Fallen Star

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Okay guys so this one shot is starring (haha pun with the title lol, fuck I need to stop)

This one shot is starring,
Bella Pleasant (me)
Karma Snow (Valkyrie _Cain22 )
Kalani Nightfire (bambibookworm2001 )
Blizzard Fernell (skullduggeryvalkyrie )
Ruby Bly (ColonelCustard )
Aibhlinn Firinne (Baespoke )

Love you guys! Enjoy! XD

Karma tried her best to sneak through the corridors. She could faintly make out Bella up ahead, and that was who she needed to get to. She was trying not to make too much noise for fear that they would hear her. She didn't even want to whisper-yell to Bella. The blonde haired sorcerer finally decided to sprint towards her friend. Bella spun on her heel with wide eyes at the noise and Karma skidded to a halt, putting a finger to her lips to silence Bella. The girl with black hair nodded in understanding.

"Where are the others?" Karma whispered.

"I don't know," Bella answered. I'm trying to find them."

Without making too much noise, the two girls rounded the corner, and they had to stop themselves from gasping. They quickly doubled back, hoping that Dusk hadn't seen them.

"Shit," Bella cursed. "We can't go through this way."

"We have to find the others," Karma argued.

"Then let's split up."

"What?!" Karma whisper-yelled.

"I'll take on Dusk, you go back the way we came."

"You can't take on Dusk alone! He'll kill you!"

"Not if I have anything to say about it."


"Just go! Trust me Karma! Find the other girls!"

Karma looked around desperately for anything else, trying to come up with any other plan that would be better. But she had nothing. Her mind was a blank.

"Go!" Bella said, revealing herself to Dusk. That's when Karma sprinted back the other way, feeling awful about leaving her best friend to fight by herself, but she trusted Bella, and she just had to find the others.

Now, where had she last seen Kalani and the rest of the girls? That's right, when they'd been cornered by the other vampires that lurked in the warehouse. If they weren't dead, then they would be around here somewhere. Karma retraced the steps from when her and Bella had run away from the fight, and came across...


Karma started to hyperventilate. No, please no, she thought. She peeked around the corner of the hall and stopped, before breathing a sigh of relief. Kalani Nightfire, Ruby Bly, Blizzard Fernell and Aibhlinn Firinne were all standing around a group of dead vampires. Thank god, they were alive.

"Guys!" Karma hissed, making all their heads turn at the sound. Kalani's eyes widened, and she launched herself at Karma, hugging her. Kalani was Bella and Karma's best and oldest friend. She was pretty, with reddish brown hair and gorgeous brown eyes.

"You're okay!" Kalani whispered, then she pulled away. "Where's Bella?"

Karma looked at the ground.

"Karma?" Ruby asked, approaching her. Ruby Bly was the newest member of their group. Tall, blonde with bright blue eyes that sparkled when she laughed. But no one was laughing now.

"She... told me to go," Karma whispered.

"Karma," Blizzard Fernell said, her tone serious. "Where is she?"

"She's fighting Dusk."

Eyes widened, there were gasps.

"She's fighting Dusk?" Aibhlinn Firinne exclaimed. "By herself?"
Aibhlinn was the daughter of Ghastly Bespoke and Tanith Low. She was also known as the tailor's daughter.

Karma nodded reluctantly. "Yes," she sighed.

Kalani looked like she was about to throw up. "We have to help her!" She exclaimed. "Lead us to her!"

Karma nodded and turned, sprinting down the corridor back the way she had come. She turned to corner where she'd last seen Bella at high speed, all her friends trailing behind. That's when she stopped, and stared in shock. Her hand went to her mouth and she dropped to her knees, tears streaming down her face.

Bella Pleasant was lying in the hall, as white as a freshly bleached sheet. She wasn't moving at all. She was....


Karma heard gagging behind her and she knew that it was Kalani. Ruby staggered against the wall and Aibhlinn just stood there, her mouth open and her eyes darting from side to side, not believing what she was seeing. Blizzard was crying, but all Karma could do, was scream. Her best friend was dead. The only person in the entire world who understood her was dead.

The other girls couldn't process it. Their leader was gone. Their leader was dead.

Karma crawled along the ground towards the dead girl, using her fingernails to pull herself along, while she still sobbed and tears blurred her vision. No, this couldn't be happening. Not her baby Bella. Not her best friend.

When she finally managed to get to the black haired girl, her fingers were covered in blood from where her nails had been torn off from pulling herself along the ground. It stung, but she didn't care. She didn't care about anything at the moment. All she cared about, was Bella. Her poor friend.

Karma screamed, not caring about the other vampires in the warehouse. They could come and kill her for all she cared. But she knew, that the other girls had killed the rest of them, so now there were none left. There was nothing left in Karma's life without Bella.

She lifted her friend's head gently from the ground and placed it in her lap. She ran her fingers through Bella's pitch black hair, tear drops falling onto the dead girl's cheeks.

Dusk had long gone. Too bad, Karma would've liked to have gotten her revenge. She would in time, there was nothing nobody could do to stop that. It was inevitable.

Bella's body was so cold, and fragile, so unlike the fighter she had been. She was ghostly white, and had no blood left in her. Dusk had sucked her dry. Son of a bitch. He would pay, if it was the last thing Karma ever accomplished. Avenging her best friend.

The rest of the group watched through teary eyes as Anton Shudder's little step sister broke down over the body of her precious Isabella.

Okay guys, so I actually made myself cry while writing this. Pathetic aren't I ;)

Hope you enjoyed that and tell me what you think in the comments!

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