bucky barnes ≫ protective

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word count: 1,019
requested by: fuckingsebastianstan
pairing: bucky barnes x fatima
warnings: some swear words but honestly the dick head had it coming sooo

Growing up, you always knew you looked different to the other girls in your classes at school. You knew inside you were different, due to your 'special abilities' but that wasn't the only reason you felt unlike every other girl your age. Your mum always told you that was what made you beautiful and you always believed her.

As you got older, though, you began to see the colour of your skin more negatively. Trying to buy yourself things like make-up, just so you could keep up with the trends in high school, was the most difficult task because no brands would cater to the colour and tone of your skin. You always felt that the only way you could be seen as beautiful was if your skin was lighter, like the models you saw on the catwalk or the actress you saw in the latest blockbuster.

Nowadays your insecurities had lessened, they were still there but hidden by a powerful front of confidence. When you joined the Avengers, you felt as if nothing could knock you off your pedestal. You felt like you were finally apart of something special. They treated you as an equal, they respected you, and didn't tease you for your scarf or for the colour of your skin, like others did to you throughout your childhood, and it felt good.

"So, I was thinking that we should try a new technique in our training session tomorrow, try and bend our abilities a little bit?" Wanda suggested as you both left the gym room. You were both covered in sweat from your workout.

You nodded in response, to busy gulping the cool, refreshing water from your water bottle. You were suddenly shoved violently across the hallway, a hand tugging at your scarf.

"What th-"

"Are you seriously wearing that thing? It's like a million degrees in here. Just take it off." You frowned as Dan, he worked in the armoury in the base, gestured to your headscarf.

"I don't wear it for the fun of it and I don't have to explain to you why I wear it, sorry I'm not adhering to your Eurocentric beauty standards. Dick." You fired back at him, instantly shutting him down.

He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, clearly he didn't expect you to reply with such fire.

He slowly backed away from you, rushing down the hallway to catch up with whoever he was with.

"Are you okay?" Wanda asked, instantly pulling you in for a hug. You nodded slightly.

"What was all that about?" You whipped your head round quickly, your eyes softening as they landed on Bucky. He was clad in some shorts and a workout vest. His long hair was pulled back into a pony tail. He may be covered in sweat but to you he was as dreamy as ever.

"Oh, that? It was nothing!" You brushed off, not wanting him to have to fight your battles for you. You loved Bucky, really you did, but you didn't need any man to fight your battles for you. You could do that yourself.

"I'll leave you two to it." Wanda smirked, wandering down the hallway, leaving you and Bucky standing there together.

"Was he bothering you?" Bucky questioned, his glare hardening as he practically murdered Dan, who was at the end of the hallway, with his eyes. He was always extremely protective.

"He was, he was saying something about my headscarf, but I put him in his place. Don't worry about it, I can handle myself." You placed your hand on his chest, stopping him from doing something that would get him in trouble.

"Don't listen to him. You're beautiful just as you are, Fatima." Bucky smiled, his eyes softening as the made contact with your own.

"Uh-Thank you." You gulped nervously. You were completely in love with Bucky and this situation was just making that love become even stronger.

You were both silent as you continued to stare into one another's eyes. It was like something out a romance movie, or so you thought.

"What's going on here?" You both pulled away from each other as quickly as possible, turning to find Steve staring at you both, curiosity written on his expression.

"Steve? Oh-ah-Nothing! Absolutely nothing!" You quickly replied, your answer not sounding very believable.

Steve nodded, although you knew he was u convinced by your answer. He turned to Bucky, "I came looking for you after you disappeared from the gym."

"I was just uh-um, I was just coming to get a drink and I bumped into Fatima." He answered, trying to convince Steve with his answer.

"Well, whatever. I'm heading back to finish off with my workout if you actually wanna join this time." Steve joked, walking back into the training room.

Bucky turned back to you, "About that be-"

Before he could finish you quickly pressed a kiss to his lips. You weren't thinking about your actions, you were caught up in the moment and knew that you had to make your move before Bucky found someone.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." You apologised. You didn't regret what you did but you were afraid of the embarrassment of rejection.

"Don't apologise." Bucky leaned down to kiss you again, confirming to you that he felt the same way as you. You melted in his touch, you wanted to leap with joy that this was finally happening.

You both pulled away after a few seconds, both searching for words.

"Holy shit." You finally spoke.

"Agreed." Bucky laughed, his bright smile that you loved so dearly finally making its grand appearance. You never imagined that this would be how today would go but you weren't complaining.

"I really like you and I'd really like to take you out on a date, if that's okay with you?" Bucky asked.

"Of course it is, you goof. Now get back to your training session before Steve begins to fall apart without your presence." You joked, watching him as he waltzed down the hallway with a smile on his face.

yo yo yo, it's ya girl

so like I'm sick of every imagine I ever see or read constantly being written in the mindset of a goddamn white woman so if any beautiful people who feel like they can't even find themselves represented in fanfic because of their skin colour wanna request something then go right ahead! wanna make sure that my book can cater to everyone, not just white people

and if u are a white person offended by this then please for the love of god stop reading my goddamn book

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