steve rogers ≫ aunties + uncles

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requested by: fergue1234
word count: 1103
warnings: mentions of giving birth if that's a bit weird for you but not too much description. fluff.

"You're doing great, (Y/N)." The midwife encouraged, standing at the bottom of your bed between your parted legs. "I'm gonna need one final big push, you can do it, Honey."

"Steve, I don't think I can do this." You cried out in pain, gripping his hand so tight that your nails were drawing blood, though he took no notice.

"You're doing so well, sweetheart. Just one final push and it'll be over, we'll get to meet our beautiful baby." He soothed, brushing your hair behind you ears that had stuck to your face with sweat.

You nodded, your breathing quick and heavy as you mentally and physically prepared yourself for the final push. You nodded to the doctor, signalling to her that you were ready to push once again.

"Okay, on 3, (Y/N). 1...2..." there was a short pause before she spoke again. "...3, push!" She ordered.

With all of the power you could muster, you squeezed. The pain was unbearable but you knew that in the end that it would be all worth it.

"Keep going, Honey! Just a little bit more." She called up at you.

Just as you felt as though you were going to give up, an infant cry erupted, causing everyone in the room to go silent.

You sighed heavily, dropping your head down onto the soaked pillow. You were completely exhausted. You glanced up at Steve who was intently watching the doctors and their every move.

A nurse handed the midwife a blanket, a few moments later she was handing you your baby. "It's a girl."

There was no way that you could describe the emotions that ran through your veins right now. The midwife gently placed her into your arms, a wave of completely happiness washing over your entire body.

"Hi." You whispered, looking down at the precious bundle of joy in your arms. You booped her tiny button nose with your finger, which was gigantic in comparison to her own minute ones. "I'm your Mummy." You grinned.

She looked up at you, confused at what this gigantic person holding her was doing. She was so pure, so innocent. So curious to who you were.

A small gurgle escaped her lips as she reached her small fingers up to your own. She wrapped them around your thumb, grasping them softly.

"Hello to you too, little one." You giggled, a tear escaping your eyes. Never in your life had you felt like this, it was nothing like you had ever expected it to be.

"Do you want to see Daddy now, eh?" You cooed, gently brushing your fingers across her cheek, feeling her soft baby skin.

Steve reached his large arms out towards her gently taking her from you. She was minuscule in comparison to him, it was like seeing an elephant holding a mouse.

Your heart swelled at the sight of them both. He held her close, his eyes taking in every single one of her features. You noticed as the tears began to fall from his eyes.

"Hello there, precious." He welcomed, his voice cracking from crying. "You are the most beautiful little girl I've ever laid my eyes on." He grinned.

Her wide blue eyes watched him speak, to her he was just uttering complete gibberish.

"I don't mean to interrupt," the midwife spoke up. "but have either of you thought of a name for her yet?" She asked.

You turned to Steve, who was already looking back at you. The small baby in his arms tried to reach for thin ropes on his jumper.

"Are we still going with the one we decided on?" He asked. You thought about it for a moment and nodded.

"Yes." You replied. You turned to look back up at the midwife. "Her name is Prairie Rogers." You smiled.

"What a beautiful name." She complimented, writing it down onto a clipboard. "Now there are some people waiting outside, it is up to you if you'd like them to come in."

You instantly knew who the people she referred to were. "Of course, send them in. Thank you." You smiled.

The midwife left the room, leaving Steve, Prairie and you sitting in silence.

"I can't believe she's actually here." Steve marvelled, looking down at his daughter who gurgled happily in his arms.

"She is the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my eyes on." You breathed in awe, watching as she curiously looked around the strange big room.

"She is." He agreed. "You did so amazing, I am so proud of you. I love you so so so much, (Y/N)." He spoke softly, not wanting to disturb Prairie.

"I love you too, Stevie. But this wasn't just me, I couldn't have done it all without you, you're amazing." You smiled, grasping his hand and intertwining your fingers.

Your ears picked up on a loud rumble at the end of the hallway, before you could even consider what it was, the door burst open. The entire team entered the room holding flowers and bears and balloons.

"Was it a boy or a girl?" Nat cried out, nervously waiting for your answer.

"A girl." Instantly she began to jump up and down, excitedly clapping her hands. There were a few groans, before a few of them began to exchange money.

"You bet on our babies gender?" You laughed, shaking your head.

"Oh my god, she is so precious." Nat whispered, quietly stepping over to where Steve sat with Prairie.

"Have you decided on a name for her?" Pepper cooed, booping her nose. You nodded.

"Prairie Rogers." You told them. There were a few 'aww's' around the group of people.

"She's so tiny." Thor spoke, surprisingly quietly compared to his usual volume.

"Yeah, buddy, you're also the height of the Eiffel Tower so that'll probably contribute to the size difference." Tony joked, patting a confused Thor on his bicep.

"So are we all Aunties and Uncles now?" Clint asked hopefully, holding a brown stuffed bear in his hands.

"Of course. You're all family." You grinned. Your words were followed by a few whoops and cheers before Steve shushed everyone. Prairie had fallen asleep in his large arms.

Everyone quietly admired her, taking their time to hold her before she was returned to your arms.

You couldn't have asked for a better moment. Surrounded by the people who you loved most, and welcomed by a new face who you would love, cherish and protect until your dying breath.

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