Car Crash (Part 2)

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Valkyrie moaned and coughed. Her head was hurting and she could feel something warm running down her face. Where was she? What was going on? What smelt like something was burning? Then it all came back to her.

Car chase, she had to drive, Sanguine and Dusk, something hitting the Bentley, rolling, smoke, tires squealing, everything going black. And....


Valkyrie immediately came alive then, and started looking around frantically for her partner. She didn't have to look long, he was right beside her in the passenger seat, looking at her.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

Valkyrie tried to move around, and cried out as pain shot through her body. She didn't know what was broken, but it was something bad.

"Obviously not, by the sound of that," he said, leaning over and undoing her seatbelt.

She breathed out and winced. Everything hurt. And she had a major headache that was forming behind her eyes. Great, that was exactly what she needed.

"Did we crash?" She whispered. Skulduggery nodded and Valkyrie groaned.

"I told you not to let me drive."

"I should've listened."

"Oh man! I've totalled the Bentley!"

"Don't worry about the Bentley, we need to get out of here."

"Yeah okay, just, can I sleep for a minute?"

"Valkyrie... That doesn't sound good."

"Please?" She yawned. "Everything aches and my head hurts."

"Where's your phone?" He sounded urgent now, he was worrying.

"In my back pocket," she replied, leaning her head back against the seat and closing her eyes.

"Keep your eyes open!" Skulduggery barked. Valkyrie moaned, but opened her eyes. "Get your phone out."

She managed to painfully get her arm around to pull out her phone. She looked at the screen. It was smashed.

"Damn!" Skulduggery cursed, smashing his fist against the dashboard. "Can you turn it on?"

Valkyrie tried, and the screen remained black. She sighed, dropping the useless piece of technology onto the floor.

"What are we going to do?" She asked, the pounding in her head growing worse. Skulduggery looked at her for a moment, before climbing through the broken window.

"What are you doing?" Valkyrie asked, her voice barely a whisper, and her eyes drooping. Skulduggery didn't answer, he just walked around the front of the Bentley and tried opening the driver's side door. It wouldn't budge. Valkyrie heard him kick it in anger.

It was getting hard to concentrate now. It was getting harder to stay awake. Valkyrie's fingers lightly touched her face where she felt something running down her cheeks. When she looked at what it was, she gasped. It was bright red blood, and it was pumping from her forehead. She was losing it, and fast.

This couldn't be happening. This wasn't how things were meant to go. Stuff like this never went on. But today was different, today they had nothing. The Bentley was down in a ditch, broken, smashed up, totalled. Sanguine and Dusk had gotten away with the Sceptre. Valkyrie's phone was smashed and there was no way to contact anyone. Unless....

"Skulduggery," Valkyrie managed to whisper. She saw him look at her. "Do you have your phone?" She asked. To her absolute horror, he shook his head.

They were completely alone. No one knew where the hell they were, and no one was coming to help them. They'd failed. And now, Valkyrie was failing to stay awake. She was so tired that she hardly even noticed when the door next to her was blown off its hinges. She vaguely felt herself being lifted carefully out of the Bentley, and she groaned in pain. She let herself snuggle into the arms of Skulduggery, as he sat with her head in his arms, cradling her. That's when Valkyrie heard voices. Familiar voices, that made her shiver. Voices that she did not want to hear at that point in time. Sanguine's Texas drawl, and Dusk's deep voice.

"Oh hell," she heard Skulduggery mutter.

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