tony stark ≫ competely, utterly, hopelessly

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word count: 652
requested by: lotrfan901
pairing: tony x reader

"Hang on (Y/N), not much longer now." The distant sound of Tony's voice rang throughout your ears. The room around you was fuzzy and your eyes couldn't seem to make anything out. Your body slowly slipped in and out of consciousness due to the amount of blood you were losing.

You had been crushed my a piece of debris during a "war between team cap and team iron man" as Peter liked to refer to it. After hearing what had happened through his earpiece, Tony had immediately came to your rescue, rushing you to the Avengers base. If you could even call it that anymore, half of the Avengers team weren't even accounted for anymore, choosing to side against Tony.

"(Y/N), don't you dare close your eyes." Tony's voice was so far away now that it was almost like he was shouting at you from the other end of an extremely long hallway. Eventually your body finally gave up and you let the blood loss win, everything being consumed in darkness.


Tony sat by your bedside, his hand tightly grasping your own, scared that if he let go of you, you would simply disappear.

He had been sitting her now for a few hours, waiting to see if you would make it. Doctors had performed surgery on you to stop the bleeding but they reminded Tony that it may not work and you might not make it.

Tony's eyes finally fell upon your face, a place where he hadn't dared to look yet, afraid to see you in such a state. Your left eye was black and blue, your lips burst and a large cut had taken residence along your cheek. Despite that, Tony still thought you were the most beautiful women he'd ever laid his eyes upon.

Tony and you had been friends for years and years, completely inseparable. But for the past year or so Tony had began to develop feelings for you, though he never made them know, scared of rejection. Little did Tony know, you reciprocated those feelings.

Tony's body sat up, alert as you began to stir. "Tony?" Your voice croaked, hoarse from your screaming.

"(Y/N), thank god." Tony sighed, happy to see you conscious. He leaned forward, his face inches from your own.

"What happened? You asked, completely oblivious as to why you were stuck in a hospital bed.

"A large piece of debris crushed you at the airport. You lost a lot of blood, they had to perform surgery on you to stop it, they thought you weren't gonna make it but I knew you would, I knew you wouldn't leave me." Tony grinned, tears slipping out of his eyes and gently trailing down his cheeks.

"You know I'd never leave you." You laughed but stopped, finding it too painful.

"(Y/N)), I have to tell you something." Tony spoke, breaking the silence between you, you looked at him expectantly, wanting him to go on. "After what happened today, I realised that life is too precious and I couldn't live with myself if I hadn't told you this."

There was a silence before Tony spoke, "I'm in love with you. Completely, utterly, hopelessly in love with you. I have been for years. You're my best friend, my partner in crime. When you're happy, I'm happy and when you're upset, I make it my mission to find out who made you feel that way. Today I realised I couldn't live without you." Tony finished rambling.

You stared him lovingly, well as lovingly as you could with a bruised, swollen, and cut face. "Tony I love you too." You replied simply. The words that fell of your lips were like music to Tony's ears.

"That's great or otherwise that would have been so extremely awkward and I wouldn't have been able to do this." Tony leaned forward, pressing his lips gently to your own.


sorry that this was a little different to the actual request but I changed it a little

also im extremely sorry for literally never updating. ive just been really ugh lately, if that's how to describe it. i haven't really been having the best time and life hasn't been really going my way so i just took a break from everything and just kind of didn't leave my room or do anything for about a month or so - great way to spend my summer holidays lol

ive been really stressed and upset about school starting again and im crying all the time, I'm just soooo I don't even know how to describe it

also exam results are in less than a week!!! omg so excited !!!2!2!1!1!!

sense my sarcasm I actually want to go dig a hole and bury myself ,,, ugh
anyways I hope you're all okay if anyone ever needs anyone to talk to I'm always here.
& I also can't really promise that updates will be regular but I'll try, I'm really sorry for people that have given me requests, I'm not ignoring you, it will be done at some point

anyways sorry you all had to listen to my pointless rant lmao

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