keep quiet and not speak up on the injustice happening? you know what, all lives will matter when black lives matter. the black lives matter movement does not mean no other lives matter, it's just focusing on the severe in justice that black people have to face in our society.

to alton sterling, philando castile and the countless other black people who have been killed at the hands of the people who's only job was to protect them - REST IN POWER. 


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