Sweet Talk

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This one shot is dedicated to Rosalyn-Rage who asked to have Caelan in the next story. Here you go!

Valkyrie Cain looked over at the cool blue waters. She was standing on the Haggard pier, letting the wind blow through her dark hair. She sighed.

Lately she hadn't seen much of anyone, Skulduggery included, and the loneliness was starting to get to her...

"Hello my sweet agony."

Valkyrie groaned and reluctantly turned. She would much rather have been lonely than have to deal with this moron...

"Not you again."

Caelan smiled lightly as he strolled up to her. Valkyrie rolled her eyes.

"What do you want?"

"To ask you something."

"Caelan, if it's about me being yours, forget it."

"But we are perfect for each other!"


"You're my sun when it's raining."


"My stars when it's dark."


"My angel..."

"You can stop right there. I am not an angel, and I've had enough of your sweet talk Caelan. I'm over it. Seriously I'm so close to burning off your miserable hide its not even funny..."

"But I love you."

"No you don't. You only think you do."

"That's not true..."

"I think you'll find that it is..."

Much to Valkyrie's annoyance, Caelan dropped to his knees in front of her.

"Marry me."


"Please say yes."


"Why?" He whined, and it sounded like a child. Valkyrie rolled her eyes again.

"Because you're creepy."

Caelan stood, obviously hurt by her words. "After everything I've done for you..."

"I'm making you piss off."

Caelan hung his head and didn't look back up. Valkyrie felt a twinge of guilt, but she didn't let it pierce through. She started heading towards the Oompa Loompa. She had to get away from here, away from Caelan.

She was surprised however, when he shook his head and grunted.

"What's your problem?" She asked.

"Your car is hideous. How did I fall in love with someone who's car looks like a tangerine?"

Valkyrie raised an eyebrow as Caelan hurried away and disappeared from sight.

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