Her Last Words... (Songfic)

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So this is another Songfic guys! ☺️
This song means a lot to me so I decided I should write a fanfic on it. Please! If anyone has suicidal thoughts or needs someone to talk to, I'm always here 😊

And I'll understand. I'm going through the exact same shit right now.

Anyway... Enjoy my lovelies! 😊

This is set after the events of TDOTL

*possible trigger warning*

Valkyrie Cain smiled. Of course it wasn't real, it was forced. She'd been faking a smile for months now, and nobody had seemed to care.

Skulduggery had noticed that something was wrong, but she had said that she was 'just tired.'

Of course he believed it, he'd believe anything she told him.

This had been going on for a while now, and it was starting to take its toll on her. She'd been happy and cheerful for a short while, until her demons came back to play again. Today, she was at the Sanctuary, and Saracen was being a complete goof.

She forced a laugh.


She blinked back the tears that were threatening to spill over, and wiped her eyes discreetly. She couldn't let anyone know. Keeping it all inside was the best thing to do, that way she wouldn't have to explain it to anyone.


After another half hour at the Sanctuary, Skulduggery and Valkyrie were back in the Bentley, driving to Gordon's estate. Valkyrie pulled her sleeves down lower over her wrists, hiding the terrible scars that were there. Skulduggery had seen them, but he hadn't said anything. He probably thought they were from a fight or something.

She didn't say much during the drive, just glanced out the window, lost in her thoughts.


She shook her head and fought back the tears. Save those for bedtime, she thought. Valkyrie knew she was depressed, but she couldn't bring herself to admit it. But she carried on, she fought like a soldier. Because that's who she was, Valkyrie Cain, world breaker!


When they pulled up outside Gordon's house, Valkyrie gave Skulduggery a fake smile, and got out of the Bentley.

"Bye Skulduggery," she said. What he didn't know, was that she really meant bye.

"Bye Valkyrie, have a good night," he replied, tilting his head as she closed the door. He watched her walk to the front door, her back turned to him. She went inside and then she heard the Bentley driving off. Tears streamed down her face and she brushed them away angrily.


Enough was enough, she thought. She couldn't take it anymore. After months of trying to make things right, she was losing her battle. She slumped against the wall and slid down it. She knew exactly what she had to do next. Just stand on the chair, and tie the rope around her neck.

Seemed easy enough.

She ran to the room she now called her own and grabbed a pen. She ripped a piece of paper out of her diary and sat down on her bed. Her hands were shaking as she started to write....


Valkyrie stood up on the chair, and looked out the window at the full moon. It shine bright, filling her room with light. But the darkness had already consumed her.


Just don't think, she thought. It'll all be over soon.

She continued to look out the window, but couldn't stop the horrible thoughts that pierced her mind.

Fat. Stupid. Bitch. Slut. Whore. Nobody wants you. Freak. Idiot...


The chair fell down, as she took her final breath. Then it was over, and Valkyrie was greeting death.


The next morning Skulduggery was in the Bentley, driving towards Gordon's house. He found it confusing that they still called it Gordon's when it was now Valkyrie's. He shrugged and the Bentley pulled up on the road.

Instantly, he felt that something wasn't right.

He climbed out of the car and looked at the house suspiciously, before walking to the front door. He knocked three times.

"Valkyrie?" He called. No answer. "Val?"

He pushed open the door, which was unlocked. That was strange, Valkyrie always locked her front door.

The house was empty. No sounds, no sign of life anywhere.

"Valkyrie where are you?" He called again. Still no answer. He jogged up the stairs to her room, and knocked on the door.

"Val are you in there?"

Something felt very wrong now, and he didn't like it one bit.

"Valkyrie I'm coming in! If you're naked I swear...."

He didn't get to finish as the door swung open and he saw Valkyrie Cain hanging from a rope. He fell to his knees, and nothing could take back the sight that he just saw.

His partner, best friend and combat accessory was just hanging there. Her face was so pale, and her body so violently bare.

Skulduggery saw the note that was on her dresser. He stood up and unfolded it. And he could do was stare.

How can this be fair? He thought.

I'm so sorry Skulduggery. But this world is just not my place.

I've tried for so long to fix this and fit in, but I've come to realise that this whole world is full of sin.

There's nothing for me here, I'm just a waste of space, I've got no reason to stay here with this awful race.

It's a disgrace, I was misplaced.
Born in the wrong time and in the wrong place.

It's okay though, because you'll see me soon.
You'll know when you're time has come, just look at the moon.

As it shines bright, throughout the night,
And remember that everyone's facing their own fight.

But I can't deal with pain anymore.
I'm not a fighter.

So let the world know, that I died in vain,
Because the world around me is the one to blame.

And I know in a year you'll forget I'm gone,
Because I'm not really something to be dwelled on.

My presence on this earth is not needed any longer,
And if anything, I hope this makes you stronger.

You're the best friend, that I ever had.
Such a shame I had to make you so very sad. 

But just remember that you meant everything to me,
And to my heart you're the only one that held the key.

Now it's time to go, I'm running out of space to write.
Yes I lost my fight, but please just hold on tight.

I'm watching over you, from the clouds above.
And sending down the purest and whitest dove.

To watch over you, and be my helpful eye.
So this is it world....


Wow, that made me really sad. Remember if anyone needs to talk... I'm always here 😘😘

I take no credit for this song. It is called
'Her Last Words' by Courtney Parker.

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