t'challa ≫ its a date

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word count: 869
requested by: madlymaximoff
pairing: t'challa x reader
warnings: nothing

Tensions were running high, you could feel it all around you. People were keeping to themselves mostly. There was no more constant laughter circling the halls of the base. The lack of many beloved presences was noticeable.

You sighed, exhaustedly flopping onto the rather large corner sofa. You brought your hands up to rub the sleep from your tired eyes.

The day had been long. Endless hours of meetings to talk strategy and all the other things that came along with a war, if that's what you could call it.

You hadn't wanted it to go this way. You had hoped that Steve would willingly comply, but with his current situation, deep down you knew he wouldn't. He had only just been reunited with his long lost pal Bucky, and you knew that he would do everything he could to prevent having to let him go again.

"Are you okay?" You lifted your hands from your eyes, looking up to see T'Challa standing over you, a concerned look on his face.

You blushed, sitting up into a more ladylike position. "Yeah, just tired. It's been a long day." You nodded, emphasising the on the word long.

"A very long day." He agreed, taking a seat beside you. Your legs brushed against one another, causing your face to flush.

There was no denying that T'Challa was an extremely attractive man. You had taken a great interest in him after meeting him, but you knew better than to get your hopes up. He was a King after all.

Will you be heading back to Wakanda soon? With everything that has happened I thought you would need to reassure your citizens that everything was alright." You questioned, turning to look at him.

You hoped he wouldn't be. You knew that he had things to take care of but you had become accustomed to his presence around the base. You knew it was sort of selfish.

"Unfortunately, yes." You sighed sadly, though you didn't let your emotions show. "My people need me." He admitted.

He spoke up again. "I am regretful to be leaving. There is something holding me back from leaving, or, should I say someone."

"Oh." You breathed. You kept your composure but on the inside you felt slightly disappointed. "A girl?" You questioned, hoping your assumption would be wrong.

"Indeed." You turned away defeated. "She is something else completely. If only she could see how amazing she truly was."

"Well I hope she does soon enough. I'm happy for you." You lied. You stood up from your spot on the couch, not wanting to hear anymore of what he had to say about this girl.


"Thank you for your assurance with our current predicament, Your Majesty." Tony shook T'Challa's hand.

You all stood on the runway beside his private jet. The wind blew your hair in every direction. You constantly had to pull it away as it stuck to your lipgloss, not your most attractive moment.

"It was my pleasure. I shall see you all very soon." He bid his farewells, walking past you all. He stopped briefly in front of you.

"Goodbye, Miss (Y/N). It has been a pleasure to get to know you." He smiled, grasping your hand and placing a soft kiss on the back of it. You blushed deeply.

"You too." You smiled sadly, pulling your hand to your chest.

He headed towards his plane, a few men following behind him. The rest of the team headed back indoors, getting back to all the important work that you had been sort of avoiding. You stayed, though, watching T'Challa leave.

He stopped walking, and turned to look at you. You waved goodbye, though you were confused when he began walking back toward you.

"Forget something?" You joked.

When he reached where you were standing, he gently grasped your face with his large hands and kissed you. You stood unresponsive for a few moments, completely taken aback, but soon you kissed back.

He pulled you closer to him, snaking one of his hands around your waist. You were in complete bliss, the wind still violently blew your hair but you no longer cared how idiotic you looked.

Eventually you both pulled away, breathlessly. You opened your eyes to look up at him, he was already glancing down at you.

"What was that for?" You grinned, though, you were not complaining.

"You are extremely oblivious, (Y/N)." He laughed. You frowned for a moment, before you quickly came to realisation.

"I don't mean to toot my own horn but when you spoke about that girl yesterday, were you talking about me?" You questioned, as you quickly began to take notice of all of his flirting that you hadn't previously acknowledged.

"Yes." He laughed. "Sadly, I still have to leave but when I return, I would like to invite you to dinner." He admitted.

"Duh, of course." You answered, as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Then it's a date." He confirmed, pulling you in for another kiss before he had to leave.


a different airport scene than the one everyone else is familiar with lmao

can I just say that I am on a roll. this is my third imagine in three days, I really am keeping to my promise

this is the first time I've written for t'challa so I'm sorry if it's really bad. im also not completely up to speed with his character so sorry if this is horribly inaccurate

also Chadwick Boseman is so damn FINE amirite or amirite ladies

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