sam wilson ≫ secrets safe with me

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Word Count: 451
Requested by: HawkeyeArcher
Note: sorry it took so long for me to get posted and sorry it's really short, idk if this is what you had in mind??

Life had some pretty good perks being Phil Coulson's daughter. You got to hang about with The Avengers on the base and were trained by Natasha to become an agent, just like your dad.

You flicked through the pages of your favourite book, you had already read it a million times but you would never get bored of it. Your eyes filled with tears as you got the part where your favourite character died.

"No." You mumbled into the neck of your oversized jumper. "Why do you have to die."

You closed your eyes tightly as a few tears slipped out. "This is my 13th time reading this book and I still can't get over you dying." You brought your arm up to wipe your tears. "God I'm such an idiot."

"Ma'am? Are you okay?" You jumped up off the sofa at the sound of a mans voice from behind you.

You came face to face with none other than Sam Wilson, better known as Falcon. You had only ever seen him in pictures, news reports and had only ever been told about him through other agents and your dad.

"Wha-oh-uh-yeah." You blushed heavily as you stumbled over your words. You felt so stupid getting caught crying in front of him.

"I wouldn't call crying okay." He chuckled. "What's up?" You were slightly shocked that you'd spoke to the man for the first time 10 seconds ago and he actually seemed to care to ask you if you were okay.

"It's just, uh, my book I'm reading. It's my favourite book. I've read it loads of times but like I just can't get over my favourite character dying. It's stupid really. What person my age cries over a fictional character?" You laughed nervously, realising you were talking too much.

Sam chuckled to himself, crossing his toned arms over his chest. "Well I ain't judging. I cry over movies sometimes, though no one knows that." He winked discreetly to you.

You laughed loudly, "your secrets safe with me." You promised jokingly.

Sam began to speak but he stopped quickly. He seemed to be contemplating what to say.

"You wanna go get some coffee at the canteen?" He gestured vaguely in the direction of the canteen. "Or whatever you drink."

"Uh-sure! Let me just go put this in my room and then we can head down." You agreed. Sam nodded.

You squeezed past him and jogged slightly to your room. When you got there you jumped up and down, squealing like some teenager. You finally had a date - if you could call it that. With falcon. Sam Wilson. The actual avenger. To say you were excited was an understatement.


Idk if I was really happy with this, hope you guys like it

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